Competence-oriented education Implementation technologies. Modern learning technologies

Sections: School administration , Working with parents

The main competitive advantage of a highly developed country is associated with the possibility of developing its human potential, which is largely determined by the state of the education system and its quality. The quality of modern vocational education is understood as a measure of the compliance of the educational result with the demands of the state, society and the individual. A significant constraint on Russia's economic growth is the shortage of labor resources, which is already acutely felt in the sphere of production. Therefore, the competitiveness of enterprises and the development of the country's economy as a whole depend on the structure and quality of training provided by the vocational education system. Recently, the functioning and quality of education have been seriously criticized by the main "customers" - the state, society, and employers. A particularly urgent problem in the short and medium term is to ensure the quality of graduates of primary and secondary (pre-university) vocational education due to their real shortage in the labor market.

Over the past 40 years, the Russian economy has functioned with a growing working-age population. This favorable period is over, and over the next decades it will decline sharply. According to research results, about 50 million people will leave the able-bodied population in the coming 20th anniversary. The declining number of young people entering working age in 2006-2025 will only replace half of the lost labor force. A favorable migration situation will make it possible to compensate for another 7-8% of the departure. However, this is not enough to fully restore the labor potential: in 2025, its number will be 1/5 less than today.

Compensation for "losses" among workers is the most problematic. Skilled agricultural workers will lead in terms of the intensity of leaving the labor force. Serious risks in staffing are expected in the group of skilled workers in the industrial sectors of the economy - one of the largest groups of people employed in the economy (16% of the total number of employees). Over the next 20 years, the loss (due to natural causes) of skilled workers will amount to 80-90% of the current number
employed in this group. They will be especially great among: painters and workers of related professions; toolmakers, machine operators, adjusters and workers of related professions; workers in the professions of the building materials industry; fitters and plumbers of sanitary equipment, pipe fitters; transport workers.

The modern labor market, characterized by high innovative dynamics, makes new demands on workers and specialists. Employer surveys testify to new trends in the development of the personnel needs of the regions: the formation of an order for the quality of professional education, not only and not so much in the format of "knowledge" of graduates, but in terms of methods of activity; the emergence of additional, previously not updated requirements for employees related to the components of readiness for professional activity common to all professions and specialties, such as the ability to "team" work, cooperation, to establish social ties, to continuous self-education, the ability to solve various problems, work with information, etc. Thus, we are talking about special educational results of the vocational education system - about professional competencies.

Within the competence-based approach, two basic concepts are distinguished: "competence" and "competence".

The analysis of works on the problem of the competence-based approach allows us to conclude that at present there is no unambiguous understanding of the concepts of "competence" and "competence", just as there is no single, accepted by all classification of competencies.

Andrey Viktorovich Khutorskoy - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, distinguishing these concepts, offers the following definitions.

Competence is a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods) set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Competence - possession, possession by a person of the corresponding competence. Including his personal attitude to it and the subject of activity.

That is, competence is a characteristic given to a person as a result of assessing the effectiveness / efficiency of his actions aimed at resolving a certain range of tasks / problems that are significant for a given community.

There are several types of competencies: general, subject, over-subject, professional, over-professional, etc.

Each person should have general (key) competencies, the term itself already indicates that they are the "key", the basis for others, more specific and subject-oriented. It is assumed that key competencies are over-professional and over-subject in nature and are necessary in any field of activity, they are used in Everyday life when carrying out activities in the field of education, in the workplace or while receiving vocational training. IN European project"Identification and selection of key competencies" Key competencies are defined as important "in many areas of life and serve as a guarantee of success in life and the effective functioning of society."

The specific content of the concept of "competence" is associated with an analysis of the request of employers and the social expectations of society. Thus, five key competencies have been identified that “young people should be equipped with”:

General competencies (basic, universal, key)
political and social ability to accept responsibility, participate in group decision making, resolve conflicts non-violently
related to life in a multicultural society respect for others and the ability to live with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions
relating to oral and written communication important for work and social life, as people who do not own them are threatened by social exclusion. In the same context of communication, proficiency in more than one language is becoming increasingly important.
related to the increasing informatization of society Knowledge of information technologies, understanding of their application, weaknesses and strengths. Ability to critically judge information disseminated by the media
ability to learn throughout life as a basis for lifelong learning in the context of both personal professional and social life

Modern pedagogy contains a large number of different approaches: systemic, traditional, complex, person-oriented, etc. The competence-based approach in vocational education is the least developed of all the approaches listed above.

The competence-based approach in vocational education dates back to the beginning of the 1980s. At first, not the term "competence-based approach in vocational education" was used, but the concept of competence. Competence was understood as any mastered skill or knowledge of a subject. Over time, this concept has expanded, and the competency-based approach to professional education has entered pedagogy.

What is a "competence-based approach" in vocational education?

If we consider the education of a person in the context of his socialization in society, and not only in the context of mastering the amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity, then competences become the leading content of education, its main results that are in demand outside of the educational institution. Moreover, competencies can be understood more broadly, namely as the development of certain forms of thinking and activity. Then the meaning of human education is to master any cultural tradition as a system of previously developed means that allows you to interact with the outside world, develop your abilities, realize yourself as "I" and be successful in this society. Competency-based approach in education, as opposed to the concept of "acquisition of knowledge", and in fact the amount of information (information), involves the development of various kinds of skills by students, allowing them to act effectively in the future in situations of professional, personal and social life. Moreover, special importance is attached to skills that allow you to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to accumulate appropriate funds in advance. They need to be found in the process of solving such situations and achieve the required results.

Thus, the competence-based approach is a strengthening of the applied, practical nature of all education (including subject education).

The transition to competence-oriented education in Russia was normatively fixed in 2001 in the Modernization Concept Russian education and Priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation. In the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, one of the main directions is to bring the content of education, teaching technologies and methods for assessing the quality of education in line with the requirements of modern society. One of the mechanisms for successfully solving the tasks set is the introduction of educational programs in the system of vocational education, built on the basis of a modular-competence approach.

The new education standards also imply a competence-oriented approach, which means project-based teaching methods, testing of various forms of work, which are based on the independence and responsibility for the learning outcomes of the students themselves.

The GEF requirements for learning outcomes (including mastered types of professional activity, competencies, practical experience, skills and knowledge) are mandatory, the new generation GEF already contains a list of general and professional competencies that a graduate who has mastered the basic professional education should have. profession program. The following general competencies are defined:

Understand the essence and social significance of their future profession;

Organize your own activities;

Analyze the working situation, be responsible for the results of their work;

Use information and communication technologies, search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks;

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, customers.

For each profession, professional competencies corresponding to the main types of professional activity are also defined.

What is the reason for such interest in competencies and giving them a central place in modern education?

First of all, this is due to the systemic changes that have taken place in the sphere of labor and management. The development of information technologies has led not only to a tenfold increase in the amount of information consumed, but also to its rapid aging, constant updating, which leads to fundamental changes not only in economic activity, but also in everyday life. The list of professions is updated by more than 50% every seven years, and in order to be successful, a person has to not only change jobs, but also retrain on average 3-5 times in a lifetime. In such circumstances, the productivity of professional activity does not depend on the possession of any once and for all given information, but on the ability to navigate information flows, on initiative, the ability to cope with problems, to seek and use missing knowledge or other resources. Accordingly, the requirements for employees have undergone serious changes. It is not enough to be a specialist, you must also be a good employee. The place of an executor who effectively copes with his duties was taken by the image of an initiative worker, able to take responsibility and make decisions in uncertain situations, able to work in a group for a common result, learn independently, making up for the lack of professional knowledge necessary to solve a specific problem.

Competence-oriented education involves fundamental changes in the organization of the educational process, in its management, in the activities of teachers, in the ways of evaluating the educational results of students in comparison with educational process based on the concept of "learning knowledge".

The position of the teacher also changes fundamentally. He ceases to be, along with the textbook, the bearer of "objective knowledge", which he tries to convey to the student. Its main task is to motivate students to show initiative and independence. He must organize independent activities of students, in which everyone could realize their abilities and interests. In fact, it creates conditions, a developing environment in which it becomes possible for each student to develop certain competencies at the level of development of his intellectual and other abilities.

The introduction of a result-oriented education model requires the improvement of both management systems, methodological work, and approaches to the design of a lesson, its content, the development and implementation of competence-oriented tasks. At the same time, an important role is given to control and measuring materials, which involve tracking the results of not only the knowledge level, but also the competency level, since in accordance with the changed requirements for intermediate certification, control work can no longer be a form of intermediate certification of disciplines, therefore, competence-oriented tasks should have practical orientation, social and personal significance, correspond to the level of education. Effective is the solution of competence-oriented tasks (KOS) or situational tasks. KOZ allow you to imagine how the acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in practice, in a new situation.

During the period of transition to new value pedagogical guidelines, the lesson remains the key form of organization of the educational process. Unlike the traditional lesson, a lesson that met the requirements of education at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, the modern lesson is, first of all, competence-oriented.

The development of competencies in the classroom is facilitated by the use of modern pedagogical technologies. There are a lot of technologies that ensure the formation of competencies in the classroom: critical thinking technology, discussion technology, case technology (situational seminar, solving situational problems.

This method is a description of a specific situation that requires a practical solution), any type of project activity, primarily research and practice-oriented projects. Practical work of a search and research nature, having a life (domestic, professional, social) context, tasks with a time limit, including mini-projects implemented within the lesson, collective and individual mental activity, ICT, etc.

Socio-economic transformations and the formation of free market relations based on a variety of forms of ownership, the emergence of competition in the labor market require changes in the field of professional training of specialists.

