General Basics of Pedagogy: Lecture Summary. Education as a process

What is the educational process? The process (from lat. - advance) - a set of consecutive actions to achieve a kidogolybo result. The pedagogical process in the university is a set of consecutive actions of the teacher and the student for the purpose of education, development and formation of the identity of the latter. The educational process is a set of consecutive actions of the studying to achieve the educational result.

Fundamental education - Education Teaching Teaching Teaching Education is the process and result of consistent actions of the study

The organization of the pedagogical process is a set of the most effective actions leading to the formation and improvement of the relationship between the components of the pedagogical process.

Intensification (Franz.) - Increase intensity (intensity). Intensification of the educational process is a solution to the question of how at the lowest time of time, having increased the amount of information at each lesson to a maximum, to better improve the training of a specialist.

Intensification educational process - Strategy and tactics for the development of higher education, a means of improving the quality of training of specialists, it affects various aspects of the educational system of the university: - students, teachers, are the forms of organization of the educational process.

The purpose of the lesson to identify and evaluate the pros and cons intensification of the educational process, the problems that accompany its implementation, which it generates, outline possible ways to solve them.

Forms and Methods of Work 1 Stage - Individually - Diagnostic 2 Stage - MicroGroup 3 Stage - Collective Discussion (General Discussion) Summing up

Working in microGroups Everyone outlines its view to the questions set by colleagues: - pros and cons intensification of the educational process - the problems that it generates is possible ways to solve them.

Reflection in groups: did everyone have the opportunity to express their point of view, be heard? Who distinguished himself, enriched group opinion? Who did not work, why? Who will make a message from the group?

The structure of the pedagogical process is the subject of the subject (students, teachers, employers), this is a procedural composition (target, meaningful, operationalowel, motivational, assessment components)

What contributes to students? Interest in study, desire, perspective, diligence of manner of teaching material base and organization of training Convenient schedule

What prevents students' student learning? Inorganizations Combining studies with work Unsuccessful Schedule teachers Contents of training disciplines

Any profession has a specific structure: - specified goals, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe result of labor (for us it is the formation of a specialist as a person and a professional); - a given subject (educational, scientific research process); - a system of warehousing (they differ and can be real and unknown) - a system of professional official duties (given labor functions) and rights; - Production environment, subject and social working conditions.

Pedagogical activity is: - formulating pedagogical purposes - diagnosis of features and level of student training - choice of content educational material For classes - the choice of methods of training is the design of its actions and actions of students - the establishment of discipline, the work environment in the class - stimulating the activities of students - the organization of its activities on the presentation of the educational material is to organize its behavior in real conditions. - organization of students' activity - organization of control of the results of pedagogical impacts and adjustments - the establishment of the correct relationship with students - the implementation of educational work - analysis of the results of training, education - identification of deviations of the results from the goals set - analysis of the reasons for these deviations - design measures to eliminate these reasons - creative search New learning methods, upbringing

Abilities - individual-psychological features of a person expressing his readiness to master certain types of activities. Formed on the basis of deposit (congenital features). The ability is a subject of action by the subject that provides a set of acquired knowledge and skills. Formed by exercise.

1. The ability to transfer learning training material, making it accessible, to present the material or problem is clear and understandable, to cause interest in the subject, to initiate students active independent thought (didactic abilities).

2. Ability to the relevant area of \u200b\u200bscience (mathematics, physics, etc.). The actual teacher knows the subject not only in the scope of the training course, but significantly wider and deeper, constantly monitors the discoveries in his science, owns the material, shows a great interest to him, leads at least a modest research work (academic abilities).

4. The ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts, feelings with speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimics. The teacher's speech is always distinguished by the inner strength, conviction, the interest that he says. The expression of thought is clear, simple, understandable for students (speech abilities).

5. Organizational abilities are, firstly, the ability to organize a student team, to unwind it, inspire important tasks to solve and, secondly, the ability to properly organize their own work, which implies the ability to properly plan and control it. In experienced teachers, a peculiar sense of time is produced - the ability to properly distribute work in time, fit in the planned time.

