Compatibility of the dragon and monkey - the union, full of love. Dragon Monkey Compatibility in the Chinese Horoscope, the ideal practicality of Cancer Dragon and Gemini Monkey

According to the horoscope compatibility, a pair of a monkey man and a dragon woman can rightfully be considered one of the best in the whole Eastern horoscope. Activities, active, initiative, restless and bright, they will always be able to find a common language, even if there will be different opinions.

In this partnership, both spouses use their best qualities for spiritual growth, creating family happiness. The practical and cunning man-monkey, and the volitional woman dragon, forming a couple, together produce a common worldview. They have ambition and ambitiousness and know how to harmoniously direct their talents, both to create a strong family and to achieve the peaks of a career, financial well-being. Their compatibility is based on the ability to tune in each other and adequately implement himself in love and marriage, while remaining himself. Especially important qualities in both partners - the ability to listen to each other, respect his opinion and help in particularly difficult situations, forgetting.

Love compatibility

A monkey man and a dragon woman is one of the most harmonious combinations. They warm and understand each other and will be happy, even with the difference of views. They know how to listen to each other's advice, be objective, and when it is necessary - gentle and passionate. They contribute to the spiritual growth of each other and learn many important things. The leader in this pair is likely to be a favorite woman dragon, and a man will be ideological inspirer and intellectual support. They get tremendous satisfaction from this union, because this is the lifetime that each of them dreamed of. The secret of their compatibility in unique energy, which causes attitudes to the balance. Of course, in each pair there are difficult times, but they are good together and they cope with all adversities with a fishing line.

The man born in the year of the monkey can be easily determined by his incredible charisma. He makes a positive and fun into any society, charges everyone around the rapid energy, perfectly adapts to any situation and knows how to keep a conversation on any topic. It is so active that it seems never getting tired. A man adores jokes, draws, fun. He loves life and knows how to enjoy it. With women knows how to be gallant and charming, and in art there are few, few people can compare with it. It is not surprising that the monkey's man always surrounds the fans, and its novels are numerous, but are short. He is an incredible manipulation master, which, easily conquers female hearts. The man is easily falling in love and with no less ease can break out his partner. To maintain fire in his heart, a woman needs to be the most. The monkey's man constantly builds some cunning plans and schemes, most of which are aimed at receiving profits. He is very smart and smart, however, so that it does not bother, it is necessary that the novelty element is constantly attended.

Woman dragon can captivate a monkey man from the first meeting. Such bright, stylish and charming, she immediately attracts his attention. The power of her charm is extraordinary, and she never lacks fans. It has a non-standard look at life and is a bright and strong special, taking a central place in the very thick of events. It is always on top and as if soaring over the surrounding. The woman of this sign, a successful careerist and never agrees with the role of a regular housewife, although at the same time she loves his house, knows how to make it beautiful, stylish and comfortable. Her energy is enough for everything. The love is very demanding and selective. The nature has a wonderful sense of humor, and in her arsenal there are always many jokes, stories and jokes. Woman dragon is a lucky life, and therefore very often becomes an object of envy and intrigue. And the credibility and sincerity prevents it from seeing bad thoughts and actions of other people. But it does not prevent her from achieving the desired, both in the career growth and his personal life. True, his beloved woman has one little secret. It needs permanent emotional support. Without the attention of others, it will not be able to fully show the power inherent in it and all their outstanding abilities. Without family support, friends and devotees, this woman quickly confuses all its energy and enthusiasm.

Sexual attraction between the horoscopic dragon and the monkey remains throughout life.

The novel of Men-Monkey and Woman Dragon begins quickly, bright and passionately. Twer rushing in feelings, as in the pool with head. Initially, their relationship is similar to a funny, frivolous novel, because it is simply impossible to seriously perceive a monkey man. It appears windy, frivolous and irresponsible. However, soon the Dragon's insightful woman understands that this man deserves more than just an interesting companion to make fun of vacation. Their love is built on trust. They can frankly consult and take care of each other. Each in this pair receives what is looking for: Woman Dragon - adoration and reverence, and a monkey man is a patronage and a reliable friend. The force inherent in the dragon woman and its influence helps him to implement all his cunning plans and schemes. Her energy allows a monkey's man to be off the way to his goal. And he, in turn, helps his beloved woman, thoroughly think about their actions before rhanging into the implementation of the next dubious project, and also adequately evaluate its forces. The wisdom of a monkey's man, not once keeps a pulp of a dragon from careless steps, which will help them in both the family and in affairs.