In the new concept of the development of education in Russia, the emphasis is shifted from a narrowly professional approach to training specialists to the multilateral development of the individual, the development and implementation of key functions, social roles, and competencies by students in the context of the new approach. Hence, the role of educational practice (industrial training) grows even more. It should be as close as possible to the conditions of modern production. The success of the professional activity of graduates of an educational institution is due to the transition from the process of obtaining a general theoretical professional education to the formation of a set of professional skills that are in demand in labor activity in a free market.

Accordingly, the programs of training and production practices should focus on the continuous improvement of such characteristics as qualifications and the level of training, which are components of professional competence, which is ensured by the acquisition of professional work experience in the process of gradually completing all types of training practices.

The main requirement of employers for graduates is the availability of work experience. During industrial training in the lyceum, students should have the opportunity to gain this experience and, thereby, to form professional competence. In order for students to clearly imagine the essence and social significance of the chosen profession, it is necessary that the theoretical knowledge gained for the formation of professional competence be supported by practical skills. But sometimes a very low level of organization of practices and weak links with real production are not enough to gain real work experience. Therefore, the organization of industrial training, as close as possible to the conditions of production, is our top priority.

One of the acute problems of competence-based education is the problem of the textbook. With the exception of some, very few, new textbooks, no textbook is specifically focused on implementing a competency-based approach. Therefore, the construction of a lesson according to a textbook, on the basis of texts, questions and tasks contained in it, under the conditions of a competence-based approach, turns out to be completely unsuitable. When preparing for a lesson, a fundamentally different selection of content is most often required, including questions and assignments. The textbook, of course, can be used, but only as one of the auxiliary training or reference aids. More consistent with the competence-based approach is the use of two or three textbooks by different authors at the same time in the same course. This allows students to compare and analyze different author's approaches to the presentation of the same topic.

One classroom activity is not enough for a competency-based approach. In the context of the implementation of the competency-based approach, extracurricular activities of students carry no less educational load. If possible, it should be organized as a group activity, during which personal experience is formed and comprehended while minimizing individual and frontal conversations of the class teacher with students, reports and messages on thematic class hours, passive visits to cultural facilities and institutions, and the like frontally. - individual and "incompetent" forms of work.

Thus, educational institutions should help students master the technologies of life, create conditions for the formation of abilities for self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-presentation and self-control, unleash the potential of self-realization, self-actualization and self-regulation.

Our task is to create conditions for successful self-realization of graduates. Indeed, in the near future they will have to realize themselves without our help.

Competence-based approach in the training of specialists allows to form such abilities and skills as:

  • competitiveness;
  • be able to use knowledge in a related specialty;
  • be able to organize their work on a scientific basis;
  • be able to use modern information technologies.

The competence-based approach, of course, requires the improvement of educational technologies. But it is in modern conditions that it is one of the guarantees of the quality of education.

Summing up, we can say that the competence-based approach is systemic, interdisciplinary, it has both personal and activity aspects. Based on the competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process, students develop key competencies, which are an integral part of their activities as a future specialist and one of the main indicators of their professionalism, as well as a necessary condition for improving the quality of vocational education.

During the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards into the system of primary vocational education, the priority is the practical orientation of the content of education, associated with the organization of educational and work practice for students, the active introduction of professionally oriented technologies of training and education, the strengthening of interdisciplinary connections and the ability of the individual to integrate knowledge of various subjects in the mind. Under these conditions, a competence-oriented environment is of particular importance, without which it becomes impossible to form general and professional competencies underlying the successful professional activity of the graduate. The main goal of the activity of all educational, research and creative associations, interest clubs is the formation of the worldview of the future specialist and the ability to use professional skills in practical activities, in life atypical situations.

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard set the task of expanding professional skills, focusing on competencies as a "result of education", taking into account the requirements of the modern labor market.

According to Amur-Info agency.

Graduates of universities and colleges in 2012, in order to get a job, will probably have to take another exam, however, after graduation and graduation. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has developed the concept of centers for certification and professional assessment of qualifications. They will take examinations and give independent assessment of knowledge. In 2012, such a center should open in the Amur region. New institutions will be supported by employers. By 2013 they should appear throughout the country. Now the Ministry of Education of the Amur region is developing an agreement with the Amur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as it is the link between the authorities and enterprises. It is not excluded that the center will be based on its base.

Meanwhile, some Amur universities already have experience in passing qualifying exams by students. For example, BSPU has been training specialists for the Petropavlovsk company for about ten years now. In the fifth year, chemistry students who want to work there undergo a specialization in analytical chemistry, and after graduation, they also pass a qualifying exam. It depends on this whether the graduate will be hired and what position he will take.

In modern medical and pharmaceutical education, there have recently been trends that allow us to talk about the transition of this system to a new qualitative state. The Higher Medical School is a new high-tech system of educational equipment, new curricula, electronic learning tools, new conditions for the implementation of federal state educational standards.

The Higher Pharmaceutical School should provide graduates with a system of integrated theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities, help master high pharmaceutical technologies, and form the ability for social adaptation of a specialist. The implementation of these tasks contributes to the targeted training of a pharmacist, based on a strong motivational attitude, deep specialization, and actualization of the intellectual and personal capabilities of students.

Teachers of the higher pharmaceutical school are a special category of teachers with specific functions, conditions and methods of work, qualification and personal characteristics. In his work, the teacher focuses on the fact that today pharmaceutical universities are preparing pharmacists to work in a changing health care financing system, improving its structure and tasks. Accordingly, the responsibility of teachers of a pharmaceutical university for the results of their work is increasing.

Currently, the search for ways to improve the effectiveness of vocational education is associated with a competency-based approach.

The relevance of the competence-based approach is highlighted in the materials of the modernization of education and is considered as one of the important provisions for updating the content of education. This is due to the fact that professional activity is characterized by increasing complexity and dynamics, while the main task of competence-based training is the formation of a specialist who is able to solve professional problems in new situations.

The competence-based approach is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to act in various problem situations, in other words, the competence-based approach is an approach in which the results are recognized as significant outside the education system.

The specificity of competence-based learning lies in the fact that not ready-made knowledge is assimilated, proposed by someone for assimilation, but the student himself formulates the concepts necessary to solve the problem. With this approach, educational activity, periodically acquiring a research or practical-transformative character, itself becomes the subject of assimilation.

The nature of competence is such that, being a product of learning, it does not directly follow from it, but rather is a consequence of the individual's self-development, his not so much technological as personal growth, a consequence of self-organization and generalization of activity and personal experience.

Competence is a way of existence of knowledge, skills, education, which contributes to personal self-realization, finding a pupil of his place in the world, as a result of which education becomes highly motivated and in a true sense personality-oriented, providing maximum demand personal potential, recognition of personality by others and awareness of its very own significance .

The competence-based approach in education involves the development by students of skills that allow them to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to accumulate appropriate funds in advance. They need to be found in the process of resolving such situations and achieving the required results. The main value is the development by students of such skills that would allow them to determine their goals, make decisions and act in typical and non-standard situations. In addition, the competency-based approach involves the formation of students' general cultural and professional competencies as the end result of education.

The most important feature of the competency-based approach is the student's ability to self-study in the future, and this is impossible without obtaining deep knowledge and independent work. Knowledge is completely subordinate to skills; the student should, if necessary, be able to quickly and accurately use the sources of information to resolve certain problems. Competence is a person's readiness to mobilize knowledge, skills and external resources for effective activity in a specific life situation.

The key competencies are those that are universal, applicable in various life situations. This is sort of the key to success. Main key competencies:

- Information competence - readiness to work with information.

- Communicative competence - readiness to communicate with other people, is formed on the basis of information.

- Cooperative competence - willingness to cooperate with other people, is formed on the basis of the two previous ones.

- Problem competence - readiness to solve problems, is formed on the basis of the three previous ones.

The competence-oriented approach to education puts teachers in front of the need to develop and implement in their work new pedagogical technologies, methods, partial programs that meet the needs of modern education.

There are two foundations for a competency-based approach to learning:

1) Modern educational technologies: business games, role-playing games, case method, etc.

2) Competence-oriented tasks that require the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in solving real problems.

Competence-oriented technology of education presupposes the presence of a problem-based approach in teaching and upbringing, which is based on the creation of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them. It is also very productive in teaching students to use individual and group projects that involve active independent work of students, which is important in case of reduction in classroom hours.

Competence-oriented tasks in the preparation of students at the Faculty of Pharmacy can be used both in consolidating the received theoretical knowledge, and in their systematization, control, quality monitoring, rating system for assessing knowledge, etc.

The use of competence-oriented tasks allows to implement a competence-based approach in the preparation of pharmacists, contributes to a better assimilation of knowledge, development of thinking, an increase in the level of formation of professional abilities, and the acquisition of skills that allow one to successfully adapt in professional activities.

There are three levels of complexity of competence-oriented tasks:

1) Playback level. Includes the reproduction of methods, reading and interpreting the data of tables, diagrams, graphs, maps, performing simple calculations.

2) Linking level. Includes establishing links and integrating material from different sections of the discipline, performing multi-step calculations, compiling expressions, ordering data.

3) The level of reasoning. It includes the solution of non-standard problems, the formulation of generalizations and conclusions, the ability to justify them.

Testing, modular and rating systems for assessing the quality of knowledge, educational portfolios, and projects are also used as innovative assessment tools.

Test technologies are objective and effective for checking the quality of students' preparation at different stages of education. The test control system activates the work of students throughout the semester, provides a stronger assimilation of the material. Systematic test control ensures effective assimilation educational material, forms the student's self-control and self-esteem, which are elements of the worldview. Also, a phased diagnostics of knowledge throughout the course allows the teacher to timely adjust the teaching methodology, depending on the gaps in the knowledge of students.