6. The ability of the immediate emotional-volitional influence on students and the ability on this basis to achieve authority from them (authoritarian abilities). The presence of volitional qualities (determination, excerpts, perseverance, demanding, etc.), as well as sense of their own responsibility, training and upbringing.

7. The ability to communicate with people, the ability to find the right approach to students, to establish with them suitable from a pedagogical point of view of the relationship, the presence of pedagogical tact (communicative abilities).

8. Pedagogical imagination (or prognostic abilities) is the ability to predict the consequences of their actions, the design of the student's personality, the idea that it will turn out in the future, in the ability to predict the development of certain student's qualities.

So, the teacher must have the following abilities: didactic academic perceptual speech organizational authoritarian communicative pedagogical imagination with the ability to distribute attention

Gnostic skills: - Remove new knowledge from various sources, from research on own activities; - to work independently with various sources of information; - allocate the main thing, significant in the selection and structuring of the educational material and the presentation of it; - analyze pedagogical situations; Formulated, pedagogical tasks; - to produce new knowledge necessary for their productive solution, analyze solutions and results, compare the desired result and real; - logically arguing and conducting logical calculations; - exercise search, heuristic activities; - Study, summarize and implement advanced experience.

Design skills: - to carry out promising planning of strategic, tactical, operational tasks and how to solve them; - anticipate the possible results from the solution of the pedagogical task system during the entire educational time on which planning is being planned; - to schedule the results that need to be achieved by completing this or that work; - Teach students to put and implement the goals of independent work; - to put academic work, plan its achievement, provide for possible difficulties; - design the content of the readable course; - Design your own pedagogical activity.

Constructive skills: - Select and structure information into newly developed training courses; - select and compositely structuring the content of educational and educational information on the upcoming lesson; - play different options for building classes in the conditions of a system of prescriptions, technical means of learning, a certain time, during which a specific task must be solved; - to select the forms of organization, methods and means of training; - Design new pedagogical learning technologies, exercising control over the academic activities of students.

Organizational skills: - organize group and individual work of students, taking into account all factors; - organize individual and conduct business training and technological games, discussions, trainings; - to manage the mental state of students on training activities; - diagnose cognitive opportunities and results cognitive activity; - evaluate the results of the study work, compliance with the level of learning material achieved by software requirements and potential student capabilities; - Correction of training activities.

Communicative skills: - Build interaction, relationships between teachers and students for the effective organization of the pedagogical process and achieve positive labor results; - build the interaction of teachers and students depending on the purpose, contents, forms of the organization, learning methods; - individually affect the student during the frontal presentation of the educational material; - Install benevolent, trusting relationships with students; - to produce a single opinion about the correct choice of action, behavior; - Motivate participants in the pedagogical process to upcoming activities.

Structure of the pedagogical process Determining the goals of education, training (target component) Development of the content of education meaningful) Determination of the training procedure (upbringing), the interaction of participants (operational and activity) Check, evaluation, analysis analysis (Evaluation-Results)

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Control questions

1. Give the definition of the following concepts: education, educational process, education

2. List the main key positions within which the proposals of the Bologna process are considered and executed.

4. Call documents reflecting the formation of education

5. Give the characteristic the basic principles of training.

1. Determination of the following concepts: education, educational process, education

Education is a narrow sense - a set of systematized knowledge, skills and skills acquired by an individual in an educational institution or by self-education. In a wider social context, a targeted process of education and training in the interests of man, society and the state, the main purpose of which is the formation of a free, educated, having a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe environmental and spiritual world, creative and moral personality.

The educational process is the synthesis of training and teachings, upbringing and self-education, development, maturity and socialization.

2. The main key positions, within which the proposals of the Bologna process are considered and executed.

Suggestions considered and executed under the Bologna process are reduced to six main key positions.