For a dragon woman, life with a monkey will be saturated with surprises - it is distinguished by liveliness and unpredictability, and in the ability to turn gray everyday life in a bright holiday he has no equal. Woman dragon, for which the gray routine is not tolerated, will appreciate this quality of his companion. A couple of a man-monkey and a dragon woman consider lucky in life, because their complex life circumstances are resolved without effort. And not in vain. Both are enthusiasts, and born under the sign of good luck.

The Woman Dragon is very powerful and will strive for unconditional leadership in the family. Most likely, a man's loved one will agree to give her the palm of championship, because in this union it is impossible to another outcome. He is attracted by the power of her character, and unshakable self-confidence and her solid life position will help him cope with the inner nervousness and fears inherent in all monkeys. Next to the dragon woman, he will not be able to take a leading role in relations and agree to the role of the slave. So what if both are so comfortable and easier? The compatibility of this pair is increasing over the years, because both it is necessary to assess the completeness of this connection.

See also:

Even in the most perfect pair there are difficult times. A monkey man and a dragon female possess great independence, each of them can act independently, quickly and successfully. But for a strong union, you will have to make concessions in some situations a man, and in other cases - a woman. Any attempt to take the position of the main thing is to make a marriage for destruction. Favorite a woman, is not inclined to compromise at all and lives as she wants. Therefore, a man who wants to be next to her should either show the power of character, but then the chances of a happy future will decrease, or offer a concession system on both sides. In general, the fiery temperaments of both spouses involve dynamic family life and periodic clarification of relations. To both partners must be pacified their desire to do everything in their own way, and learn to negotiate. Then both build plans and make them together. The earlier both begin to do it, the less problems will be in a pair.

Intimate life

In the sexual sphere, this couple is always a lot of fire and passion. Both hot and temperamental individuals who can give each other unforgettable evenings. True, here, as well as in everyday life, they can begin the struggle for leadership. With this it will be difficult for them to come to something common, because both bright individualists. Therefore, only a compromise will help solve the situation. And then bright fantasies and unusual desires will bring huge satisfaction.

Union in marriage

The compatibility of this pair is perfect. From the first days of dating, their union resembles a frivolous novel who does not have a chance for the future. Despite the strong emotional connection, the family life of partners will provide them with a lot of trouble. Favorite her man will easily give the leadership position to the spouse, but he himself will not be delighted with household routine.
Different characters of spouses will help strengthen relations. Monkey and dragon harmoniously complement each other, provide reliable support. Over the years, their tandem is stronger. Despite the sociability of the spouses, they will store our faithfulness, do not quarrel on the soil of jealousy.

Union in friendship

Only having met, a monkey with a dragon at the level of intuition will feel mutual attraction. They are well suited in friendship, so their friendly union can be called strong and durable. Representatives of these signs will be able to be friends, as they can quickly respond to the change of circumstances. They prefer to rinse the nerve with sharp feelings. Their tandem strengthens the same interests and common goals.
After all, representatives of this sign prevails perseverance and character. The guy and the girl monkey do not have such qualities. The dragon is able to organize any process and direct it to receive the desired, and the tactics of the monkey will help eliminate conflicts between friends at the earliest stage. Problems may appear if the woman will give preference only to its own interests, and the monkey will begin to lead his game behind the comrade.

Partnership and business

The horoscope promises that compatibility in this pair will be excellent due to the ingenuity of both sides. In the head of representatives of these signs, ideas are always spinning, for the risks and dangers of which the monkey will take place. The dragon will be obligated to guarantee the execution of conceived and protect business interests. Together they will conquer authority, unless they will start the struggle for the distribution of spheres of influence.

What is the probability of being together

Despite excellent compatibility, this union has the weaknesses - conflicts are possible and inevitable. Above relations so that they become stable, will also have to work. Perhaps the value of these relationships will open for a woman dragon a little later than for her wise satellite.

First of all, partners need to learn to listen to each other. Search the truth in disputes is good, but when it comes to duties, then compromises are needed. It is best to develop some system in which the spouses will make decisions in turn. And take care of this system follows a monkey man because it has everyday wisdom. As soon as the partners are able to take their emotions and come to this understanding, their lives will become smoother and enjoyable. Usually, to more mature age, they balance their character and become truly happy.

