How long is a medical interruption of pregnancy. Medical interruption of pregnancy in early terms: testimony, drugs, threats, consequences

Medical abortion can now be held up to date 9 weeks, That is, up to 63 days, counting from the first day of the last period of menstruation, but 7 weeks (42 days from the first day of the last period of menstruation) are optimal.

Medical abortion produced ONLY In a medical institution under the careful observation of the doctor. Preparations for medical abortion can not be independently used in the pharmacy. Medical abortion is held only by the clinic, having a treaty with a gynecological hospitalBegotivated patients with complications during medication abortion (bleeding, incomplete abortion, inflammation, ...).

For drug abortion, the drugs of mifepristone (mifgyne, Pencrofton, Myfeprovon) and disguise preparations (Mizoprostol) are used. Mythpriston blocks progesterone receptors and interrupts pregnancy, prostaglandin increases contractual activity and helps to remove pregnancy.

Abortion "held" in 5 visits:

1 visit :

1. Conversation with a patient about the feasibility of interrupting pregnancy and the features of the drug. The patient inform about the procedure for interrupting pregnancy:

What actions will be taken during and after an abortion;

What inconvenience will be a woman (for example, menstrual-like

pain and bleeding);

How long does the procedure itself take;

What kind of painful means and methods it will be able to take advantage of;

What risk and complications may be due to the use of this method;

What time will it be able to resume the usual lifestyle, including

sex life;

What will express the following observation after an abortion.

2. Assign mandatory Examination before interrupting pregnancy:

Blood test on RW, AIDS, hepatitis;

Ultrasound of a small pelvic organs for clarification and localization of pregnancy;

Masha for the degree of purity of the vaginal secret.

General blood analysis;


General urine analysis;

Blood test on in-xg

- blood test for blood group and Rh factor.

3. Anamnesis and gynecological research is being collected. The results are recorded in the map.

4. After the doctor's adoption of decisions on the possibility of interrupting pregnancy, the patient may be given time (depending on the period of pregnancy - up to 7 days) for the final decision to interrupt pregnancy in general, and in particular the proposed medication.

5. When confirmed by the diagnosis of the mother-in-time pregnancy and the absence of contraindications, the patient meets informed voluntary consent (annex to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of May 17, 2007 No. 335) and signs the relevant documents (a form of informed consent to the use of the drug, a sheet of informed consent), receives Memo in the order of medication with the necessary phones and addresses of the clinic and the gynecological hospital.

6. Contraindications for the use of medication abortion.

1. Absolute contraindications:

Acute inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis.

Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of ectopic pregnancy.

Adrenal insufficiency.

Long corticosteroidal therapy for chronic somatic diseases.

Chronic or acute hepatic insufficiency.

Disorders of the chopping system.

Anticoagulant therapy.

Decompensated shape of diabetes.

Renal and liver failure.

Allergy to preparations.

Myoma uterus of large sizes.

2. Relative contraindications:

Myoma uterine small sizes.

The presence of a scar on the uterus (after surgery).

Pregnancy on the background of an intrauterine contraceptive.

Bronchial asthma and other chronic obstructive broncho-pulmonary diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, IBS).

Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day.

Lactation: Breastfeeding should be stopped 14 days after receiving the mifepristone.


1. The mifepristone is taken once in the presence of a doctor, after which the patient is under the supervision of another 2-3 hours (day hospital), while compliance with the bed regime is not necessary. After the required observation period is provided with additional information on possible changes in the overall condition and the tactics of action.

Side Effects of Meeting Mephyprovon:

Strong abdominal pain

Dizziness, headache




Skin rash

Uterine bleeding.

In the occurrence of headaches, hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting is carried out by drug correction of the patient, depending on the severity of symptoms.Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), including acetylsalicylic acid, because They may affect the effectiveness of treatment.

The patient is released home in 2-3 hours. There is no need for round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel, but it is necessary to provide a doctor's telephone contact with the patient.

3 Visit:

1. The evaluation of complaints, the overall state, the number of bloody seals from the genital tract.

2. 36-48 hours after the admission of mifepristoneanaded prostaglandins (Mizoprostol for receiving inside for introduction into the vagina). Misoprostoltableted is taken inside once, drinking water, in the presence of a doctor. Dynamic observation is carried out for 3-6 hours, when approximately 90% of women usually expulsion of conception products.