1. Creating a single scheme for obtaining higher education

2. Improving the quality of higher education

3. Introduction of a unified system for taking into account the complexity of academic work.

4. Expansion of mobility

5. Employment of graduates

6. Ensuring the attractiveness of the European education system

3. Describe the objectives, structure and content of vocational education

The objectives of professional education perform the system-forming function in pedagogical activities. Types of pedagogical purposes are diverse.

Global level factors, on the basis of which education is divided into major industries and consistent steps;

Factors defining the structure of the main, polytechnic and special Education taking into account their gradation on theoretical and practical part;

Vocational schools, medium and higher special educational institutions;

Factors defining the content of individual training courses, certain types of practices and training projects.

It includes:

A combination of concepts, laws, patterns, algorithms and modern theories explaining the phenomena that occur in nature, society, culture and technology;

A totality of knowledge about objects, labor instruments and mechanisms used in the labor process;

Education to methods of activity guaranteeing the formation of professional competencies.

CONTRACTION OF EDUCATION - this is the content of the process of progressive changes in the properties and personal qualities, a prerequisite for which is in a special way organized activities.

4. Documents reflecting the content of education

1) the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education;

2) curricula;

3) curriculum programs of individual disciplines;

4) textbooks and others

5. Characteristics of the basic principles of training

bologna Education Professional Training

For the organization of the educational process, specific instructions are needed that are not contained in the laws of training. Practical instructions are contained in the principles and rules of training.

Didactic principles are a set of provisions reflecting the most acceptable and productive methods of learning, organizational specifics, content and regulations corresponding to a specific level of development of society. The principles of learning are based on its patterns and create a reference basis for building a competent and effective learning process. The principles of learning are a system of interrelated components. Many modern researchers of pedagogical theory and practices were engaged in the development and substantiation of the most important principles of learning, analyzing which one can allocate the most common basic principles for building a learning system.

1. The principle of consciousness and activity. This principle reflects the need to develop motivation to learning and stimulating educational activities. The basis of this principle is the understanding that there will be no results without effort from the student learning. Training must be conscious, meaningful, targeted from the point of view of the student. From the teacher should be created for this condition, that is, the material should be made in a clear and accessible to the whole group of students form, it is necessary to explain the importance of the importance and practical value of the subject of the subject, the individual abilities and features of the thinking of students should be taken into account, the possibilities of collective work and all sorts of encouraging creative thinking.

2. The principle of visibility is popular since ancient times and is quite effective, being intuitive. Using where it is possible visual material The teacher discovers another channel of perception for students - visiting, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the assimilation of new information and contributes to the intensity of learning, as it allows in a short time to present the maximum of a new material in a short time. Given this principle in the development of the pedagogical process, you should not forget that the excess number of all sorts of illustrations and schemes disperses attention and can lead to the opposite effect.

3. The principle of systematic and sequence gives the systemic nature of the learning process, which is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of any impact. As a result of training, a person should form a clear, clear and understandable painting of the world with the system of interrelated patterns and concepts inherent in it. The knowledge system should be created in a logical sequence and in the same sequence to be offered to the perception of students. Skills and skills already acquired by man in the learning process should be systematically used in real or artificially created conditions, otherwise they begin to weaken. Self-learning abilities include the ability to logically think and make logically substantiated conclusions and conclusions. Undust logical thinking The person creates problems in his mental activity, which does not contribute to the formation of systematic knowledge and makes a person incapable of their independent replenishment.

4. The principle of strength. The purpose of this principle is the lasting and long-term learning of the knowledge gained. This goal is achieved through the development of interest and the positive attitude of the student to the discipline studied. For this, the teacher should strive to establish positive emotional contact with students. After all, in many ways the attitude towards the subject is determined by the attitude towards the teacher who teaches it. Having enabled the interest in the discipline studied, the teacher greatly facilitates the disciples of the assimilation of the material related to it. This is explained by the fact that the memory of a person is easy and for a long time fixes what causes an active interest. Knowledge strength contributes to the same fixation of the material traveled and the frequent repetition of the most important points, seeing which you can restore the picture of a certain part of the knowledge as a whole.