Thus, when applying competence-oriented tasks in the preparation of pharmacists, the main attention should be paid to mastering the skills that determine the graduate's readiness for productive activity, independence, flexibility and ambiguity in solving professional problems, and developing students' abilities to use the acquired knowledge in various situations.

To determine the main ways of successful organization of competence-oriented education in a medical and pharmaceutical university, it is necessary, first of all, to identify and disclose the principles of such work.

The following principles of competence-oriented training of future pharmacists in a medical and pharmaceutical university have been identified. The principle of the developmental nature of education, which implies a focus on the comprehensive development of the personality and individuality of the student, as well as the orientation of the future pharmacist on the self-development of general cultural and professional competencies.

The principle of student activity and a decrease in the share of pedagogical management of students' activities. The educational process must be built in such a way that the emphasis is shifted from the teaching activity of a teacher who plans, asks questions, sets tasks and evaluates (teaches in broad sense) on educational activities based on the initiative and creativity of the students themselves, i.e. students should become active participants in both the implementation and evaluation of the learning process. It is in such a situation that the spirit of continuous learning will reign, understanding that ignorance of something is a natural state of a person, which is a source of constant personal and professional development.

Following the principle of activity in the educational process involves:

− taking into account individual interests and needs of students;

- the presence in the classroom of an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation;

- providing the student with the opportunity to independently choose, for example, research topics;

− use of active teaching methods: cross-interrogation, disputes, discussions, mutual learning and mutual consultation.

The principle of scientificity requires that the content vocational training introduced students to objective scientific facts, theories, laws, would reflect state of the art pharmacognosy as a science.

The principle of linking learning with practice provides that the learning process at the university provides an opportunity to implement the acquired knowledge in professional pharmaceutical activities.

We include the following rules for implementing this principle:

- solution of a large number of methodological tasks in the process of studying the discipline;

- the use of methods focused on the practical application of professional knowledge and skills.

An important component of the competence-oriented training of the future pharmacist are also changes in the procedure for the current, intermediate and final attestation of students. Assessment of the quality of student training should be carried out in two directions: assessment of the level of mastering the discipline (cognitive component); assessment of students' competencies (activity component).

The levels of development of professional competencies of students can be characterized as follows:

1) High level. The student owns a system of professional knowledge, considers the proposed questions from various positions, confirms the theoretical provisions with his own examples; knows how to update professional knowledge and find the right solution based on the conditions of a particular situation.

2) Average level. The student sets out the theoretical positions on these issues reasonably, quite fully, offers his own solution to various problems.

3) Low level. The student sets out the main theoretical provisions on the proposed issues; demonstrates problem solving skills.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the competence-based approach requires the improvement of educational technologies, but it is in modern conditions that it is one of the guarantees of the quality of education.

The competence-based approach is systemic, interdisciplinary, it has both personal and activity aspects. Based on the competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process, students develop key competencies, which are an integral part of their activities as a future specialist and one of the main indicators of their professionalism, as well as a necessary condition for improving the quality of vocational education.

During the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards into the system of primary vocational education, the priority is the practical orientation of the content of education, associated with the organization of educational and work practice for students, the active introduction of professionally oriented technologies of training and education, the strengthening of interdisciplinary connections and the ability of the individual to integrate knowledge of various subjects in the mind. Under these conditions, a competence-oriented environment is of particular importance, without which it becomes impossible to form general and professional competencies that underlie the successful professional activity of a graduate. The main goal of the activity of all educational, research and creative associations, interest clubs is the formation of the worldview of the future specialist and the ability to use professional skills in practical activities, in life atypical situations.


1. Averchenko, L.K. Imitation business game as a method of developing professional competencies / L.K. Averchenko, I.V. Doronina, L.I. Ivanova // Higher education today. - M.: Logos, 2013. - S. 35-39.

2. Ibragimov, G.I. Innovative learning technologies in the context of the implementation of the competence approach / G.I. Ibragimov // Innovations in Education. - M: Eidos, 2011. - No. 4. S. 5-14.

3. Minko, E.V. Management of the quality of educational processes: / E.V. Minko, L.V. Kartasheva and others // Textbook, ed. E.V. Minko, M.A. Nikolaeva. - M.: Norma: NITs INFRA-M, 2013. - 400 p.

4. Ivanov, D.A. Competence approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools / D.A. Ivanov, K.G. Mitrofanov, O.V. Sokolova // Educational and methodological manual. - M.: APKiPPRO, 2007. - 101 p.


federal state budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy"

History department

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Methods of Teaching History

Course work

Psychological and pedagogical approaches to assessing the results of competence-based education


third-year full-time student

Budylev S.M.

Scientific adviser:

Candidate of Pediatric Sciences, Associate Professor O.A. Smagina

Samara 2013


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1 Concepts and essence of evaluation of learning outcomes in competence-based education

2 Features of competence-based education

Conclusions on Chapter I

Chapter II. Ways and means of assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1 Features of the psychological and pedagogical approach to assessing learning outcomes

2 Ways and means of implementing competence-based education

Conclusions on Chapter II




The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ways of implementing the assessment of learning outcomes in competence-based education.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that competence-based education comes first in the educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the competence-based approach. There is a need for new data, as there is no clear formulation of how to move from one model of education to another.

The research problem is how the competence-based approach affects the quality of education.

The object of the study is the assessment of learning outcomes. And the subject of the work is competence-oriented education as a condition for achieving the goal of modern education.

The research hypothesis is that the implementation of competence-based education will be effective if:

comprehend the theoretical foundations of the competence-oriented approach;

identify the concepts and essence of the quality of education;

To characterize the means of implementing competence-oriented education in the educational process.

The main objectives of the study:

To study the theoretical foundations of competence-oriented education;

Define the concepts and essence of the quality of education;

To analyze the ways and means of implementing competence-oriented education in a modern school.

Theoretical and practical significance: in modern society it becomes important to put into practice the acquired knowledge in school. It should be taught in such a way that a person can be retrained throughout his life. With the help of competence-oriented education, knowledge becomes the cognitive base of human competence.

Research methods:

Study of the conceptual and theoretical base;

Study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Main literature:

· G. B. Golub, E. A. Perelygina, O. V. Churakova. The method of projects is the technology of competence-oriented education. Samara: 2006.

This manual discusses the methodological and didactic aspects of competence-based education.

· E.A. Samoilov. Competence-oriented education: socio-economic, philosophical and psychological foundations. Monograph. Samara: 2006.

The monograph analyzes the socio-economic, philosophical and psychological foundations of competence-based education in society.

· Zimnyaya I.A., Competence approach: what is its place in the system of modern approaches to the problem of education? (theoretical and methodological aspect)//Higher education today. 2006. No. 8., p. 20-26.

The article discusses the place of competence-oriented education in the modern educational process.

· I.I. Menyaeva. Competence-oriented education is a priority direction of the innovative activity of the school. Samara: Fort, 2008

“Stuffed with knowledge but not able to apply it in practice, a student resembles a stuffed fish that cannot swim” Academician A.L. Mints.

· Modernization of educational systems: from strategy to implementation: Collection of scientific papers / Nauch. ed. V.N. Efimov, under the general. ed. T.G. Novikova. - M.: APK and PRO, 2004. - 192p.

The paper analyzes the ways of implementing competence-oriented education in the educational process.

· Zolotareva, A.V. Monitoring the performance of an educational institution. - Yaroslavl, Publishing House of YaGPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.

In this paper, monitoring is considered as an assessment of the result of students' activities.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

1.1 Concepts and essence of evaluation of learning outcomes in competence-based education

Due to the fact that in September 2003 Russia acceded to the Bologna Declaration, the direction of the domestic education system has changed. A course was taken to modernize this important system for society. For most of the Soviet period of Russian education, its competence program was based on the so-called principle of "knowledge, skills, skills" and included theoretical justification, definition of the nomenclature, hierarchy of knowledge, skills and abilities, methods of their formation, control and evaluation.

However, the changes taking place in the world and in Russia in the field of education goals, correlated, in particular, with the global task of ensuring the entry of a person into the social world, his productive adaptation in this world, necessitate the question of providing education with a more complete, personal and socially integrated result. As a general definition of such an integral social-personal-behavioral phenomenon as a result of education in the aggregate of motivational-value, cognitive components, the concept of "competence and competence" was used.

Practice has proved that modern education can no longer function successfully in the former content, organizational and - more broadly - pedagogical forms. This means that the new school, the educational system necessarily requires the use of other methods of management, which involves rethinking the basic conditions for organizing school life: reformulating goals, objectives, means, methods of assessment and communication3 .

Questions about how to assess the level of student achievement and what can be assessed are among the "eternal" issues of pedagogy. The reforms that began in our country in the late 80s. The twentieth century, according to G. Kovaleva, were associated with the "humanization of school spaces", that is, work on the "humanization of the views of an expert", humanization of the standard created by him and staying in the "teacher's head", as well as with the objectification of the assessment.

The need for an objective assessment of the results of human activity has always been and remains one of the most significant in any field of human activity. And the more versatile, multifaceted this activity, the more difficult it is to evaluate its result.

An objective assessment of the level of student achievement is intended to:

obtaining objective information about the results of educational activities achieved by students and the degree of their compliance with the requirements of educational standards;

identifying positive and negative trends in the teacher's activities;

establishing the reasons for the increase or decrease in the level of students' achievements with the aim of subsequent correction of the educational process.

The document "Strategy for the modernization of the structure and content of general education" emphasizes that the current system for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students in a general education school is hardly compatible with the requirements of education modernization. The most serious disadvantages include:

the orientation of the assessment solely on external control, accompanied by pedagogical and administrative sanctions, and not on supporting motivation aimed at improving educational results;

the predominant orientation of control and evaluation tools to check the reproductive level of assimilation, to check only factual and algorithmic knowledge and skills.