Side Effects of Mizoprostol:

Strong abdominal pain





Skin rash

Uterine bleeding.

With side effects, symptomatic drug therapy is carried out:

With an increased blood loss that does not require the tool revision of the uterine cavity are assigned to cutting the uterus;

With pain syndrome - analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds, tranquilizers, antispasmodics; For the prevention of pain syndrome, it is possible to appoint drugs simultaneously with prostaglandin;

In vomiting, diarrhea - means regulating the motorcycle of the gastrointestinal tract; For the prevention of vomiting in women with early toxicosis, it should be recommended to a light breakfast and reception of the means regulating the motorcycle of the gastrointestinal tract 30-40 minutes before receiving mifepristone or misoprostol.

If the volume of blood loss exceeds the physiological level (two gaskets "Maxi" per hour over two hours) the provision of medical care is carried out in the hospital.

Clinical manifestations of abortion:

1. The appearance of pulling pain at thenime of the abdomen and grapple pain at the time of the expulsion of the fetal egg;

2. Blood selection from sex paths as in menstruation days or somewhat richly at the time of the expulsion of the fruit egg. After the expression of a fruit egg, bloody seals usually continue 9-13 days. The average blood loss is 85-100 ml.

4. If there is an derivative (recorded according to the ultrasound), then in order to prevent the prevention of non-planned pregnancy, oral contraceptives are prescribed, in the absence of contraindications to their use, also on the day of receiving prostaglandin.

5. The rest of the women (about 10% of cases), who have no abortion for the observation period, are obliged to contact a medical institution after 2 weeks to confirm the complete end of the abortion.

4. Visit:

1. The next visit is appointed 7-8 days after the expulsion of the fruit egg. Assessment of the general condition, gynecological examination, ultrasound. Pay attention to the nature and intensity of bloody discharge, abdominal pain, weakness, the presence of an increase in body temperature, chills. Assess the state of the internal genital organs (cervix, dimensions and consistency of the uterus, the state of the appendages, painful sensations during the gynecological study), on ultrasound - the absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Detection of possible abortion complications (continuing pregnancy, delay of the fetal egg in the uterus, bleeding, post-charge endometritis).

If a quantitative study of the content of ß-chorionic gonadotropin (ß-xg) was quantified before conducting a procedure of the drug abortion, then the dynamics of its decline in the post-charge period can serve as a reliable criterion of pregnancy. If the level of ß-xg decreases by 50% after 24 hours, the pregnancy is most likely interrupted.According to multicenter international studies, the effectiveness of the drug abortion is 97%.

2. In case of incomplete or unsuccessful abortion for pregnancy interrupts shownsurgical intervention.

Any institution offering a medical interruption of pregnancy, obligated If you need to ensure the interruption of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration. Such services can be provided on the basis of this or other institution, where the method of vacuum aspiration is practiced. Anyway health workers are obliged to take care that at the moment of the need for women had access to such forms of medical care.

3. With the appearance of any complaints, it is necessary to contact the on that clinic, which made you a medicament abortion. In the event of an appeal to another therapeutic institution, irresponsibility for the further month of the post-charge period (you sign a contract with the clinic and informed consent, and this item is specified there).

5 Visit:

1. Control over the effectiveness of the abortion of pregnancy is carried out 14-16 days after the expulsion of the fetal egg (ultrasound, according to the test analysis by B-XG).

Criteria for abortion efficiency:

The absence of a fetal egg or its elements in the uterine cavity according to the ultrasound.

Normal uterine sizes according to an ultrasound or inspection on the chair.

The absence of independent pain.

Reducing the level of hCG in serum. The content of ß-xG should be below 1000 IU / l 2 weeks after taking the mifepristone.

2. During the test visit, the patient to the doctor discusses contraception and rehabilitation activities (according to indications).For the purpose of hourly rehabilitation, oral contraceptives are appointed for the prevention of non-planned pregnancy in the absence of contraindications to their use also on the day of receiving prostaglandin.Each woman should be informed that recoveryovulation can occur already two weeks after Abortionion again risks become pregnant if it does not take advantage of any effective method of contraception: intrauterine spirals and hormonal agents, subject to accounting for not only the individual features of the health of each woman. It should be refracted from the use of the diaphragm and cervicalcap until 6 weeks after an abortion is performed.