5. The principle of accessibility implies the development of the content of the learning process, taking into account the capabilities of the learners. An important condition of availability is the correct sequence of preventing educational material. To assimilate new information, the student must have appropriate basic knowledge. It is necessary to correlate the complexity and volume of new knowledge with the age of students and their individual characteristics, such as health status, learning ability, psychophysical state. The teacher must teach students to overcome difficulties in the process of understanding and assimilating new knowledge, as well as to build elements of educational material in order of increasing its complexity.

6. The principle of scientific relationships in the careful selection of information that makes up the content of training that meets the following requirements: students should be offered to assimilate only firmly established, scientifically substantiated knowledge, the methods of presenting these knowledge must comply with the specific scientific field to which they relate. A person needs to instill an understanding that science is becoming increasingly important in the life and daily activities of a person, and not just the need for professional activities. Pupils should understand and aware of the scientific picture of the world, the relationship of all scientific areas, the general focus on improving the quality of human life in this world.

7. The principle of communication of theory with practice is based on the central concept of philosophy: Practice is the main material for knowledge. Practical activities plays an indisputable role in pedagogical science. The practical side of the pedagogy includes the experience of the ancestors, the observation of teachers, experimental pedagogical activities, etc. The practically acquired knowledge is the most reliable source of information. However, the information obtained in the course of practical activity itself can not be an engine of pedagogical science and is not valuable. The ability to use the results of pedagogical practice makes careful processing, which includes systematization, research and analysis, conclusions and creating pedagogical calculations on them and theories, which, subject to further successful research, will be included in the system of pedagogical scientific knowledge. Not always the theory arises from practice. Many scientists are developing new methods of pedagogical impact on the basis of the synthesis of various theoretical knowledge of pedagogical science, hypotheses and assumptions that require a mandatory practical experiment in order to identify their truth, efficiency and possibilities of application.

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Essence of the educational process, its patterns and driving forces.

Educational process (OP) - These are targeted training activities, educational and educational and educational development activities through organized educational and educational and educational processes in unity with self-education of this personality, ensuring the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills at the level of not lower than the state educational standard.

Educational process - This is a training, communication, in the process of which managed knowledge, the assimilation of social and historical experience, reproduction, mastering one or another specific activity underlying the formation of a person. The meaning of learning is that the teacher and the student interact with each other, in other words, this process is bilateral.

Educational process - a targeted holistic process of upbringing and training, pedagogically planned and implemented unity of goals, values, content, technologies, organizational forms, diagnostic procedures, etc.

Modern russian education Developed under the influence of a number of contradictory trends - economic, ideological, public, other. From here - a variety of definitions and wording of strategic objectives, the content of curricula, approaches to the quality of education and training. Today, an approach is dominated in the pedagogical profession when, an objective, accurate knowledge and clear rules for transferring their student becomes a vocational value. For teachers of this type, at all times, the motto "Knowledge - Strength" was relevant, and any result of the process of learning or education can be appreciated in the system "Yes - No", "knows - does not know", "the brought up - not raised," owned - Does not own. " At the same time, the assessment of the quality of knowledge (behavior) is transferred to the person. In this approach, there is always an existence of a certain external, objectively specified reference (norms, standard), which requires the level of training, educational, training. Methods can be diverse - from reproductive to interactive. The essence remains the same: the task of the teacher is to find and transfer the algorithm that allows you to "start" the reference content into the consciousness and behavior of the student and to ensure as fully and accurate playback.

Due to learning, the educational process, educational impact occurs. The impact of the teacher stimulate the activity of the trainee, reaching a certain, predetermined goal, and manage this activity. The educational process includes a set of funds with which the necessary and sufficient conditions are created to manifest the activity of the student. The educational process is a combination of the didactic process, the motivation of students to the teaching, educational and educational activities of the student and the activities of the Teaching Management Teacher.