Also, the moon today recommends when brewing a conflict, go on a journey, since movement contributes to finding a compromise. In addition, a woman needs a frequent rest to reveal the entire world fascinating world before his spouse. And if he enhance it this, he is just doomed to make his wife admire. And this will undoubtedly push it on the grand acts and actions.

The compatibility of this pair is based on the fact that both spouse complement each other. A man and a woman receive precisely those benefits from the Union that were looking for many years. So, - do not lose your connection. Both are bright individuality, so if you go hand in hand together in life - this will help you in the development of your personalities.

Monkey - what is she?

This is very an extraordinary personalityAlthough in many respects their manifestation depend on education, the environment and their own desire to be self-improvement. Of the negative manifestations, it is possible to note the lack of scrupuls, vanity, impermanence, selfishness, trick. These people are distinguished by handles, they will always be able to find a way out of a difficult situation, often at the expense of others. Love to paint, be in mind. We can say that they will prefer society loneliness. Proposed to lies, and it is difficult to determine whether they say the truth or not.

From positive qualities it is worth nameing curiosity, high learning, desire for novelty. They are artistic, charming and often be loved by the public. If the monkey can send his eternal aspiration to the right line to dress up, in tear of herself and his life, then she can not only pretend to pretend themselves, but also create works of art.

These people adore chat, parties, entertainment events. Always try to be in the spotlight, I applies to your address.

It may be a false impression that they are perfectly laughing with people. Despite the external openness, these are closed personalities that never reveal all the cards. Often it may be so that they do not imagine anything behind the external bravada.

Dragon characteristic

Representatives of this sign full strength and energy. They are often just achieved by themselves, early fly from the family nest. They are characterized by such qualities as ambitiousness, purposefulness, confidence. These people have a flexible mind and strong spirit. Success often accompanies them in affairs, because they always have enough internal resources to get out of any situation with the winner. They are valued in society for charm, magnetism and charm. It's honest good-natured and rectilinear people. They blind themselves with their glitter, there are always many fans around them. Representatives of this sign prefer saturated, full of events.

Dragons sometimes are unnecessarily self-confident and not tolerate when the surrounding begin to doubt them. They may lose patience and tact in difficult situations, become quick-tempered. They are not always ready to recognize their mistakes, there are irritable and impatient. By their nature they idealistsAnd people born this year seek everyone to bring to perfection. In pursuit of ideal, they can lose a lot. Often, non-unrecognized personality behind witty, external achievements and leadership. One of the tasks for people born this year is to search for yourself, its true destination.

Paired where male Dragon and Woman Monkey Partners may not just complement each other, but enjoy the lover society. The man here acts as a leader, the head of the family, and the woman is very not against being under his defense. Born in the year of the monkey women love comfort, a high standard of living, dear clothes and decorations. The dragon can easily provide them with everything necessary. Despite the fact that men are often successful in affairs and have good material wealth, they are not tied to material benefits. Monkey His desires helps him to establish a connection with earthly values, stimulating to even more accomplishments.

Women can use themselves well in society, possess a cheerful temper, fed and extraordinary. It is for these qualities that men are ready to forgive their shortcomings and allow much.

This couple can capture the feelings, because both passionate and emotional natures.

And the other love movement, new impressions. In this tandem, a woman gets his need care and protection, and a man is a cheerful gentleman, constant diversity, inspiration. He is ready for her much to forgive than it is able to hold nearby. Her life will never be boring with such a partner, and she appreciates it.

Woman Dragon and Men Monkey A little harder to find mutual understanding. A man is often perceived by a partner superficially, and she does not consider it for a serious relationship. He started, always in sight, loves fun, jokes, draws. It seems that it is impossible to build deep serious relationships. Often the pair flashes a sexy passion first. And after some time, a woman understands that her partner can give her much more than just sex. Most likely, the leader in the relationship will be the woman - a careerist by nature, preferring respectability and success.

Lovers in marriage

This couple can create strong family union. The dragon sees the sphere of its realization outside the house, will always strive for interesting projects. The monkey is capable of being supported for him, inspirer. A wise and tricky, thinly feeling situation, it will be an ideal life partner for the straight and power dragon. People under these signs perfectly complement each other, while have similar interests. Both love is in constant movement, their lives will always be exciting and complete adventures.

In this pair, adjust and give up more characteristic of a monkey. If she learn to pacify his dust and compromise with an equally emotional dragon, then harmony in the relationship is provided.