Complications of medication abortion

When identifying complications of a drug abortion, the treatment of them in a specialized hospital, with which the medical institution has a contract and where the patient is sent to the doctor's medical institution.

1. Incomplete abortion.

The corresponding features and symptoms are vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen and signs of infection.The removal of the barrier is the evacuation of the contents of the uterine cavity by the method of vacuum aspiration, it is necessary to keep in mind the probabilitybleeding or infection.

2. Fired abortion.

If, with the subsequent handling of a woman to a doctor after performing an abortionthe fact of pregnancy conservation is confirmed, then the vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity is shown.

3. Bleeding.

Bleeding can be due to the remnants of conception products in the uterine cavity.Depending on the specific reason, the corresponding course of treatment may be to evacuate the content of the uterine cavity by a surgical method or inintroducing stimulating reduction in uterus to stop bleeding, inintravenous infusions, and in severe cases and in blood transfusion, laparoscopy or diagnostic laparotomy.

4. Infection.

After an abortion performed properly, infection occurs in rare cases. Its typical symptoms include an increase in temperature or chills, separation from the genital organs with an unpleasant smell, abdominal pain, or in the field of small pelvic organs, long-term vaginal bleeding or bleeding, uterine soreness when pressed or examination and / or elevated blood leukocytes. When diagnosing an infection, the attending physician must appoint a woman the course of antibiotics, and if the possible cause of infection is associated with the remnants of conception products, it is necessary to have their evacuation from the uterine cavity. Women with severe infections may need hospitalization in specialized hospitals.

- artificial or natural interruption of pregnancy during the first 22 weeks. How long can abortion in our country? Abortion methods that will help minimize risks for the body.

Abortion - unnatural abortion abortion


An early one is considered an abortion made up to 12 weeks of the gestation period. In the first trimester of pregnancy, he is held at the request of a woman, for medical or social testimony.

Abortion of girls under 14 years old spends on solving parents or guardians. Older - only at the request of the girl.

  1. Pharmacet with drugs - is carried out on a period of 1 to 7 weeks of pregnancy, that is, a period of menstruation delay on 21 days will be a deadline for drug interrupt.

Pharmacological abortion is allowed for a period of 1-7 weeks

It is prohibited to carry out such a procedure. Drugs for abortion picks up the doctor. Showing ultrasound control before receiving medicines and at the end of bleeding.

  1. Mini abortion or vacuum aspiration - shown on a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Previously, it is not desirable to conduct this procedure, since the fruit is not yet formed. This is a gentle variation of surgical scraping.

In the Russian Federation, such a technique is allowed only to 5 weeks of the gestational period. It is carried out exclusively on the basis of a medical institution.

  1. Surgical - spend up to 12 weeks of the gestation period. This is a classic form of intervention with the use of expansion and the tool scraping of the fetus from the mucous membrane. It is carried out on the basis of the gynecological department of the hospital.

Abortion of pregnancy in late terms

Abortion of 2 trimester (on a large period) of pregnancy is possible only on medical testimony:

  • later identification of obstetric pathology;
  • severe vices of physical development of the fetus;
  • revealed genetic anomalies of the embryo;
  • severe conditions threatening women's health;
  • oncological diseases identified during pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • HIV infection;
  • infecting pale treponable.

All types of abortions in the later dates are carried out only on the hospital base. The decision to interrupt pregnancy is accepted on a consultation. Mandatory presence of a district gynecologist, head of women's advice. The results of ultrasound, various screenings, analyzes are considered.

The Commission may take into account the social factors for interrupting pregnancy, specified by the woman. But they do not affect the decision of the Consilium.

If a woman does not want to interrupt pregnancy in the presence of indications, doctors have no right to carry out any actions against the mother and child.

  1. Caesarean cross-section is expensive - with urgent states whose goal is to save the life of a woman. Spend on any month 2 or 3 trimester.
  2. Transvaginal caesarean section - with the dissection of the cervix and the extraction of the fetus by forceps is used extremely rarely. Intervention is extremely traumatic, high risk of postoperative complications, bleeding development.
  3. Introduction of salt solutions in the uterine cavity, drugs for killing the fetus. Tools are entered transcervical or transabdomomomotional.
  4. The use of gels, oxytocin preparations for stimulating the contractile activity of the uterus.

After the birth and extract, the doctor conducts surgical scraping of the uterus.

How long can you interrupt pregnancy?