In order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to distinguish between the organization's organization and the time of study in organizing activities. The organization of the second component is the immediate task of the teacher. The effectiveness of the educational process will be built on how the educational process will depend on the process of interaction between the student and teacher. The subject of the student's activities in the educational process are actions performed by them to achieve the intended result of activities that in one way or another. Here, the most important qualities of this activity are independence, willingness to overcome the difficulties associated with the abatibility and will, and the efficiency, which involves proper understanding fabricated tasks and choosing the desired action and the pace of its decision.

Given the dynamism of our modern life, we can say that knowledge, skills and skills are also unstable phenomena that are subject to change. Therefore, the educational process should be built taking into account the update in the information space. Thus, the content of the educational process is not only the need to master knowledge, skills, skills, but also the development of human mental processes, the formation of moral and legal beliefs and actions.

An important characteristic of the educational process is its cyclicity. Herecycle - This is a combination of certain acts of the educational process. The main indicators of each cycle: goals (global and subject), means and result (associated with the level of learning material development, the degree of educational student). Mix four cycles.

Initial cycle. Purpose: awareness and understanding of students of the main idea and practical significance of the material being studied, and the development of ways to reproduce the knowledge studied and the method of their use in practice.

Second cycle. Purpose: concretization, expanded reproduction of knowledge studied and their explicit awareness.

Third cycle. Purpose: Systematization, generalization of concepts, the use of studied in life practice.

Final cycle. Purpose: Check and taking into account the results of previous cycles using control and self-control.

What is the driving force This process, what spring leads all these interrelated training phenomena?

The internal driving force of the OP is the resolution of the contradiction between the highlights of the requirements and the real possibilities of pupils for their implementation. This contradiction becomes a source of development, if the requirements are put forward in the zone of the nearest development of students' capabilities, and vice versa, such a contradiction will not contribute to the optimal development of the system if the tasks are excessively difficult or light.

The art of the teacher is to, arming with knowledge of students, consistently bring them to more accurate tasks and to their implementation. The determination of the degree and nature of the difficulties in the educational process is in the hands of a teacher who causes the driving force of teachings - develops the skill and moral and volitional forces of schoolchildren.

Among the objectives of the OP allocate regulatory state, public and initiative.Regulatory statesobjectives are the most common goals defined in the regulatory legal acts and state standards Education.Public the goals are the goals of various layers of society, reflecting their needs, interests and requests for training.Initiative objectives are direct objectives developed by the teachers themselves and their students with the type of educational institution, the profile of the specialization and the educational subject, as well as the level of development of students and the preparedness of teachers.

In the system "educational process" there are interaction of certain subjects. On the one hand, school leadership, teachers, educators, teams, teachers, parents, parents, with the other - in the role of both subjects and objects, are students, teams, certain groups of schoolchildren who are engaged in one or another type of activity, are acting as pedagogical entities. Also individual disciples.

The entity of the OP is to transfer social experience to the elders and assimilate it by the younger generation through their interaction.

The main characteristic of the OP is the subordination of the three components (educational, educational, educational, self-education processes) of a single goal.

The complex dialectic of relations inside the pedagogical process is: 1) in the unity and independence of the processes, its generators; 2) the cooding of separate systems included in it; 3) the availability of the general and preservation of the specific.