The planned changes in the system of general secondary education cannot be achieved without a significant transformation of the system for assessing the quality of students' educational achievements and the quality of education in general.

It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of T.G. Novikova and A.S. Prutchenkov that in the process of modernizing the control system, it is advisable to preserve and disseminate all the positive that has been accumulated in a number of schools in the country in recent years (the introduction of monitoring educational achievements within the framework of level differentiation in education; the use of various forms of control in the final certification of students, the introduction computer testing, etc.), and to change what hinders the development of the education system (subjectivity of assessments, the primary focus on checking factual material, the insufficient use of control tools that form the interest of each student in the results of their cognitive activity, the incompatibility of control results across schools, insufficient preparedness teachers and school administrations to the use of modern means of measuring the level of educational achievements, etc.).

Studies of a number of works by scientists allow us to conclude that one of the reasons for the lagging behind in learning is a poorly developed ability to critically evaluate the results of their educational activities. At present, the need for a search effective ways organization of evaluation activities of teachers and students4 .

The main conditions for the modernization of the system for monitoring and evaluating educational achievements, outlined in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010, were:

openness of requirements for the level of training of students and control procedures for all participants in the educational process: students, parents, teachers, specialists, the general public;

creation of a system for assessing the achievement of the requirements of educational standards in the process of current and final control, adequate to new educational goals and aimed at improving the education system; standardization and objectification of the assessment of the quality of training of school graduates with the help of an external control system;

introduction, in addition to the traditional ones, of new types, forms, methods and means of assessing the dynamics of students' advancement in the educational process, contributing to an increase in motivation and interest in learning, as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The results of the international PISA study showed the need to change not only the system for assessing student learning achievements. The ability of the student to solve the problems that school life poses to him should also be assessed.

It is important to reorient control to assess the ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process in various life situations.

It is necessary that the modernized system work in "a mode of constant correction and updating, taking into account, on the one hand, real pedagogical practice, and on the other, the needs of social development."

Often in psychological and especially pedagogical literature, the concepts of "assessment" and "mark" are identified. However, the distinction between these concepts is extremely important for a deeper understanding of the psychological, pedagogical, didactic and educational aspects of the evaluation activities of teachers.

First of all, evaluation is a process, an activity (or action) of evaluation carried out by a person. All our tentative and in general any activity in general depends on the assessment. The accuracy and completeness of the assessment determine the rationality of moving towards the goal.

Evaluation functions, as is known, are not limited only to the statement of the level of learning. Evaluation is one of the effective means at the disposal of the teacher, stimulating learning, positive motivation, and influencing the personality. It is under the influence of objective assessment that schoolchildren develop an adequate self-esteem, a critical attitude towards their successes. Therefore, the significance of assessment and the diversity of its functions require the search for indicators that would reflect all aspects of schoolchildren's educational activities and ensure their identification. From this point of view, the current system of assessing knowledge and skills requires revision in order to increase its diagnostic significance and objectivity. A mark (score) is the result of the evaluation process, activity or action of evaluation, their conditionally formal reflection. Identification of evaluation and mark, from a psychological point of view, will be tantamount to identifying the process of solving a problem with its result. Based on the assessment, a mark may appear as its formal-logical result. But, in addition, the mark is a pedagogical stimulus that combines the properties of encouragement and punishment: a good mark is an encouragement, and a bad mark is a punishment.

Assessment is usually subject to the available knowledge of schoolchildren and the knowledge and skills they have shown. Knowledge, skills and abilities should be assessed primarily in order to outline ways for both the teacher and the student to improve, deepen, refine them. It is important that the student's assessment reflects the prospects of working with this student and for the teacher, which is not always realized by the teachers themselves, who consider the mark only as an assessment of the student's performance. In many countries, student grades as a basis for assessing educational performance are one of the most important indicators of the quality of education6 .

In contrast to the formal - in the form of a score - the nature of the mark, the assessment can be given in the form of detailed verbal judgments, explaining to the student the meaning of the "folded" assessment - mark.

Researchers have found that a teacher's assessment leads to a favorable educational effect only when the student internally agrees with it. For well-performing schoolchildren, a coincidence between their own assessment and the assessment given to them by the teacher occurs in 46% of cases. And for those with poor progress - in 11% of cases. According to other researchers, the coincidence between the teacher's and the student's own assessment occurs in 50% of cases. It is clear that the educational effect of the assessment will be much higher if the students understand the requirements placed on them by teachers7 .

The results of the control of educational and cognitive activity of students are expressed in its assessment. To evaluate means to establish the level, degree or quality of something.

Grade- a qualitative indicator (for example, "You are well done!").

mark- quantitative indicator (five or ten-point scale, percent).

Stages of development of a five-point rating scale:

) May 1918 - the decision of A.V. Lunacharsky "On the abolition of marks";

) September 1935 - five verbal (verbal) ratings were introduced: "very bad", "bad", "mediocre", "good", "excellent";

) January 1944 - return to the digital "five-point" system for assessing academic performance.

1.2 Features of competence-based education

The meaning of competence-oriented education is in the dialectical synthesis of academic and pragmatic education, in enriching the subject's personal experience in constructing such an educational environment that contributes to the optimal development of the student's individuality, uniqueness, taking into account universal human values. The thesis “there are no irreplaceable people” is a thing of the past. Society, culture are enriched, developed due to the uniqueness of their representatives7 .

In accordance with the Strategy for the Modernization of the Russian System of General Secondary Education, the teacher is called upon to ensure the integration and continuity of the processes of formation of a complex of universal knowledge, skills, and the formation of key competencies.

Important components of the teacher's readiness for competence-oriented education of schoolchildren are:

the teacher's awareness of the objective need for changes in the educational system and his active position on the problem under consideration;

understanding the essence of the terms "competence", "competence" and "competence-oriented education";

the ability to solve open problems (that is, problems without a clearly defined condition, without a solution algorithm known in advance, with a multiple answer);

possession of methods, algorithms for designing a modern educational process for optimizing its elements.

Great importance is attached to activity methods and teaching technologies, since the essence of the concepts discussed is connected precisely with the activities of participants in the educational process8 .

The competence-oriented approach in determining the goals and content of general education is not completely new, and even more so alien to the Russian school. Orientation towards the development of skills, methods of activity and, moreover, generalized methods of action was the leading one in the works of such domestic teachers and psychologists as M.N. Skatkin, IYA. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky, town of settlement Shchedrovitsky, V.V. Davydov and their followers. In this vein, separate educational technologies and educational materials have been developed. However, this orientation was not decisive; it was practically not used in the construction of standard curricula, standards, and evaluation procedures.

Competence-oriented education is a process aimed at developing in the subject in the course of activity, mainly of a creative nature, the ability to connect the methods of activity with the educational or life situation in order to solve it, as well as to acquire an effective solution to significant practice-oriented problems9 .

In competence-oriented education, we can talk about the pedagogy of opportunities; the motivation for competence is based on the motivation of compliance and orientation towards the long-term goals of personality development.

Competence-oriented education speaks precisely about the regulation of the result, as required by the letter and spirit of the law.

Competence-oriented education requires the addition of internal teacher control with self-control and self-assessment, the importance of external expert evaluation of alienated products of educational activity, considers rating, accumulative assessment systems more adequate, the creation of a portfolio (portfolio of achievements) as a tool for the student to present himself and his achievements outside the school.

Competence-oriented education speaks of the multiplicity of levels in the possible field of student achievement.

In the competence-based approach, the teacher does not claim to have a monopoly of knowledge, he takes the position of an organizer, a consultant.

In the competence-based approach, the student himself is responsible for his own progress, he is the subject of his own development, in the learning process he occupies different positions within the pedagogical interaction.

In competence-based education, the lesson is retained as one of the possible forms of organizing learning, but the emphasis is on expanding the use of other, non-curricular forms of organizing classes - a session, a project group, independent work in a library or a computer class, etc.

The main unit for organizing material for classes can be not only a lesson, but also a module (case). Therefore, educational books within the framework of the new approach have a structure different from the traditional one - these are materials for organizing classes in a fairly short time (from 10 to 70 hours), the structure of which is indicated not as lessons, but as blocks (modules).

The method closest to competence-oriented education is the experience of organizing a research model of a lesson, a problem-task approach, and situational pedagogy.

The central point in the modernization of education based on the idea of ​​a competency-based approach is the change in teaching methods, which consists in the introduction and testing of forms of work based on the responsibility and initiative of the students themselves.

There is another topic for further innovative search - how should the assessment system at school change?

The competency-based approach will allow evaluating a real, and not an abstract, product produced by a student. That is, the system for assessing the level of student achievement should undergo a change first of all. We accept not only educational ones. The student's ability to solve the problems that school life puts before him should be assessed. The educational process should be transformed in such a way that “spaces of real action” appear in it, a kind of “initiative”, to use the conventional language, “student productions”, the products of which (including intellectual ones) are performed not only for the teacher, but for to compete successfully and get the desired score in the domestic (school) and foreign (public) market.

Innovative approaches to learning are divided into two main types, which correspond to the reproductive and problem orientation of the educational process.

Innovation modernization, the educational process aimed at achieving guaranteed results within its traditional reproductive orientation. Transformation innovations that transform the traditional educational process, aimed at ensuring its research nature, organizing search educational and cognitive activities.

Conclusions on Chapter I

The topic of competence-based education is of fundamental importance, because it concentrates the ideas of the emerging new educational system, which is often called anthropological, since the shift vector is directed towards the humanization of social practice.