Abortion of pregnancy - induced abortion - possibly up to 22 weeks of the gestational period or until the fetus is achieved by 1 kg.

Medical abortion

Pharmaceutical abortion involves the use of mifepristone preparations, prostaglandins. The maximum possible period for this method of abortion is 49 days from 1 day of the last menstruation.

The advantages of this method:

  • non-invasiveness;
  • the ability to preserve the fact of pregnancy in secret;
  • the embryo is not yet attached to the wall of the uterus;
  • infection is excluded, injuries of the uterus;
  • psychologically transferred easier than surgical manipulations;
  • does not require anesthesia;
  • ambulatory is carried out, but under the supervision of the doctor;
  • the body perceives this state as a natural miscarriage;
  • suitable for young girls and broken women.

Medical abortion is the safest

The procedure seems simple, but has a clear algorithm of actions.

The doctor must monitor the patient's condition at every stage:

  1. Confirmation of the fact of uterine pregnancy - standard inspection, ultrasound. Next, the patient writes consent to medical manipulations.
  2. Analyzes - smear per flora, blood test for syphilis, confirmation of the absence of contraindications.
  3. Acceptance of the drug proposed by the drug.
  4. The second visit to the doctor - after 36-48 hours. The gynecologist issues a woman to the next group of medicines causing the exile of a fruit egg from the uterus. It is desirable to spend this period in a hospital. But subject to the recommendations of the doctor, the patient may pass this stage at home.

With the appearance of strong pain, the development of bleeding is obliged to contact the medical institution.

  1. Control ultrasound - after 3 days - to confirm the fact of the expulsion of the fruit egg from the uterine cavity.
  2. The second ultrasound is held on July 7-14 after receiving drugs. The doctor will appreciate the state of the uterus, eliminate inflammatory processes.

Contraindications for the use of drugs:

  • dysfunction of adrenal cortex;
  • long-term hormonal medicines;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  • new formation of various genesis in the cavity or on the wall of the uterus;
  • blood diseases, increasing prothrombin time;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • severe diseases of other organs and systems.

You can not accept abortion medicines for ectopic pregnancy

Tableted pregnancy interruption is the least dangerous to the health of a woman.

But the reception of drugs can cause the following complications:

  • pain syndrome;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • hematometome - blood cluster in the uterus after the emblem.
In rare cases, after receiving medicines, pregnancy is not interrupted. Further actions depend on the decision of a woman.


The mini abortion is carried out using vacuum suction for a period of 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. The deadline is the 21st day of delay. A catheter is introduced into the uterine cavity, with the help of the device, a vacuum is created and the embryo is separated from the walls of the uterus.

Pros of this method:

  • does not require hospitalization;
  • there is no risk of perforation of the walls of the uterus, cervical canal;
  • rapid restoration;
  • the duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes;
  • no overall anesthesia is required.

After the procedure for 2 hours a woman is under the supervision of a doctor. Then may return to the usual life. After 2 weeks, the patient must come to a planned inspection to the gynecologist.

Vacuum abortion is allowed to do for 5-6 weeks of pregnancy

It is impossible to make vacuum aspiration in the following cases:

  • the previous abortion is carried out less than 6 months ago;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • increased temperature;
  • blood diseases;
  • tumors of the uterus;
  • pregnancy term is more than 5 weeks.

The risk of developing complications in this method of pregnancy interruption is minimal. But the more such manipulations in history, the higher the risk of perforation of the walls of the uterus, inflammatory processes, incomplete removal of the fruit egg, hematometer, hormonal failures.

Surgical method is the removal of a fetal egg using a specialized tool. Make abortion up to 12 weeks gestation.

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, so hospitalization is required. With the help of forceps and clamps, the doctor expands the cervix. Then destroys the fetal egg and with the help of a curette removes the contents of the uterus, scraps its walls.

Benefits of the method:

  • general anesthesia;
  • used in terms of 6 to 12 weeks of gestation;
  • the risk of continuing pregnancy is absent.

The duration of operational intervention is 15-30 minutes. Next within 2-3 days, a woman should be under the supervision of doctors.

Surgical abortion is the most dangerous

Contraindications for surgical abortion:

  • infectious diseases of any genesis in the active phase;
  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • an increase in prothrombin time;
  • thrombosis;
  • individual intolerance to drugs for anesthesia.