The dragon really appreciates the skill of the monkey to be different and therefore it will allow her a lot. She also did not use his freedom for mercenary purposes.

For both partners is important learn to respect each other's opinion And do not do everything in your own way.

The monkey loves to force the events that she doesn't like her partner.

Most dragon needs loveAnd if his beloved does not feed sincere feelings to him, the relationship is doomed to failure.

Both partners can react very violently to conflicts. Therefore, their quarrel lasts quite a long time.

Passion in bed

Having met each other, both partners can rush in a relationship, as in the Omut with a head. In sexual life they are waiting for passion and variety. Both are passionate nature, love experiments in sex.

The straight line in the life of the dragon, in the intimate sphere is very accurate, it is finely cautious and able to deliver true pleasure. And the monkey is exactly what it is necessary.

Combination in friendship

it's the same great and friendly union. Near the monkey's strong and self-confident dragon disappears, and her fears are moving into the background. Also, the monkey often foresees trouble and can send the dragon to the right direction. She loves the strong partners next to him and is ready to adapt to their character. It is in friendship that they can show their independence, while remaining in good relations.

Thanks to her tricks, a monkey can become a great adviser for a bold and decisive dragon. She knows how to establish connections, loves to plan and generate ideas. True, she does not always work out to be embodied in life. But it goes great at the dragon, which, in turn, does not take out the fiction. One of the difficulties can be teamworkbecause Everyone in nature is independent and does not like to obey. Dragons can plunge into large projects with head, without thinking about the consequences. They do not suffer even very large-scale goals that sometimes leads to failure. Despite this, they can always get out of the situation with the winner. Monkeys will help them plan every step.

According to the Eastern Horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon Male and Women is close to the ideal. Especially, if we talk about the sphere of spirituality, interests and views on life. These two personalities are endowed with uncommon talents and huge ambolides. Together they can achieve unprecedented heights in almost any field of activity.

Dragon and Woman Monkey: General Compatibility

A monkey woman from nature attracts people

The monkey attract the leadership abilities of the dragon. These two perfectly complement each other, which allows them to develop and achieve dizzying successes. The dragon attracts the powerful natural magnetism of the monkey. This is the class of those women who are smart and beautiful at the same time.

The compatibility of the dragon and monkey in love and marriage is excellent, so their family union promises to be happy and very promising. Moreover, in this marriage no one will be oppressed or deprived. Each of the partners of this union will definitely find himself and will implement its numerous talents.

The main role in this relationship is always played by the dragon. A monkey female, although not lured plumpiness, but allows his beloved to be the first. She is a ideological inspirer and spiritual support for his dragon.

Dragon's men (1940, 1952, 1964, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) are allocated to bright appearance, charisma and solid inland rod. It is the character that helps them move through life, conquer career heights and have obvious success in women. Representatives of the opposite sex attracts in a Dragon man literally everything is from phenomenal confidence to an excellent and subtle sense of humor.

The dragon always turns out to be a striking way in the thick of events. He simply can not pay attention to his original ideas and non-standard views. Many call him an eccentric, but no one will deny his success. For no matter what a man-dragon, everything goes well with him in the best way. It is able to solve even the most difficult tasks and implement the largest projects. Dragon hardworking and very hardy. He can corps the days and nights on any other things. However, it is very difficult to call him a desperate workaholic. After all, the dragon loves and knows how to rest.

With women of many signs of the oriental horoscope at the dragon bad compatibility. After all, he is looking for a dream girl, the ideal, which he since childhood has painted in his rich imagination. And such girls, as you know, very, very little. Therefore, you have to choose from what is. And in this he helps his own wisdom, with the help of which he is willing to close his eyes to minor drawbacks of his chosen. Here is such a self-deception for good!

A monkey woman is usually smart and beautiful

Woman born a year of monkeys (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016), smart, read, witty and resourceful. As a rule, it is characterized by attractive appearance and friendliness. The character of her light and pleasant. With all this, monkeys from the young years are endowed with some kind of ultra-deep wisdom. Therefore, you can listen to their opinion and is necessary in any situation.

Girl-monkey playing and artistic. She always understands what to say in a particular situation, as they say, "no climb for the word in the pocket." However, sometimes her words may be for someone prick and rather unpleasant. This is how it is tempting: it rarely selects the expressions, especially if herself wants to make someone's obvious flaws.