Patterns of educational process
Every science has its task to open and research laws and patterns in its field. The laws and patterns express the essence of phenomena, they reflect significant connections and relationships. To identify the patterns of a holistic educational process, it is necessary to analyze the following links: the relationship of the educational process with broader public processes and conditions; links within the educational process; links between training, education, education and development processes; between the processes of pedagogical leadership and the amateurness of educated; between the processes of educational influences of all entities of education (educators, children's organizations, families, the public, etc.); links between tasks, content, methods, means and forms of organizing the pedagogical process.
From the analysis of all these types of bonds, the following regularities of the pedagogical process are followed:
1. The law of social conditionality of goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process. He reveals an objective process of determining the influence of social relations, social building on the formation of all elements of education and training. It is about using this law, fully and optimally translate social order to the level of pedagogical tools and methods.
2. The law of the interdependence of learning, education and activities of students. He reveals the relationship between the pedagogical leadership and the development of the active activity of students, between the methods of organizing training and its results.
3. The law of integrity and unity of the pedagogical process. It reveals the ratio of part and the whole in the pedagogical process, necessitates the unity of a rational, emotional, reporting and search, substantive, operational and motivational components in training.
4. The law of unity and the relationship of theory and practice.
5. The pattern of dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the amount of changes in the previous stage. This means that the pedagogical process, as a developing interaction between the teacher and educated, is gradual. The higher the intermediate movements, the more significant the final result: a student having higher intermediate results, has a higher total achievement.
6. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend on: 1) heredity; 2) educational and educational environments; 3) applied tools and methods of pedagogical impact.
7. The pattern of management of the educational process.
The effectiveness of pedagogical exposure depends on:
1) intensity of feedback between raised and teachers;
2) the values, nature and validity of corrective impacts on
8. The pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the educational process depends on:
1) the actions of the internal incentives (motifs) of pedagogical activity;
2) intensity, nature and timeliness of external (public,
moral, material and other) incentives.

Comprehensive approach to education management

The effectiveness and quality of managerial labor is determined, first of all, the validity of the methodology for solving problems, i.e. approaches, principles, methods. Without a good theory, the practice of the blind. However, Only some approaches and principles apply, although more than 14 scientific approaches are currently known:

  • Complex
  • Integration
  • Marketing
  • Functional
  • Dynamic
  • Reproductive
  • Process
  • Normative
  • Quantitative
  • Administrative
  • Behavioral
  • Situational
  • Systemic
  • Program target approach

The emergence of special publications and references tocomplex and systematic approachesin regulations and literature refers to the end of the 60s - the beginning of the 70s of the XXStole. Bibliography on this topic has become very extensive. However, there is no single look at the system and integrated approaches in the theory of management. Some authors identify systemic and complex approaches, others interpret the systemic approach as an integral part of the integrated, third, considering the problems of the system approach, generally bypass the question of its ratio with the complex.

A complex approach When making management decisions, the most important interrelated and interdependent factors of the external and internal environment of the organization are technological, economic, environmental, organizational, demographic, social, psychological, political, and others.

Today it is well known that in social systems the relationship between people go beyond the rigorous execution of functional duties, and the relationships that develop between individual personalities, groups and teams are not limited to the discouraged competence within certain activities. Various political, economic, psychological, legal and other factors have a big impact on them. Consideration of multilateralism, multidimensities of social phenomena is the maincontents of an integrated approach to management.With a comprehensive approach, the emphasis is on the simultaneous coverage of all aspects of the phenomenon under study, the study of the cumulative influence in the present time in the present time. A comprehensive approach to management provides for the use of economic science, philosophy, history, psychology, rights and other sciences. It is in the maximum coverage and accounting of all versatile factors, in multidimensionality to assess the impact of the surrounding reality, in the aggregate use of achievements of other industries and is the main idea of \u200b\u200ban integrated approach to management.

An integrated management approach involves the accounting of the following main aspects:socio-political, organizational, information, legal, psychological and pedagogical.

In education management accountingsocio-political aspectit is primarily expressed, in the process of organizing work, the successful implementation of the goals facing the organization at the acceleration of the socio-economic development of the country.

With the socio-political aspect of management is closely connectedorganizational aspect.It implies the formation of a rational structure of the organization, the optimal alignment of forces and funds, the definition and implementation of measures in the practice of measures to ensure reliable and efficient work. At the same time, organizational work is not limited to the framework of such a management function as an organization of the execution of decisions taken. A significant part of this work is aimed at organizing the right governance, ensuring the effective functioning of the management bodies, the organization of the team.

It should, however, be borne in mind that it is impossible to ensure that the organizational aspect is impossible without taking into accountaspects of informational.Government management is designed to maintain the level of system organization in a continuously changing environment.