Complications of the procedure:

  • bleeding is sometimes so strong that the extirpation of the uterus is shown;
  • infection;
  • injury, uterus perforation;
  • infertility;
  • habitual unbearability;
  • premature childbirth for further pregnancies;
  • incomplete removal of the embryo;
  • subsequent obstruction of phallopy pipes;
  • polyposis.

Surgical abortion can cause polyposis

Minimize the risk is possible only when conducting a procedure in the early periods of pregnancy in a medical institution.

Circumstances are different, but the abortion should not be the method of constant contraception. Reception of contraceptive pills will not bring such harm as a pregnancy interruption in any way.

In case of unwanted pregnancy, a woman has a choice: keep a child or not. If the choice fell on an abortion, then the most gentle of the methods is a medical interruption of pregnancy in early time.

The advantages of such an abortion:

  1. Ability to interrupt unwanted pregnancy at the first weeks of fetal development.
  2. Pills for interrupting pregnancy in the early stages are cheaper than getting rid of the fetus by vacuum or surgical intervention.
  3. A woman does not need anesthesia, which makes the method more secure and applicable to more women.
  4. The procedure passes at small terms, and therefore it looks more like a natural miscarriage, and the result cannot be called the killing of the fetus. The psychological component of the abortion is much easier to transfer a woman.
  5. The oral admission of the medication eliminates some external influence on the genital organs of a woman. There is no risk to grab inflammation, infection or infection.
  6. After taking a tablet, there are no side effects compared to vacuum or surgical abortion.
  7. To carry out such interruption of unwanted pregnancy, you do not need an entry and time to prepare. The procedure can be carried out immediately after applying to the doctor.

Negative side of the method:

  1. The duration of the procedure takes a large segment of time - from several hours to days.
  2. After receiving tablets, it is impossible to somehow sense or diagnose abortion.
  3. The first inspection, which will show the results of the use of drug abortion, occurs after 2 weeks.

It is possible to interrupt pregnancy until the fetus turned 49 days after the menstrual cycle hold. The action of the pregnancy interrupting the pregnancy in the early stages is that the active substances contribute to the natural rejection of the fruit egg and the independent purification of the body from the remnants of the fetus.

It is also possible to interrupt pregnancy in the first 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Such emergency methods allow pregnancy and not to step, blocking the ability of the egg fertilizer, and spermatozoids - fertilize.

What needs to be done for medication abortion?

  1. If there is a delay and suspicion of pregnancy, refer to the gynecologist. The doctor can independently adjust the time interval: to what date they make a drug interruption in connection with the individual characteristics of the body.
  2. If a woman wants to interrupt pregnancy by a medication way, then it is prescribed a full examination. This will make it possible to accurately choose a medicine, as well as determine its action on the body, avoid contraindications and side effects.
  3. A woman is carried out an ultrasound examination of a small pelvic organs, a fetal egg is observed.
  4. Gynecological examination and taking smears on the flora into the vagina.
  5. Delivery of tests for the presence of genital infections.
  6. Delivery of blood tests to detect viruses, infections, HIV and others.
  7. Definition of group and blood resumes.
  8. With good indicators, a woman can sign all relevant documents and get the desired tablets in the appointment of a doctor, interrupting the pregnancy in the early stages.

Medical interruption of pregnancy: the timing of this procedure is quite small, and therefore all necessary analyzes must be made throughout the small number of days.

Tablets for interrupting pregnancy in early terms: action

  1. The adoption of the tablets is carried out under medical control in case of a side effect or a strong reaction of the body on such a miscarriage. Pill drink on an empty stomach, then the effect of complete interrupt is provided. Otherwise, it is possible to preserve pathological pregnancy.
  2. The beginning of the action of the medication is characterized by the opening of bleeding. It can be thick bleeding, which is similar to menstruation. And there is a variant of abundant bloodsture, in which the medical presence and intervention is necessary.
  3. If, after time, the bleeding was not started, the doctor prescribes the reception of prostaglandins. These substances lead to the tone of the uterus and stimulate its contractile actions. As a result, the fetus dies.

The adoption of the tablets independently affects the health of a woman, an emergency hospitalization is possible. Often, the side reaction of the drug abortion is the opening of the bleeding of the uterus, nausea, strong vomit, sharp deterioration of well-being.

The restoration of the female body after an abortion takes about 30 days, and the menstrual cycle can come back to the 50th day after interrupting pregnancy. After an abortion, a woman may have a stomach pain, headache, increased body temperature, vaginal selection with blood. With such a symptomatics, you need to urgently contact the doctor.