A dragon man and a monkey woman merges a lot. They both like noisy parties, funny companies, active travels and extreme adventures. Domes do not call them - they are sincerely interested in the outside world.

And the monkey, and the dragon very much appreciate comfort and comfort. Their daily life must necessarily be surrounded by beautiful and comfortable things.

Thanks to good compatibility, a dragon man and a monkey female perfectly complement each other. And if the Dragon strives begging forward, without thinking about the possible consequences of his actions, then the monkey will certainly think well and welt, and even then - will start acting. In this pair, the roles are clearly distributed: the dragon develops and embodies all sorts of projects, and the monkey - inspires it to new ideas and accomplishments (parallel with housekeeping).

Together they develop and spiritually, and intellectually. After all, they have something to learn from each other. And the dragon, and the monkey know how to listen and hear their partner. Therefore, ideological conflicts in this union should not be. In general, the stars were awarded a couple of "Dragon-Monkey" with excellent compatibility. And this gift is simply sinner not to take advantage!

Dragon Man and Woman Monkey: Love Compatibility

A monkey woman does not lack whale

The Dragon man is unlikely to remain unnoticed in the society of women. A monkey female is no worse in this regard. There is always a crowd of cavaliers around it. It will be able to drag any man, and the dragon is no exception. For him, she will prepare a "cocktail" from their win-win qualities - wit, originality and children's immediacy.

A male dragon in a monkey woman sees, first of all, his muse. Therefore, he will relate to her appropriately - as something exalted, almost divine. Their love relationships will develop violently, passionately and very romantic. After all, none of them knows how, and it will not restrain his living emotions.

A monkey woman, of course, is not devastable. But in general, this is an open, intelligent and liberated lady, which is perfect for the dragon. And on the existing shortcomings in its character, he gladly closes his eyes - they are not so significant for him.

The compatibility of the dragon and monkey is beautiful. This applies to the intimate sphere. Here everything is at the highest level, because both partners know how to give and get pleasure. In addition, a bright passion in bed will be constantly decorated with mutual understanding and huge tenderness.

In love jits, a man-dragon, as a rule, acts as ideological inspirer. And a monkey female manifests unprecedented flexibility and with joy it obeys him. By the way, it is particularly sex that he helps the Dragon and Monkey to solve all the differences between them and problems.

Dragon Man and Woman Monkey: Marriage Compatibility

The union between a male dragon and a monkey woman has every long-life chance

As it has already been said, the dragon and monkey are perfectly complemented and enrich each other. In marriage, this is manifested especially strongly. The monkey woman itself is very nervous, capricious and at times is unbalanced. Therefore, she is looking for a strong and confident man. Next to this satellite, she will be able to suppress all these negative features and get rid of fears about the future, who pursued her before. A man-dragon, for his part, will receive from a monkey woman moral and creative support, in which he also needs very much.

The role of the leader in such a family is usually assumed by a man. It is characterized by rigor, pedanticity and, sometimes, exhibits authoritarianism. In other words, all its decisions should be carried out unconditionally. It is important to note that the monkey's woman is enough cunning and smart. She will not move to her husband, but will keep his face and will skillfully bend his line if it needs it.

In the case of a woman-monkey, a dragon, as a rule, does not regret his choice. Indeed, in this union he will be able to disclose his creative abilities at the maximum. For this he will be very grateful to his spouse. Therefore, this marriage has every chance of becoming long, happy and mutually beneficial.

What can you advise such a pair? After all, it would seem, they themselves perfectly cope with their problems without assistance. Of course, in the first years of life, quarrels and conflicts may happen. The main thing is not to chop off the shoulder and do not burn bridges. After all, the best party for myself will not be able to find one of these partners.

Dragon can be advised, as closely can listen to his spouse. Her intelligence and resourcefulness will help to get the winner of any life situation.

Strengthen the whole durability of the dragon and monkey will help the common cause or general hobby. To find such a lesson to two such bright and talented personalities is not difficult. If any tension occurs in relationships, there is one-selling board - go to an interesting and long journey. You yourself will be surprised how quickly all the contradictions and resentments that accumulated between you before will disappear.

Do you earn enough?

Check if it applies to you:

  • there is enough money from salary to salary;
  • salary enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take all that goes with great difficulty;
  • all progresses for the service get to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid at work too little.