The actualization of competence-oriented education in recent decades is due to a number of factors. The transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society is associated with an increase in the level of environmental uncertainty, with an increase in the dynamism of the processes, and a multiple increase in the information flow. Market mechanisms in society began to work more actively, role mobility increased, new professions appeared, there were changes in the old professions, because the requirements for them changed - they became more integrated, less special. All these changes dictate the need for the formation of a person who knows how to live in conditions of uncertainty.

The complex of methods of activity obtained in different subject areas at different age stages, in the final analysis, should lead to the formation in the child of generalized methods of activity at the end of the main school, applicable in any activity, regardless of the subject area. These generalized modes of activity can be called competencies.

Another aspect of this education concerns the adequacy of the content of education to modern trends in the development of the economy, science, and social life. The fact is that a number of school skills and knowledge no longer belong to any professional occupation.

In the competency-based approach, the list of required competencies is determined in accordance with the requests of employers, the requirements of the academic community and broad public discussion based on serious sociological research. Mastering various kinds of competencies becomes the main goal and results of the learning process. Competencies and competency-based approach occupy a central place in the education quality management system.

The basic competence of a teacher lies in the ability to create, organize such an educational, developing environment in which it becomes possible for the child to achieve educational results, formulated as key competencies.

For a school of post-industrial society, it is no longer enough to provide a graduate with knowledge for decades to come. In the labor market and from the point of view of life prospects, the ability and willingness to study and retrain all one's life are becoming more in demand. And for this, apparently, you need to learn in a different way, in other ways.

So, the new quality of education is connected, first of all, with a change in the nature of the relationship between the school, family, society, state, teacher and student. That is, updating the educational process is a meaningful resource for reorienting the school to work in the logic of a different approach to assessing the success of education.

Chapter II. Ways and means of assessing learning outcomes in competency-based education

2.1 Features of the psychological and pedagogical approach to assessing learning outcomes

The adaptability of the education system requires determining the compliance of the activities of a particular pedagogical system with the opportunities and educational needs of a particular student. Learning in the conditions of competence-oriented education becomes predominantly an active independent activity, managed through the use of control and diagnostics10 .

Means of control and diagnostics in the new conditions are changing. A marking system that measures only a single specific result becomes insufficient. To track the process of achieving educational goals, tools are needed that make it possible to track and evaluate the dynamics of the process of achieving goals. Thus, there is a need to introduce a cumulative assessment system, which includes monitoring, rating assessment, portfolio known in the domestic education system. Cumulative assessment also includes interviews, business games, self-assessment diaries, the agreement method and other methods used in Western didactics used for assessment.

Cumulative assessments allow students to develop a positive attitude towards learning, as they give them the opportunity to demonstrate how much they know and can do, and not their shortcomings, which is typical of traditional assessment methods. They make the learning process more effective, especially with properly organized and constructive feedback. New assessment methods, such as simulations, practice, role-plays, allow the student to understand how to apply the acquired skills inside and outside the educational environment. It becomes possible to assess a more diverse range of student skills in more situations. At the same time, not only teachers can evaluate, but also parents, and, most importantly, the student himself11 .

The main characteristics of an effective evaluation are that it focuses on the process and on the product. It is not only what the student is taught that is evaluated, but also what is expected of him. Both teachers and students are actively involved in the assessment process. Evaluation is based on diverse and variable means; evaluation takes place at all stages and levels of learning and provides participants with the necessary information to improve the learning process through feedback. Cumulative valuation, when properly used, fulfills all of these requirements.

It is possible to evaluate the learning outcomes in competence-based education with the help of control as monitoring. Pedagogical monitoring is a form of organizing, collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information about the activities of the teaching staff, which allows you to continuously monitor the state and predict its activities.

In the process of monitoring, trends in the development of the education system, correlated over time, as well as the consequences of decisions taken, are revealed. Within the framework of monitoring, the identification and evaluation of the conducted pedagogical actions is carried out. At the same time, feedback is provided, informing about the compliance of the actual results of the pedagogical system with its ultimate goals.

Monitoring affects various aspects of the life of an educational institution:

analysis of the expediency of setting the objectives of the educational process, plans for educational and educational work;

work with personnel and creation of conditions for the creative work of teachers;

organization of the educational process;

a combination of control with the provision of practical assistance.

The main difference between monitoring the quality of education and control, first of all, is that the task of monitoring is to establish the causes and magnitude of the discrepancy between the result and the goals. In addition, monitoring is systematic and time-consuming, with applied criteria and indicators.

The main monitoring functions include:

diagnostic - scanning the state of the education system and the changes taking place in it, which makes it possible to assess these phenomena;

expert - within the framework of monitoring, it is possible to carry out an examination of the state, concept, forms and methods of development of the education system, its components and subsystems;

informational - monitoring is a way to regularly obtain comparable information about the state and development of the system, necessary for the analysis and forecast of the state and development of the system;

integrative - monitoring is one of the system-forming factors that provide a comprehensive description of processes.

There are general features of the activity:

monitoring objects are dynamic, subject to external influences that can cause various changes in the state of the object;

the implementation of monitoring involves the organization of constant monitoring of the object, the study and assessment of its condition;

the organization of tracking provides for the selection of reasonable criteria and indicators by which the measurement and description of the parameters of the object is carried out;

each specific monitoring system is focused on a specific consumer, which can be both a separate institution and the state as a whole.

It is possible to single out the main types of monitoring by content:

didactic monitoring, the subject of which is neoplasms of the educational process (acquisition of knowledge, skills, compliance of their level with the requirements of the SES, etc.);

educational monitoring, which takes into account changes in the creation of conditions for the education and self-education of students, the "increment" of their educational level;

socio-psychological, showing the level of socio-psychological adaptation of the student's personality;

management activity, showing changes in various management subsystems.

By the nature of the methods and techniques used - statistical and non-statistical monitoring.


process monitoring - presents a picture of the factors affecting the implementation of the final goal;

monitoring the conditions for organizing activities - reveals deviations from the planned norm of activities, the level of rationality of activities, the necessary resources;

results monitoring - finds out what was done from the planned, what results were achieved.

When organizing monitoring, it is important to perform the following tasks:

Determine the criteria for the quality of monitoring implementation, develop a set of indicators that provide a holistic view of the state of the system, qualitative and quantitative changes in it.

Select diagnostic tools.

Set the level of compliance of the real state of the object with the expected results.

Systematize information about the state and development of the system.

Provide regular and visual presentation of information about ongoing processes.

Organize information support for the analysis and forecasting of the state and development of the education system, development of management decisions.

The information collected during the monitoring process must meet the requirements of objectivity, accuracy, completeness and sufficiency.

Traditional monitoring in the form of tests, exams, inspections is not effective enough. First of all, because:

control of the state of learning is irregular, episodic, the dynamics of changes is not revealed;

controlling the results of training, they disregard the learning process itself;

quite subjective scores are used and integral estimates performance of verification tasks in general, which does not allow us to find out which specific and to what extent elements of the content have not been mastered;

in essence, diagnostic methods are not used to reveal the causes of certain mistakes of students, shortcomings in the work of a teacher, to identify factors that affect academic performance.

For monitoring, general methods of psychological and pedagogical research can be used - observation, questioning, questioning, testing, experiment. Specific methods are also used - analysis of activity products (for example, documents), methods for studying the state of educational work, game methods, creative reports, methods of expert assessments, analytical and evaluation methods (self-assessment, lesson analysis, scaling, etc.). Mathematical-statistical method is used to process monitoring results.

Monitoring is carried out in the following stages:

Preparatory stage:

formation of an order for monitoring,

selection of the monitoring object,

methodological support of monitoring,

definition of criteria and indicators,

creation of a working project or program,

briefing or training of monitoring personnel.

Monitoring stage:

carrying out diagnostics of the system using the selected methods in accordance with the work program,

collection and analysis, storage of results.

Stage of data processing and decision making:

data processing, including mathematical and statistical,

analysis, generalization and systematization of the obtained data,

preparation of the final document,

making decisions,

a set of measures that activate the use of data, including information support for monitoring12 .

Control in a broad sense - checking something, establishing feedback. The control of students' learning activities provides information about the result of their learning activities, contributes to the establishment of external feedback (control performed by the teacher) and internal feedback (student self-control).

2.2 Ways and means of implementing competence-based education

pedagogical monitoring competency-based education

Competence-based education, as opposed to the concept of “acquisition of knowledge” (and in fact the sum of information), involves the development of skills by students that allow them to act effectively in the future in situations of professional, personal and social life. Moreover, special importance is attached to skills that allow you to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to accumulate appropriate funds in advance. They need to be found in the process of resolving such situations and achieve the required results13 .

In fact, in this approach, the understanding of knowledge as an increase in the amount of subject information is opposed to knowledge as a set of skills that allow you to act and achieve the desired result, often in uncertain, problematic situations.

“We have given up not knowledge as a cultural “object”, but a certain form of knowledge (knowledge “just in case”, that is, information).

What is knowledge in competence-oriented education. What is a concept.

Knowledge is not information.

Knowledge is a means of transforming the situation.

If knowledge is a means of mentally transforming a situation, then this is a concept.

We are trying to construct concepts in such a way that they become means of transforming situations into action.

Zinchenko V.P. contrasts knowledge and information:

“Information has overwhelmed mankind. This fate has not escaped education, which is increasingly being built according to the type of a “smorgasbord of knowledge” (E. Fromm's expression). The boundaries between them are increasingly blurred, as are the boundaries between knowledge and information. Nevertheless, such limits exist. An experienced teacher can easily distinguish a "know-it-all" and a "quick-hook" from "thoughtful"And "solid"student. Something else is more dangerous: students' illusions that what they remember is what they know. These illusions are still fresh in both pedagogy and psychology. Let's take a look at their background. It is fair to say that knowledge cannot be defined, since it is a primary concept. Several metaphors can be imagined:

An ancient metaphor is a metaphor for a wax tablet on which external impressions are imprinted.