For the period of recovery, the woman should refrain from the reception of alcohol, intense training, hiking in a bath, solarium and a sauna, sexual acts, take care of the body from a long stay in the cold room. In case of bleeding, you can only use hygienic gaskets.

Early pregnancy interruption: reviews

Doctors consider such a method to the most gentle and applicable even at the first fertilization. Although there is a negative impact for the female organism, but at much less. This method of interruption of unwanted pregnancy can be used twice a year, even after the birth of a child with an artificial method (cesarean), a medical abortion is shown. After the medication abortion there is no risk of developing female infertility.

Medical interruption of pregnancy in early periods should be under the supervision of the gynecologist, which himself will select the necessary drug based on the characteristics of the body. Even during cysts, misa and erosion of the uterus, it is possible to use such tablets. Observing all the recommendations you can painlessly interrupt pregnancy and not harm the condition of the body.

The most gentle method of abortion is a medical interruption of pregnancy. It is almost safe for the health and emotional state of the woman. For its implementation, drugs are used that provoke the exile of the fruit egg outward.

What is a drug abortion?

The term "pharmacont" is made to designate the artificial interruption of the pregnancy with the use of medicines. The method completely eliminates surgical intervention. When carrying out this procedure, the patient in the presence of a doctor takes tablets. Under the influence of the components of this drug occurs the death of the embryo. At this, the first stage of the drug abortion ends.

Specific time a woman takes another drug. Its components provoke a strengthening of the contractile activity of the uterine mineometry. As a result, the fetal egg is expelled outside, an abortion occurs. This procedure has several advantages relative to other methods (scraping,):

  • lack of injury;
  • rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • low risk of complications;
  • does not require anesthesia.

Medical interruption of pregnancy - deadlines

Responding to a question of a woman, to what period, the drug interruption can be carried out, doctors call 6-7 weeks. The pharmacet can be carried out no later than 42-49 days from the moment when the first day of the last menstruation was noted. In this case, the effectiveness of this procedure is reduced over time, and the likelihood of the development of complications is increasing.

Optimal time for the medal, doctors call up to 4 weeks. A fruit egg does not have time to securely entrenched in the fallopian wall, so it is better and faster and turns out. In addition, the hormonal background has not yet been established completely, the restructuring of the body is not completed, so it will be easier for it to return to the past state, before pregnancy.

Medical Interrupt Pregnancy - Contraindications

The main indication for such interruption of pregnancy is the desire of the woman itself. However, not all pregnant women and not in all cases can be carried out by drug abortion. In addition to the time frame, designated above, there are other contraindications to the implementation of the metabotia:

  • allergic reactions to medications in history;
  • liver failure;
  • adrenal failure;
  • pathological bleeding;
  • active inflammatory process in the body of a woman;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • suspicion of;
  • oncological processes;
  • lactation process;
  • implementation of corticosteroid therapy;
  • disorders of the chopping system.

How does drug interruption occur?

Talking about how the pharmacet passes, the doctor explains the stages of the procedure. Previously, a woman needs to go through a small examination, which is appointed on the day of handling:

  • Ultrasound uterus;
  • mazzok on the microflora;
  • blood test on syphilis.

After receiving results, the exact time is assigned when a drug abortion is carried out, the timing of which is indicated above. With a re-visit, the doctor re-talking with a woman, clarifies the seriousness of her intentions, whether she changed his mind. Then the patient is issued a drug that she drinks in the presence of a doctor. Under the action of the drug there is a stop of the growth of the endometrium, and the muscular layer begins to shrink. Behind the woman is watching 2-3 hours, after which she leaves the clinic.

In the hands of the patient give out a tablet of another drug, which stimulates cuts from the uterus. Take it after 36-48 hours, according to the director of the doctor. Under the influence of the drug there is an expulsion of the deceased embryo outside. Only after that, the drug abortion is considered complete. Woman fixes bleeding.

Medical Interrupt Pregnancy - Preparations

A woman even if desired, cannot independently hold a pharmacist - tablets for its implementation are not sold in the pharmacy network. By carrying out drug abortion, drugs are used with high hormone content, so they are issued by a physician under medical institution. To implement a drug interruption, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antigestagen - Press the effect of natural gestagens on the receptor level. The representative of this group is Mifepristone, Mifgyne. For pharmacet use 600 mg of the drug.
  2. Prostaglandins - reinforce the contractile ability of the uterine myometrium. More often from this group is used worldly. 400 mg of funds are assigned. Take 36-48 hours after an anti-subshet.