Perhaps you are damaging for money. Remove the lack of money will help this amulet

This pair is incredibly lucky, because the compatibility of the monkey and the dragon is regarded as one of the highest among all other options. Dynamic, rapid, interested, non-permanent and charismatic partners with ease establish contact, let their point of view and are diametrically opposed.

In such a tandem, lovers send all their positive properties on spiritual development and creating a strong marriage. The far-sighted and calculating man, born in the year of the monkey, and the purposeful female dragon come to the general opinion concerning all the life spheres. Each of them has vanity and ambitions. They know how to use their families in the family, in a career and in solving financial issues.

The compatibility of the Monkey Men and Woman Dragon is supported by the ability to adapt to each other and correctly implemented in relations without prejudice to itself. The defining quality of the spouses - the ability to hear the partner, respecting its point of view and provide support in the event of difficulties.

Male Monkey and Woman Dragon: General Compatibility

Monkey man always supports his partner

Monkey and dragon create a striking harmonious pair. They both with ease understand their partner. Their happiness will not interfere with the differences in points of view. They will always listen to the advice of a loved one. If necessary, they will show themselves as kind and fervent.

Leadership in this union for a woman-dragon. A monkey will inspire his beloved and maintain in all endeavors. In relations both find satisfaction, since they always dreamed of such a partner. Energy of each of them is a fastening link. Of course, conflicts happen in this union, but the spouses understand each other so well that all the controversial situations are easily solved.

A monkey man is distinguished by charisma. He is able to cheer any company. He lifts everything up. Its irrepressible energy is instantly transmitted to those who surround it. A man with joy and pleasure will support any conversation. It seems that he is not known what fatigue is.

A man born in the year of the monkey loves to joke, fool and have fun. He knows how to live so to enjoy. When communicating with the opposite sex, it exhibits tact and charm. His compliments are exquisied and unique. He knows in them. It is difficult to surprise that a woman loves such a man. He has a lot of novels, however, they are most of their guidance. He knows how to master manipulate people. Locate your woman - a slight task for him. He himself easily falls in love. However, his feelings pass quickly.

Men's monkey has an extremely tortured mind

A man born in the year is a monkey, there is an urgent need to invent quirky plans that mostly pursue the goal to earn money. It is intellectually developed and guessed. In order for him to be bored in his activities, new tasks should constantly have.

Already during the first meeting, the Woman Dragon enchants a monkey man. It impresses its expressiveness, style and attractiveness. She as a magnet attracts men to himself. The opposite sex does not leave it without attention.

She has his views on the world. Her individuality is always brightly manifested. She is a strong nature, which is always in the center of events. Woman born in the year of the dragon, in everything successful. Good luck favors her career, so she will never dedicate himself exclusively to the house. She loves her dwelling, easily equipped with it. Her forces and energy is enough to cope with all the affairs.

In relations, it manifests itself as a demanding partner. She has a great sense of humor. At a convenient case, it will definitely tell an anecdote or a funny story. Woman Dragon is very lucky in life. For this reason, she is often jealous and weave the intrigue for her back. Her honesty and kindness do not give her to see the negative ideas and acts of others. Although it does not create an obstacle for it when achieving career goals and in love.

A woman-dragon is characterized by one weakness: it must be constantly maintained morally. If the surrounding will not pay attention to her, then she will not be able to fully show themselves. Without strong support for relatives and friends, she deprives her energy and initiative.

Male Monkey and Woman Dragon: Marriage Compatibility

Monkey man - very windy nature

Gentle feelings are born between monkey and dragon rapidly. Everyone is revealed in relations for all power. At first, the novel resembles a light imagine, which does not oblige anything. This is due to the fact that it is seriously difficult to treat a monkey's man. He shows itself like a windy and unreliable person. But very soon the woman realizes that the beloved is an excellent party.

Their union is built on absolute trust. They often behave sincere conversations and take care of each other. Both get in this relationship exactly what they need so. The dragon woman gets praise and adoration. Monkey's men, in turn - patronage and devoted comrade.

Will and the influence of women help their spouse to realize all his plans. The energy of the companion feeds a monkey man and contributes to choosing the right direction. He motivates the elect more carefully think about its actions before it proceeds to implement the next non-confidence of the project. With the help of the wife, the Woman Dragon learns to objectively assess its capabilities. The wisdom of the beloved will often save a gustful partner from unsafe steps. And it will contribute to the success in family matters and in the work.