A later metaphor is that of a vessel that is filled either with our external impressions or with text that carries information about these impressions.

Obviously, in the first two metaphors, knowledge is indistinguishable from information. The main means of learning is memory.

The metaphor of Socrates is a metaphor of childbirth: a person has knowledge that he cannot realize on his own, and an assistant is needed who can help give birth to this knowledge by maeutic methods. Gospel metaphor for growing grain. Knowledge grows in the mind of a person, like a grain in the soil, which means that knowledge is not determined by an external message. Knowledge arises as a result of cognitive imagination, stimulated by a message, an intermediary. .

The last two metaphors are much more interesting. In the metaphor of Socrates, the place of the teacher-intermediary is clearly indicated, in the gospel metaphor it is implied. It is important to emphasize that in the last metaphors the cognizer acts not as a "receiver", but as a source of his own knowledge. In other words, we are talking about knowledge as an event. A personal, life event. An event that takes place in the mind of the student. Knowledge is always someone’s, belonging to someone, it cannot be bought (like a diploma), it cannot be stolen from the knower (except perhaps with the head), and information is no man’s territory, it is subjectless, it can be bought, it can be exchanged or stolen, which often happens. Knowledge, becoming a common property, enriches those who know, and information in this case depreciates. Knowledge matters, and information has a purpose at best. Information at its best is a tool that may have a price, but no value. Knowledge has no price, it has vital and personal meaning.

Finally, one more important clarification. There is a subject that generates knowledge, and there is a user that consumes information. Their distinction should not be judged in terms of better or worse. It's just fixing it. Of course, both knowledge and information perform important instrumental functions in human behavior and activity. Information is a temporary, transient, perishable subject. Information is such a tool, a tool that, like a stick, can be discarded after use. Not so with knowledge. Knowledge, of course, is also a means, a tool, but one that becomes a functional organ of the individual. It irreversibly changes the knower. Like a stick you can't throw it away. If we continue this analogy, then knowledge is a staff that helps to go further into the world of knowledge and into the world of ignorance.

Thus, the competence-oriented approach is to strengthen the applied, practical nature of all school education (including subject education). This direction arose from simple questions about what results of school education a student can use outside of school. The key idea of ​​this direction is that in order to ensure “the long-term effect of school education, everything that is studied must be included in the process of use, use. This is especially true of theoretical knowledge, which should cease to be dead baggage and become a practical means of explaining phenomena and solving practical situations and problems.

Another aspect of applicability concerns the adequacy of the content of education to modern trends in the development of the economy, science, and social life. The fact is that a number of school skills and knowledge no longer belong to any professional occupation. An example of such an exotic type of schoolwork can be the whole subject of drawing. This also includes the so-called industrial training, in which girls learn how to sew a skirt, and boys learn how to work on machines that are left only in schools and vocational schools. Here, of course, a revision of the content of education is urgently needed. In the UK, for example, in the course of such a revision, when discussing the standard in mathematics, the topics of multiplication of large numbers were excluded in favor of rounding off sums in counting and evaluation of statistical data. In many countries, traditional vocational training and home economics courses have been replaced by courses in Technology and Design, Entrepreneurship, or secondary vocational education courses that provide specific vocational skills in electrical, plumbing, etc. And all this is part of the renewal of the school, which takes place under the slogans of competence-oriented education.

In competency-based education, the list of necessary competencies is determined in accordance with the requests of employers, the requirements of the academic community and broad public discussion based on serious sociological research. Mastering various kinds of competencies becomes the main goal and results of the learning process. Competences and a competence-based approach occupy a central place in the education quality management system. In essence, education quality management begins with determining the composition of those competencies that should be mastered in the educational process at school as educational outcomes. Then the entire intra-school education quality management system is built in such a way that at the end each student would, to one degree or another, possess the required competencies15 .

Conclusions on Chapter II

In modern conditions, we should talk about the presence of many requests that the school must respond to. The real customers of the school are the student, his family, employers, society, professional elites, while maintaining a certain position of the state. For the education system, this means that state educational institutions are obliged, on the one hand, to conduct a dialogue with all consumers of education (the goal is to find a reasonable compromise), and on the other hand, to constantly create, update and multiply the range of educational services, the quality and effectiveness of which will determine consumer. Otherwise, the public school cannot fully fulfill its functions.

For a modern school, it is no longer enough to provide a graduate with knowledge for decades to come. In the labor market and from the point of view of life prospects, the ability and willingness to study and retrain all one's life are becoming more in demand. And for this, apparently, you need to learn in a different way, in other ways.

So, the new quality of education is associated primarily with a change in the nature of the relationship between the school, family, society, state, teacher and student. That is, updating the educational process is a meaningful resource for reorienting the school to work in the logic of a different approach to assessing the success of education.

The competence-based approach can be attributed to one of the ways to achieve a new quality of education. It determines the priorities, the direction of change in the educational process.

Key competencies as a result of general education mean the readiness to effectively organize one's internal and external resources for decision-making and achievement of the set goal.

The list of key competencies of students for the Samara region, adequate to the socio-economic conditions, includes:

readiness to solve problems;

technological competence;

readiness for self-education;

readiness to use information resources;

readiness for social interaction.

Competency-oriented education can be understood as the ability to act effectively. The ability to achieve results is to effectively solve a problem.

At school, it is not competence itself that is predominantly formed, but independence in solving problems, the condition of which is the transformation of an objective mode of action (i.e. knowledge, skills) into a means of solving problems. The main innovation of the competency-based approach, therefore, is to create educational conditions for the transformation of modes of action into means of action.


This study is necessary to better understand and understand competence-based education. In most countries of the world, dissatisfaction with the quality of modern education is expressed. In an open, changing world, the traditional educational system, designed to serve the needs of an industrial society, becomes inadequate to the new socio-economic realities.

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, Russian psychological and pedagogical publications have been widely discussing the possibilities and advantages of the so-called competence-based learning as an alternative to traditional education. However, there is still no convincing, scientifically based interpretation of the concepts of "competence", "competence", "competence-oriented education" in psychological and pedagogical publications. Therefore, there is a threatening tendency to “call everything competencies”. This discredits the very idea and creates significant difficulties in its practical implementation.

First of all, this is due to the systemic changes that have taken place in the sphere of labor and management. The development of information technologies has led not only to an increase in the amount of information consumed tenfold, but also to its rapid aging and constant updating. This leads to fundamental changes not only in economic activity, but also in everyday life.

In this study, we came to the conclusion that the topic of competence-based education is of fundamental importance, because it concentrates the ideas of an emerging new educational system, which is often called anthropological, since the shift vector is directed towards the humanization of social practice.

Competence-oriented education can be attributed to one of the ways to achieve a new quality of education. It determines the priorities, the direction of change in the educational process.


1. Golub G.B., Perelygina E.A., Churakova O.V. The method of projects is the technology of competence-oriented education. Samara: Educational literature, 2006.

Zheleznikova T.P. Competence approach in education. - Samara: "etching", 2008.

Zimnyaya I.A., Competence approach: what is its place in the system of modern approaches to the problem of education? (theoretical and methodological aspect)//Higher education today. 2006. No. 8., p. 20-26.

Zolotareva, A.V. Monitoring the performance of an educational institution. - Yaroslavl, Publishing House of YaGPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky, 2006.

Ivanov D.A. Competencies and competency-based approach in modern education. - M.: Chistye Prudy, 2007.

Kaluzhskaya, M.V., Ukolova, O.S., Kamenskikh, I.G. Rating system of evaluation. How? For what? Why? - M .: Chistye Prudy, 2006

Menyaeva I.I. Competence-oriented education is a priority direction of the innovative activity of the school. Samara: Fort, 2008

Modernization of educational systems: from strategy to implementation: Collection of scientific papers / Nauch. ed. V.N. Efimov, under the general. ed. T.G. Novikova. - M.: APK and PRO, 2004. - 192p.

Samoilov E.A. Competence-oriented education. - Monograph. Samara: SGPU, 2006.


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1. Competence-based approach: implementation technologies

If I tell my general to turn into a sea gull,
and if the general does not comply with the order, it will not be his fault, but mine
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

Education is a kind of social systematized technology of intensive introduction of a person into culture by people specially trained for this under the supervision of society (V.V. Serikov).

The fundamental features of the modern world are accelerating change. This is a world of information that quickly becomes outdated. This is a world where the ideas of the permanent are reconstructed, reexamined and rethought; a world where no one can survive with one simple way of thinking, where one's own thinking must be constantly adapted to the thinking of others, where the pursuit of clarity, precision and thoroughness must be respected, where work skills must be constantly developed and improved. Never before has an education system prepared students for such a dynamic of change, unpredictability, complexity, such unrest, confusion, and the lack of one single direction.

The fundamental transformation of the very way of life of the world community is associated with the entry of advanced countries into the new world that unfolded in the middle of the 20th century. Information society. Here, information is not only multiplied in volume or becomes more complex at an ever-increasing rate, but also acquires qualitatively new functions comparable to the basic functions of land ownership in the Middle Ages or capital in modern times.

The consequences of the "information revolution" cover all spheres of human life, laying the foundations of a new "information civilization" on our planet (A. Toffler).

The information revolution has a significant anthropological component, assuming the improvement not only of technology or technology, but also of the person himself, especially his thinking.
The competence-based approach puts forward not the knowledge of the student, but the ability to solve problems.

Goals of 21st century education, formulated Jacques Delors:

  • be able to live;
  • be able to work;
  • be able to live together;
  • be able to learn.