Information support implies the creation of arrays of information that are used in management. Professionally organized informational support has big influence For the regulation of the workflow as managers and performers, improves management work and its effectiveness. In other words, improving the scientific basis of management information support and inevitably related to the implementation of these improvements, organizational measures contribute to developing in the actions of the collective of the logical sequence, algorithms for the implementation of measures and operations. The more complete the information support of the development and decision-making process, the more often the leaders and performers in their actions will focus on information, and not to intuition, the greater efficiency and quality of labor will reach the team.

State control is impossible withoutlegal aspect.Legal regulation of the activities of the participants in the management process is carried out, first of all, through:

  • clear regulation of their functional rights and obligations;
  • establishing the responsibility of each of the officials for the implementation of certain, clear and unambiguously defined tasks and practical work.

This contributes to improving the sense of responsibility of managers and performers, the strengthening of the discipline, the establishment of the procedure when the management entity makes decisions within its competence and does not allow the transfer of its duties to other instances in order to avoid responsibility. Otherwise, the excess of the rights over the duties will be fraught with the manifestation of voluntarism, and the insecurity of responsibilities rights leads to non-execution.

An essential element of an integrated approach to organizational management ispsychological and pedagogical aspect,involving the use of such sciences in the management of achievements as social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Labor Psychology, Pedagogy.

In state administration, the record of socio-psychological factors is important: the features of individual workers, the motives of activities occupied by the employees of social positions, roles in the team, which have been unofficial relations, etc. An effective form of educational impact is an individual approach based on the knowledge of personal qualities and motivating labor of each employee, intensification human factor. Educational load and influence on the effectiveness of management style management managers.

Educational process

Educational process It is a specially created, developing in the boundaries of a certain educational system, the interaction of educational and pupils, aimed at achieving the goal and leading to a change in the individual qualities of the personality of students.

Process (from lat. Processus -''Protion'' ') means, first, consistent determination of the state change, the course of development of something; Secondly, a combination of certain consecutive actions to achieve any result.

The main unit of the process of education is the educational process. The educational process determines, establishes, forms a holistic system of pedagogical relationships of teacher and students. The concept of 'Approcessing of upbringing'''''''''a has the importance of a focused forming effect on the development of personal characteristics. The concept of 'is an educational process''a reflects a system of deliberately organized educational interactions.

Tasks of the educational process

1. Depletion of the motivational orientation of cognitive activity of students.

2. Organization of cognitive activity of students.

3. Formation of mental skills, thinking, creative features.

4. Constant improvement of cognitive knowledge, skills and skills.

The main functions of the educational process

1. Educational function involves the formation of a stimulating direction and experience of practical cognitive activity.

2. Educational function It assumes the development of certain qualities, properties and relations of a person.

3. Developing function It implies the formation and development of mental processes, properties and relations of a person.

Basic principles of organization and functioning of the educational process

1. A holistic approach to upbringing.

2. Continuity of education.

3. Fork in education.

4. Integration and Differentiation joint activity Teachers and pupils.

5. Naturality.

6. Culturality.

7. Education in activities and in the team.

8. Sequence and systematic learning and education.

9. Unity and adequacy of management and self-government in the pedagogical process.

The classic structure of the educational process includes six components.

1. The goal is to develop a teacher and student of the final interaction result.

2. Principles - determination of basic directions.

4. Methods - the actions of the teacher and students.

5. Funds - ways to work with content.

6. Forms - logical completion of the process.

Contents of the educational process - ϶ᴛᴏ Specific answer to the question of what to learn what knowledge to select from allocations of wealth accumulated by mankind is the basis for the development of students, the formation of their thinking, cognitive interests and training for labor activity, is determined by curricula, curriculum on subjects. The curriculum shows what the duration school year, as well as the duration of quarters and holidays, a complete list of objects, distribution of items by year of training; The number of hours for each subject, etc., according to subjects, training programs are drawn up, in which the curriculum lies.

It can be determined that the educational process is ϶ᴛᴏ a hovering, socially determined and pedagogically organized process for the development of the personality of the student.

Under the content of the educational process, one system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and skills, as well as worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas, which is extremely important to master students in the learning process, is the part of the public experience of generations, which is selected in accordance with the goals of human development And in the form of information is transmitted to him.