A woman born in the year of the dragon, boring with a monkey man will never. It is characteristic of activity. It is impossible to predict his behavior. He turns any day to the holiday, and professionally. His companion does not make outdoing, so such an important ability of her spouse will be appreciated.

And a man, and a woman is tremendous lucky throughout life. All difficulties are solved quickly and easily. It is not surprising, because both partners are active. Everything is accompanied by luck.

The authority characterizes the woman dragon. She claims unconditional leadership in relationships. Most likely, the spouse will provide it with such an opportunity, because otherwise their union threatens the gap.

In the spouse, a monkey man likes its limitless power. She is confident and firmly stands on her legs. It helps her chosen one to overcome his nervousness and fears. In a pair with a woman-dragon, he will not have the opportunity to become a leader. However, no one suffers from this. Partners are fully satisfied with this alignment. Compatibility of monkey men and women dragon increases as relationships develop. It is determined by the fact that each of them takes time to understand the value and importance of their connection.

Even such a strong and exceptional tandem is not insured against difficulties. Spouses are peculiar to independence. Both are able to act without assistance, while rapidly and successfully. But for a solid relationship, you should learn to give up your beloved person. A woman is difficult to come to a compromise. She wants to live just as she wishes itself. In this regard, a man who is with her next should be shown its strength and authority, but with such a scenario, the likelihood of a happy marriage is catastrophically made, or try to come to an agreement that is satisfied with both.

In general, the strong characters of spouses imply active relations and regular disputes. Both a man and a woman would not hurt to regulate their desire to act as each of them pleased. If the partners are able to learn to negotiate, then the compatibility of the monkey and the dragon in marriage and love will significantly increase. Spouses should develop general plans for jointly implementing them. The sooner they come to this, the less conflicts will arise.

Monkey and Woman Dragon: Love Compatibility

In the intimate life of the monkey and the dragon, always with excess of ferventness and passion. Each partner is characterized by temperament. They are able to give each other exceptional emotions and unforgettable impressions. However, in this sphere, the spouses can start competing. Each of them wants to be the main thing. It will be difficult for them to compromise, since both are pronounced egoists. We'll have to try to achieve consent. If it is in love, it will be possible, then their fantasies and wishes will be implemented and will give exceptional pleasure to both.

If the monkey and dragon will be able to go out without "losers", their family life will be long and happy.

Despite the fact that partners are perfect to each other, there are weaknesses in this tandem. Disputes cannot be avoided. Anyway, they will arise. Spouses will have to work hard in order to stabilize relationships. Perhaps the Woman Dragon is not as fast as her turning spouse, will understand the value of their union.

The main thing is that the partners have learned to listen and hear each other. Of course, truth is born in the dispute, but the duties must be distributed by the relevant agreement. The optimal option is to develop a certain system that will determine who and what should do. The monkey's man is characterized by wisdom, so it is he who should do this issue. If the spouses learn to regulate emotions and come to mutual understanding, then their family life will be perfect. With age, the spouses become more loyal, which contributes to their happiness.

In addition, if partners feel the conflict approach, they should go on a trip. At the trip, the spouses will be able to find a compromise. In addition, a dragon woman simply needs a regular holiday. She wishes to show its satellite the beauty of the surrounding world. If he goes to meet her, then the partner will love him even stronger. Of course, for a monkey's man, it will become excellent motivation for development.

This tandem is strong and due to the fact that the spouses are addition of each other. Everyone finds in his chosen one that has been looking for so long and unsuccessfully. This connection must be appreciated. In this pair, both partners have the opportunity to self-improve, which is very important for both.

Do you earn enough?

Check if it applies to you:

  • there is enough money from salary to salary;
  • salary enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take all that goes with great difficulty;
  • all progresses for the service get to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid at work too little.

Perhaps you are damaging for money. Remove the lack of money will help this amulet

On the Eastern Horoscope, the dragon and monkey are perfectly suitable for each other. These passionate nature are manifesting. They have a strong emotional relationship that they do not hide from others. Personal qualities of partners do not affect their relationship. They are good together contrary to the peculiarities of temperament, character, habits.

Woman dragon and man-monkey

Representatives of these signs of the zodiac circle are the perfect pair. Woman will be a leader in relationships. And for the palm of the championship she does not have to compete with a loved one. A man will become a partner with reliable support, ideological inspirer. They are close emotionally, enjoy communication among themselves. Such a tandem will be strong and happy for both partners.