How to understand that the pharmacet has passed successfully?

Complications are possible with any medical procedure, so women are often interested in doctors as to how to understand that the metabort failed. In order to eliminate possible violations after 14 days, a woman should visit the clinic and pass the control ultrasound. The doctor must make sure that the fruit egg, his remnants completely left the uterus cavity. Inspect the organ itself, determining the dimensions. The doctor clarifies the character of the discharge, the presence and severity of pain syndrome. Often after the pharmacist test is positive - this is due to the changed hormonal background.

Monthly after pharmacist

Normally, monthly after pharmacet come in 28-30 days. Reception of abortion means is practically not reflected on the hormonal background of a woman, so menstruation is not broken. However, in some cases, there is a change in the volume of discharge: they can be scarce or excessively abundant. So, a small amount of discharge after medication interruption may be due to:

  1. Small opening of the neck in the process of abortion - fragments of the fetus cannot normally go out, accumulating in the uterus cavity.
  2. Incomplete abortion - the fruit egg did not turn completely, and the fruit continues to evolve.

For 2-3 days, bleeding after the pharmacet is observed. Normally, it lasts up to 10-14 days. The fetal egg is separated by parts, so the selection lasts for a long time. Their volume exceeds the number of menstrual. It is necessary to take carefully to the volume, following them, so that they do not switched in. Signs of such a complication are:

  • a large number of blood released from the vagina - for half an hour, the hygienic gasket ("maxi") is impregnated completely;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dizziness;
  • leather pale;
  • an increase in the number of heartbreaks;
  • reduced arterial pressure.

Sex after pharmacet

After a pharmacet was carried out, which cannot be done and what rules to observe - a woman explains the doctor. At the same time, special attention is paid to intimate life. Doctors do not recommend entering into sexual contact with women until the bloody sections stop. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection of the reproductive system. On average, the abstinence must be 2-3 weeks from the moment of abortion.

Pregnancy after pharmacet

Properly conducted pharmaceutical abortion is not reflected in the childbearing function. After such interrupting pregnancy is possible already a month later, in the next menstrual cycle. Given this fact, the doctors strongly recommend protecting. Often women regret the deed and wish to get pregnant again. In addition, there are cases when the interruption was conducted on medical testimony, so the woman would like to get pregnant again.

The reproductive system is necessary time to recover, so it is necessary to refrain from planning pregnancy for 6 months from the moment a medical interruption of pregnancy has been carried out. Throughout this period, doctors recommend using. At the same time, preference is better to give a mechanical (condom), since the use of hormonal means can affect hormonal background.

Women who collided with unwanted pregnancy often wonder on what time an abortion can be made to what month the procedure is safe for health. Abortion In any case entails some complications and the need for recovery period. Everything happens individually and only after visiting the female consultation.

In contact with

Description of the procedure

Abortion is forced
Interruption of pregnancy, through medical intervention. Translated from Latin this word means "miscarriage".

By the manifestation mechanism distinguish:

  1. Spontaneous, which occurs for a number of reasons most often in the first trimester without the initiative of a woman. Some face him even before they learn about what a child is worn.
  2. Artificial. This class includes all other types of abortions that suggest outside interference on the initiative of the mother.

Causes of spontaneous miscarriage there are most different:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • previous abortions;
  • consumption of hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking;
  • sex infections.

Regardless of which dates are discharged to an abortion, it is important to remember that this is an important step that requires great responsibility. After miscarriage, serious complications may be followed, from the mi of the cervix to not to wear subsequent pregnancies and infertility as a whole. It is necessary to weigh everything "for" and "against" in advance.

Methods of interruption

Legitimate in Russia are abortions, Made up to 22 weeks. At the same time, it is important at what time an abortion is made, since up to 12 weeks it happens at the request of a woman, from 12 to 22 - with some circumstances.

These include cases when:

  • pregnancy occurred as a result of rape;
  • there are medical testimony;
  • the woman is recognized as incapable after the death of the spouse.

The answer to the question, to what period you can interrupt pregnancy, depends on the selected method:


For drug interruption, the first trimester is most favorable. The optimal period for an abortion is 45 days or 6 weeks.