There are various forms of the educational process, which are presented in the form of an external expression of the teacher's pedagogical interaction and are characterized by the number of participants in pedagogical interaction, time and the procedure for its implementation. The forms of organization of the educational process include a cool-urbin form, which is distinguished by the following features.

1. The constant composition of students of the same age.

2. Each class works in accordance with its annual plan.

3. Each lesson is dedicated only to one subject.

4. Permanent alternation of lessons (schedule).

5. Pedagogical management.

6. Activity variability.

Lesson - ϶ᴛᴏ Temporary period of the educational process, which is completed in the meaning, temporary and organizational attitude and on which the tasks of the educational process are solved.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main categorical apparatus of pedagogy, it can be said that these concepts are in constant development in search of an effective solution, are inextricably linked and represent a single inseparable system of pedagogical science.

The educational process is the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Educational Process" 2017, 2018.

Here is an explanation of some concepts used in the new Education Law, as well as what will change in preschool education.

I hope you have already met the new education law, and, of course, drew attention to his novels. Let us dwell on some of them.

How do you now call?

The law has a special article that explains the basic concepts used in this document, which ensures their unambiguous interpretation. It will help you more clearly imagine what and about whom. Pay attention to some and explain them. For example:

Teaching - This is the one we call a student, student, graduate student, listener, cadet, etc.

Educational organization - So now you should call educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, colleges, extracurricular, etc. educational establishments. And still there organizations engaged in individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities . The common name of all engaged in educational activities - organizations carrying out educational activities .

Inclusive education - this is when children with limited features Health learn together with ordinary children.

Participants of educational relations - So now it is necessary to call participants in the educational process: students, their parents (legal representatives), pedagogical workers and their representatives, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities.

Pedagogical worker - This is a teacher, educator, music worker, teacher, teacher of additional education, etc. . All those who are in labor, official relations with an organization carrying out educational activities, and fulfills the duties for training, educate.

Conflict of the interests of the pedagogical worker. There was no such thing in education legislation before, although the conflict of interest had a place as an objective reality. This is a situation in which a pedagogical worker has a personal interest in obtaining a material benefit or other advantage and which affects or may affect the proper performance of the pedagogical worker of professional duties due to the contradiction between his personal interest and interests of students, parents (legal representatives ) Juvenile students.

Under the definitions of "conflict of interests of the pedagogical worker" and "personal interest", many specific situations fall in which the pedrattle can be in the process of fulfilling their official duties. The settlement of conflicts of interests will, as a rule, will have to be engaged in the representative of the administration of educational organizations and specially created for this commission.

Cleaning and care for children - This is a set of measures to organize nutrition and household services for children, ensuring compliance with personal hygiene and the regime of the day.

Preschool education

Preschool education now becomes an independent level of education, regulated by federal state educational standards and is free. No exams in kindergarten are not conducted. The issuance of the order to enroll the child to the preschool educational organization, created at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities, is preceded by the conclusion of an agreement on education.

Pre-school education can be carried out in preschool institution and in the form of family education. Parents (legal representatives) that receive children of pre-school education in the form of family education are entitled to receive free methodical, psychological and pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance in a kindergarten or consulting point of school.

According to the new law on education, preschool education is separated from the supervision and care of children. Listening and care for children can be carried out not only to educational organizations, but also other organizations that carry out educational activities on the implementation educational programs preschool education.

Cleaning and care for children becomes paid. At the same time, the restriction is canceled, according to which the parental fee should not exceed 20% of the cost of maintaining a child in a kindergarten, and in relation to parents who have 3 children - 10%. The amount will depend on the founder of the garden. At the same time, the founder is granted the right to not charge or reduce its size for individual categories of parents. At the same time, the norms for compensation for the part of the parent fee are preserved. It is assumed that low-income parents can pay less or not to pay at all. Children's disabled children, orphans and patients with tuberculosis will continue to be released from the board.

Novels of the new education law, part 1