Dragon girl is a strong, volitional personality with a bright, memorable appearance. It always seeks to be in the center of events, it looks unusual at life, embodying the most bold ideas into reality. A woman born under this sign is a careerist. She does not exchange promotion over the career staircase for care of the house.

A man born under the sign of a monkey, an active, cheerful, soul of the company. He easily supports the conversation, quickly adapts to the new company. The guy can handle women - care for, saying compliments. He has a lot of fans, among which he will choose only a special girl.

Family life

The compatibility of the dragon and monkey in marriage is perfect. From the first days of dating, their union resembles a frivolous novel who does not have a chance for the future. Despite the strong emotional connection, the family life of partners will provide them with a lot of trouble. A man will easily give the leadership positions to the spouse, but he himself will not be delighted with the household routine.

Different characters of spouses will help strengthen relations. Monkey and dragon harmoniously complement each other, provide reliable support. Over the years, their tandem is stronger. Despite the sociability of the spouses, they will store our faithfulness, do not quarrel on the soil of jealousy.

Erotic compatibility

In the carnal love, these signs of the Eastern Horoscope show good compatibility. Their sex life is filled with passion. Both partners have hot temperatures, thanks to which every night becomes unforgettable. Spouses constantly use new ways to avatize their sexual fantasies.

Dragon and Monkey will be difficult to divide the lead in bed. To avoid quarrels, they must look for a compromise solution.

Causes of quarrels

Despite the similarity of temperaments, conflicts between partners are inevitable. Most often, the spouses quarrel in three reasons.

  1. Have a mutual desire to be in the house of the owner. If the partners learn to give up, they will have to avoid most misunderstandings on the household level.
  2. Stubbornness. Each partners do not want to listen to the opinion of a loved one. An individual approach in solving problems is perceived by the spouse as improvisation, a rampant step. Because of the misunderstanding of the motives of action, frequent conflicts flared up.
  3. Disregard relationships. Compatibility of the dragon and monkey in love and marriage has one injustice: partners appreciate each other only after breaking the relationship. It is difficult for them to find an equivalent replacement partner. But for reconciliation they are too proud.

Avoid most conflict situations in a pair, by developing a system of relationships. Partners should be in turn to make important decisions, do not ignore each other's opinions.

Dragon man and monkey woman

These two signs of the Eastern Horoscope are ideally suited to each other. Representatives of the totem animals are prone to extreme, they need the attention of others, love a public life. In a pair, the dragon is the leader. The partner will support the interests of a loved one, equipping reliable rear.

Dragon Male is a bright person with great potential, providing him with success in all endeavors. He has a non-standard approach to solving problems, so it is safe for the embodiment of complex projects. Thanks to his stubborn work, a man becomes a family breadwinner. There are deficiencies in the character of the dragon - he is a despotic egoist, requiring from the surrounding subordination.

Monkey woman smart and friendly. For cheerful behavior, she hides his experiences. The girl born under this sign easily finds a common language with people.


Partners have similar temperatures, worldview. They will understand each other at an intuitive level. Woman will not claim the status of the leader in marriage. She is content with the role of a spiritual inspirer, providing support to a partner.

A man with an initial character will provide family money. There will be no disagreement between the spouses due to the deficit of finances. The dragon knows how to make money, and the monkey is to spend and postpone.

Spouses love to travel. They choose the routes of new trips together. When children appear in the family, parents try to instill love for their extreme recreation.


In love, representatives of these signs of the Eastern Horoscope complement each other well. They are comfortable together, deliver pleasure to the partner. Partners arises a mutual desire to deliver each other enjoyment.

Woman is ready to submit to his chosen one. For the dragon tandem and monkey, this approach avoids most disagreements. Erotic life for partners is one of the ways of resolving household conflicts.

Possible disagreements

The dragon and monkey are perfect compatibility. But quarrels at the first stage of relations between them will be frequent. The main causes of conflict are:

  1. Unwillingness of men take into account someone else's opinion. Tandem strength in the Commonwealth, the ability to give way to each other. If the dragon does not learn to listen to the opinion of the partner, it will not withstand the coldness of the relationship, will provoke conflicts.
  2. Inability to give up to a partner. Dragon is a selfish, despotic sign of the Eastern Horoscope, guided by his own opinion.

To settle minor disagreements will help the overall travel of partners. They need to communicate more among themselves.