Search adequate competencies as an integrated result of education, it is an attempt to "revolt" against the process of desocialization, to keep the individual in the gravity of his equal responsibility to himself and society, "near" and far, to mitigate frustration injuries, the likelihood of which increases many times in the face of a rapid (spontaneous) increase in dynamism and uncertainty .

Due to this, competence-based approach in education, Ultimately, there is bringing the latter into line with the new conditions and prospects - this is the emergence of a strategic setting of education for adequacy.

Educational competence - a set of interrelated semantic orientations, knowledge, skills and experience of the student in relation to a certain range of objects of reality, necessary for the implementation of personally and socially significant productive activities.

Competence - alienated, predetermined social requirement (norm) for the educational preparation of the student, necessary for his high-quality productive activity in a certain area.

Competence - possession, possession by the student of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity. Competence is an already held personal quality (a set of qualities) of a student and a minimum experience in a given field.

Competence - a set of personal qualities of a student (value-semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities), due to the experience of his activity in a certain socially and personally significant area.

Hierarchy of competencies :

  • key competencies - relate to the general (meta-subject) content of education;
  • general subject competences - belong to a certain range of subjects and educational areas;
  • subject competencies - private in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a specific description and the possibility of formation within the framework of academic subjects.

Key competencies:

  • value-semantic competence (worldview, value orientations of the student, mechanisms of self-determination in various situations);
        • educational and cognitive competence (elements of logical, methodological, general educational activities; goal setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment; methods for solving educational and cognitive problems; functional literacy);
  • sociocultural competence (knowledge and experience of activities in the field of national and universal culture; spiritual and moral foundations of the life of man and mankind, individual peoples; cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions; the role of science and religion in human life; competencies in everyday life and cultural and leisure sphere);
  • communicative competence (knowledge of languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events; skills of working in a group, team, possession of various social roles);
  • information competence (search, analysis and selection of the necessary information, its transformation, preservation and transfer; possession of modern information technologies);
  • health-saving competence (ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development; emotional self-regulation and self-support; personal hygiene, self-care, sexual literacy; internal ecological culture; ways of safe life).

Competences are "laid" into the educational process through:

  • learning technologies ;
  • content of education;
  • lifestyle of an educational institution;
  • the type of interaction between teachers and students and between students.

Teacher activity, which has the goal of achieving the level of competence of the student, should include(V.V. Serikov):

  • identification of signs of the expected level of competence of students;
  • determination of the necessary and sufficient set of learning tasks-situations, the sequence of which is built in the direction of increasing completeness, problematicity, creativity, novelty, practicality, intersubjectivity, concreteness, value-semantic reflection and self-assessment, the need to combine fundamental and applied knowledge;
  • introduction of task-situations of various types and levels;
  • development and application of algorithms and heuristic schemes that organize the activities of students to overcome problem situations;
  • supporting students in the process of creating a specific product.

Analysis of generalized pedagogical technologies





Problem learning

Development of cognitive activity, creative independence of students

Consistent and purposeful promotion of cognitive tasks for students, solving which students actively acquire knowledge

Search methods; setting cognitive tasks

Concentrated learning

Creation of the structure of the educational process as close as possible to the natural psychological characteristics of human perception

Deep study of subjects by combining classes into blocks

Teaching methods that take into account the dynamics of students' performance

Modular learning

Ensuring flexibility, adapting it to the individual needs of the individual, the level of his basic training

Independent work of students with an individual curriculum

Problem-based approach, individual pace of learning

Developmental learning

Development of personality and its abilities

Orientation of the educational process to the potential of a person and their implementation

Involving trainees in various activities

Differentiated learning

Creating optimal conditions for identifying inclinations, developing interests and abilities

Assimilation of program material at various planned levels, but not lower than mandatory (standard)

Individual learning methods

Active (contextual) training

Organization of students' activity

Modeling the subject and social content of educational (profile, professional) activities

Active learning methods

Game learning

Ensuring the personal-active nature of the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities

Independent cognitive activity aimed at searching, processing, assimilation educational information

Game methods for involving students in creative activities

Learning to develop critical thinking

Ensure the development of critical thinking through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process

The ability to raise new questions, develop a variety of arguments, make independent, thoughtful decisions

Interactive teaching methods; involvement of students in various activities; observance of three stages of technology implementation: challenge (actualization of subjective experience); comprehension; reflection.

Questions for self-control:

    • What are the reasons for the competence approach in organizing the learning process?
    • What is the humanitarian component of competency-based education technologies related to?
    • What is the place of competencies in the design of learning technology?

    Technology for the development of critical thinking

The Bologna process, the Council of Europe announced:

  • Education is the most important priority of state policy;
  • the main goal of the European schoolformation of critical thinking;
  • maintain a unified educational space.

Critical thinking:

  • The ability to analyze information from a logical standpoint, the ability to make informed judgments, decisions and apply the results to both standard and non-standard situations, questions and problems (Explanatory Dictionary);
  • A special kind of thinking aimed at evaluating ideas. More narrowly, it is related to checking the accuracy of statements and the validity of reasoning (and American textbook on the course of KM);
  • Systematic assessment of arguments based on clear rational criteria (American textbook on CM).
  • A special kind of mental activity that allows a person to make a sound judgment about the point of view or behavior proposed to him (Professor Ralph H. Johnson from Canada).
  • Making thoughtful decisions about how to act and what to believe.
  • Thinking that leads to self-improvement.
  • The ability to raise new questions, develop a variety of arguments, make well-thought-out decisions (Russian pedagogy).

Critical Thinking (David Kluster):

  • Critical thinking is independent thinking;
  • Information is the starting point, not the end point, of critical thinking;
  • Critical thinking begins with asking questions and understanding the problems to be solved;
  • Critical thinking strives for persuasive reasoning;
  • Critical thinking is social thinking .

Two areas of practice for the development of critical thinking:

  • Teaching KM as an independent discipline;
  • CM is the methodological core of teaching a number of academic disciplines, i.e. is not just one of the objects, but system-forming factor of education.

The purpose of technology for the development of critical thinking:

  • Ensure the development of CM through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process.

Initial scientific ideas:
Critical thinking contributes to:

  • Mutual respect of partners, understanding and productive interaction between people:
  • Facilitates understanding of different "views of the world";
  • Allows learners to use their knowledge to make sense of situations with a high level of uncertainty;
  • To create a base for new types of human activity.

In the concept of CM development technology, there are:

  • Sociocultural context : O again is the idea of ​​educating citizens of an open society (the educational process is associated with life situations, solving those problems that a person faces in real life).
  • Technology context : the basis is a model of three stages: 1) Challenge - updating the knowledge of students before studying a new topic; 2) Comprehension - the search for information to solve the problem at the call stage; 3) Reflection - reflection on what students have learned in the process of searching for learning new material.
  • Methodological context : a set of methods that include techniques for types of educational activities, regardless of the subject content (the triune basis of technology (challenge - comprehension - reflection) sets a consistent structure of the lesson and a certain combination of specific methodological techniques).

Structure of KM technology:
3 stages (stages):
First stage: call (his presence at each lesson is mandatory), allows you to:

  • Update and summarize the student's knowledge on a given topic or problem;
  • Arouse a steady interest in the problem under study, motivate for learning activities;
  • Encourage the student to be active in the classroom and outside of it.

Second stage- comprehension. Allows:

  • Get new information;
  • Reflect on it;
  • Compare with existing knowledge.

Stage 3 - reflection:

  • Holistic understanding, generalization of the information received;
  • Assignment of new knowledge, new information by the student;
  • The formation of each student's own attitude to the material being studied.

Criteria for evaluating the result:

  • Evaluation (Where is the error?);
  • Diagnosis (What is the reason?);
  • Self-control (What are the disadvantages?);
  • Criticism (Do you agree? Refute. Give counterarguments);
  • Forecast (build a forecast).


  • Preparation of special content texts.
  • The low level of formation of the trained skills of independent work.
  • Lack of time in the classroom to go through all three stages in learning, which is an indispensable condition.

Questions for self-control:

      • Explain the essence of technology for the development of students' critical thinking. What theoretical ideas underlie it?
      • What is fundamentally new in technology for the implementation of a competency-based approach to teaching?
      • What means are the main ones in the management of learning in this technology?


Agapov I. G. Learning to think productively // Library of Education Bulletin. - M., 2001. - No. 2.

Baidenko V.I. The Bologna Process: Structural Reform of European Higher Education. - M., 2002.

Bespalko V.P. Terms pedagogical technology. - M., 1989.

Borisova N.V. Educational technologies as an object of pedagogical choice: Proc. Benefit. - M., 2000.

Guzeev V.V. Pedagogical technique in the context of educational technology. - M .: National education, 2001.

Gorchakova - Sibirskaya M.P. Innovations in vocational education: pedagogical technologies: Proc. Benefit. - M., 2001.

Zagvyazinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher. - 2000.

Zair-Bek E. S. Fundamentals of pedagogical design. - St. Petersburg. 1999.

Klarin M.V. Innovative models of teaching in foreign pedagogical searches. - M., 1994.

Klarin M.V. Innovations in world pedagogy. - Riga, 1995.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. - M., 2002.

Levites DG Practice of teaching: Modern educational technologies. - Murmansk, 1997.

National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 No. 751.

Sibirskaya M.P. The concept of pedagogical technology // Encyclopedia of vocational education: In 3 volumes / Ed. S.Ya. Batyshev. - M., 1998.

Ivleva I.A., Panasyuk V.P., Chernysheva E.K. Conceptual foundations for building a quality system for vocational education. - SPb., 2001.

Panfilova A.P. Game modeling in the activities of the teacher: textbook. allowance for students. Higher Proc. Institutions / A.P. Panfilov; under the general editorship of V.A. Slastenina, I.A. Kolesnikova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 368 p.