Abortion is made using Preparation of mifepristone. The means for several hours blocks the highlight of the progesterone hormone, which is responsible for saving the fetus. As a result, miscarriage occurs.

The advantages are:

  1. there is no recovery period or in the hospital;
  2. minimum risk of complications;
  3. the lack of damage to the cervix, as with a surgical method;
  4. high efficiency;
  5. the possibility of successful conception in the future;
  6. this method is psychologically easier to be perceived by women.

Medical interruption of pregnancy occurs two hours after taking the drug and accompanied by bloody uterine discharges. They can continue for two weeks and be abundant. Also, the discharge is also accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, this indicates a reduction in the uterus.

Important! If abundant allocations continue to be two weeks later, and the pains do not pass, you need to consult a doctor or call ambulance.

Three days after drug interrupt, it is necessary to begin to be protected, as the conception is possible during this period.

Women who are in the early stages of the fetal to wear and do not want to keep the child, are increasingly resorting to the help of medicines.

This method is much safer and more efficient than surgical. Especially if there was a caesarean section earlier, and seams in the uterus did not heal until the end.

Plus, when using tablets, it is not necessary to be for a long time under the supervision of a doctor or use anesthesia.

Many wonder: abortive pills to what period can be used. The effect of tablets is higherThe sooner the woman decided to consume them . The maximum abortion period with the help of tablets is 6 weeks or 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

Important!As soon as a woman finds out that it is pregnant, and solves this process to interrupt, should not be tightened with adult tablet taking.

If more than 6 weeks have passed since the conception, and the doctor makes a decision on interruption using tablets, the procedure is carried out in the hospital under supervision.

The miscarriage occurs under the action of the following drugs:

Mifepristone Effective drug blocking pregnant progesterone hormone production. Reception of 600 mg of the drug 2 hours after meals. 400 mg of misoprostol are prescribed to fix the effect.
Pencrofton Analogue of tablets Miphpriston. It is assigned to 600 mg per one reception. In 8-14 days after the reception of the tablet, the patient should pass an ultrasound.
Mifhegin It is a steroid tool that increases the uterus tone and leads to its active reduction. Drink the drug once, in the dosage of 600 mg.
Mytholian The main active substance of mytholian is the mifprovon. Provides similar action by blocking a hormone progesterone. As a result, miscarriage occurs.

Despite the fact that abortion pills are recognized as the safest means, there are a number of contraindications to their application:

  1. malignant and benign uterine education;
  2. disease gasts or kidney;
  3. high pressure;
  4. blood blood clotting;
  5. epilepsy.

Above the tablets have a lot of advantages:

  • psychologically Easy Procedure
  • takes little time
  • does not cause complications.

However, it is very important to undergo an ultrasound examination 10 days after receiving tablets to make sure.

Vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion (or miniabort)
- It is a getting rid of the fetal egg by sucking it through a special vacuum nozzle

This method is less dangerous than instrumental, as the uterus damage or the occurrence of infections are excluded.

Sometimes disputes arise, to how many weeks you can make a pregnancy abortion by a vacuum method, because sometimes it is carried out in a period of up to 12 weeks.

Vacuum abortion is allowed for a period of up to 6 weeks, subject to normal development of the fetus. If pregnancy is frozen, then it is possible to use miniaboration to 12 weeks inclusive.

It is also not recommended to do it on too early, since the fruit egg is still hard to distinguish. Therefore, the woman decorated to miniature and interested in what date this procedure makes this procedure should determine the type of pregnancy.

Late time

Abortion in late terms creates a threat to health and Life of the future mother. But there are situations where such a method is inevitable.

It is important to remember how long the pregnancy can be interrupted. This period is 22 weeks. After 12 weeks it is believed that this is an abortion in late terms, since the child has main organs and systems.

Only a medical testimony can decide on interruption:

  • detection or severe genetic diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases or cancer has.

It is important to remember that the abortion in the later dates is very dangerous, so the decision is made not by one doctor, but as part of the conservium.

Duration of the process

Sometimes women are not only interested in how much the whole procedure takes.

The later the woman decides to get rid of the fetus, the more the most greater consequences for her health. It is important to remember, to what period you can interrupt pregnancy with different methods, so that long expectation does not turn to surgical intervention.

Useful video: how is an abortion procedure

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