Pedagogical Workshops: France - Russia / Comp. E. S. Sokolova, I. A. Mukhina: Ed. E.S.Sokolova; Per. from fr. - M., 1997.

Pedagogical technologies: what is it and how to use them at school / Nauch. ed. T. I. Shamova, P. I. Tretyakov. - M.; Tyumen, 1994.

Prigozhy AI Innovations: Incentives and obstacles. - M., 1989. Development of giftedness of children: (Experience of finalists All-Russian competition"Teacher of the Year in Russia"). - M., 1997.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. V. V. Davydov. - M-, 1993.

Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia. - M., 2000.

Serikov VV Personality-oriented education: Phenomenon, concept, technology // Pedagogical education for the XXI century: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. - M., 1994.

Slastenin V.A., Shiyanov E.P. Humanistic paradigm of pedagogical education // Pedagogical education for the XXI century: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. - M., 1994.

Management of the development of innovative processes at school / Nauch.ed. T.I. Shamova, P.I. Tretyakov. - M., 2001.

Fridman L. M., Mahu V. I. Problematic organization of the educational process.- M., 2003.

Khutorskoy AV Heuristic training: Theory, methodology, practice. - M., 1998.

Khutorskoy A.V. Workshop on didactics and teaching methods /A.V. Khutorskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 541 p. - (Series "Tutorial").

Shamova T.P. and others. Management of the educational process at school based on technological maps teacher. - M., 1994.

Shamova T.P., Davydenko T.M. Management of the educational process in an adaptive school. - M., 2001.

4. Debate Method

Holding competitions according to the “Debate” method among students contributes to the formation of a new generation of civil open society: tolerant and mobile, critically comprehending changes

Debate form:

  • the ability to form and defend one's position;
  • public speaking and dialogue skills;
  • team spirit and leadership qualities.

This method develops abilities and forms the necessary skills for dialogue, discussion:

  • development of critical thinking (rational, reflective and creative thinking necessary in the formulation, definition, justification and analysis of the discussed thoughts and ideas);
  • development of communicative culture, public speaking skills;
  • the formation of research skills (the arguments given require evidence and examples, the search for which requires work with information sources);
  • the formation of organizational skills (not only the organization of oneself, but also the presented materials are implied);
  • developing listening and note-taking skills.

Debate is an intellectual competition that develops the ability to actively defend one's views and judgments. Most suitable for conducting classroom and extracurricular activities in high school. Requires some preparation from the participants and the leader. The debate provides for the following sequence of actions: preparation for the game, game, game analysis.

Game conditions : two teams take part in the game (one approves the thesis, and the other denies it). Teams, depending on the format of the debate, consist of two or three players (speakers). The essence of the game is to convince a neutral third party, the judges, that your arguments are better (more convincing) than those of your opponent.

Each stage of the debate has its own structure and system of methods and techniques used.

I. Preparing for the game

Preparation for the game begins with the definition of its theme (thesis). In the "Debate" it is formulated as a statement, for example: "Technological progress leads to the death of civilization." When choosing a topic, it is necessary to take into account the requirements according to which a “good” topic should:

  • provoke interest by raising issues that are important to debaters;
  • be balanced and give equal opportunities to teams in presenting qualitative arguments;
  • have a clear wording;
  • stimulate research work;
  • have a positive wording for the approver.

In general, the structure of the preparatory stage can be represented as follows.

Working with information on the topic:

  • activation of students' knowledge (brainstorming);
  • search for information using various sources;
  • systematization of the received material;
  • compiling cases (argumentation systems) for affirming and denying the thesis, preparing a round of questions, etc.

Formation of general and special skills and abilities:

  • formulation and justification of arguments, supports, supports;
  • building a strategy for the negative side;
  • the ability to formulate questions correctly;
  • mastering the knowledge of rhetoric and logic, applying them in practice;
  • mastering the skills of effective work in a group, auto-training and relaxation.

So, at the preparatory stage, students should not only deeply study and carefully work out the content of the topic proposed for the game, but also give definitions to each concept in the thesis, draw up cases (a system of arguments) for both the affirmative and the negative side, since the teams are drawn shortly before the start of the game. At the same time, a negation strategy is thought out for each side, that is, counterarguments are made to the possible arguments of opponents, and questions are proposed that contribute to the detection of contradictions in the position of the opposite side.

Each team (consisting of three speakers) has the opportunity to take time-outs between any rounds with a total duration of 8 minutes.

Debate form

U1 - the first speaker of the approval team;

O1 is the first speaker of the denial team, etc.

During the game, each speaker performs roles and functions strictly defined by the game technology, and the roles of the first speakers differ from each other, and the roles of the second and third ones coincide.

The time throughout the game is monitored by the “time-keeper”, who warns the teams and referees 2, 1 and 0.5 minutes in advance about the end of the performance (preparation) time. To do this, he uses cards with the time written on them, which he shows to the teams.


Rules of the "Debate"



U1 performance

OZ questions to U1

performance 01

KM questions to 01

U2 performance

Questions 01 to Y 2

Performance 02

Questions U1 to 02

UZ performance

performance 03

Speaker roles

Speaker U1:

  • team presentation;
  • wording of the topic, relevance;
  • definition of key concepts included in the topic;
  • setting a criterion (the value or purpose of the team);
  • presentation of the approver's case;
  • conclusion (thus... ready to answer questions...).

Speaker 01:

  • team presentation;
  • formulation of the thesis of negation;
  • adoption of definitions of key concepts;
  • attacking or accepting the criterion of opponents;
  • refutation of the position of the assertion;
  • presentation of the negative side's case.

Specially selected judges or a neutral audience evaluate the performance of the teams according to selected criteria and announce the winner.

III. Game Analysis

After the end of the "Debate" there is a reflexive analysis of the activities of all participants. The preparation of teams for the "Debates", their ways of putting forward arguments and answering questions from opponents, and other elements of the activity are analyzed.

Getting ready for the lesson

Develop a preparatory stage for the "Debate". To do this, together with proactive students, determine the following:

  • subject, class;
  • topic "Debate" (several options);
  • the purpose of the "Debate";
  • principles of team formation;
  • types of work with information on the topic "Debate";
  • preparation of teams for "Debate";
  • evaluation criteria for "Debate";
  • a form of analysis and evaluation of "Debate".

Implement the designed activities with students or colleagues. Discuss the results.

The debater's code of honor includes following rules:

The debate should encourage careful analysis of diverse issues, while recognizing that respect for each person and tolerance are core values ​​that should be held dear by all people.

Debate should promote and inspire the search for truth, rather than a mere exercise in rhetoric.

Competition and the desire to win should not take precedence over a willingness to understand and explore the issues under discussion.

Debate should spread the ideal of tolerance for other people's points of view, promoting the search for common values, accepting the differences that exist between the people involved in the debate.

Debator Ethics:

When discussing sides, debaters should refrain from personal attacks on their opponents;

The debaters must argue in a friendly manner;

The language and gestures used by debaters should reflect their respect for others;

Debators must be honest and accurate to the best of their knowledge when presenting support and information. Debators should never deliberately misrepresent facts, examples, or opinions;

Debaters should listen carefully to their opponents and try their best not to distort their words during the debate.

Trainer ethics:

Coaches should encourage the personal input of debaters and the free exchange of opinions in preparation for debates;

Coaches should provide a friendly environment for debaters and show a positive and stimulating response;

Coaches should facilitate preparation for debates, but should not come up with arguments themselves;

Coaches should emphasize the educational rather than the competitive goals of the debaters;

The relationship between coaches and debaters should

be based on mutual trust and


Review your Debate preparation activities. Identify the most successful and problematic stages of their preparation. List the main challenges and how you overcame them. What is the main educational result at the stage of preparation of the "Debate" received by each of the participants of this training? Similarly, analyze the conducted "Debate".


Bukatov V. M. Pedagogical sacraments didactic games: Tutorial. - M.: Mosk. Psychological and Social Institute / Flint, 1997.

Gin A. A. Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality: A guide for the teacher. - M.: Vita-Press, 1999.

Guzeev V.V. Pedagogical technique in the context of educational technology. - M.: Public education, 2001.

Zaitsev V. N. Practical didactics: Textbook. For ped. special high fur boots and institutes pov. qualified works, image-i. - M.: People's education, 1999.

Zvereva N. M. Practical didactics for the teacher: Textbook. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2001.

Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies: A guide for teachers. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002.

Kulnevich S. V., Lakotsenina T. P. Quite an unusual lesson: Practical. manual for teachers and class teachers, students ped. textbook institutions, students of IPK. - Rostov n / a: TC "Teacher", 2001.

Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M.: People's education, 1998.

Shchurkova N. E. Workshop on pedagogical technology. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2001.

Educational technologies (from the experience of developing students' global thinking) / Ed. Yu. N. Kulyutkina, E. B. Spasskoy. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002. - S. 134-136.


1 Activity and competence-based approach to learning

2 The concept of competency-based learning

3 Traditional methods for testing knowledge assessment

4 Problems in assessing competence

Chapter 2. Modern methods of knowledge assessment

1 General analysis of existing methods of knowledge assessment

2 Catenatests

2.3 Adaptive testing

2.4 Context tasks

5 Interdisciplinary exam

7 Checking knowledge on the topic "Number systems" using a catenatest





Control of students' knowledge is an integral part of the learning process. By definition, control is the ratio of the results achieved to the planned learning objectives. The effectiveness of management of the educational process and the quality of student learning depend on its proper organization. Knowledge testing should provide information not only about the correctness or incorrectness of the final result of the performed activity, but also about it itself: whether the form of actions corresponds to a given stage of assimilation. Properly set control of students' learning activities allows the teacher to assess the knowledge, skills, abilities they receive, provide the necessary assistance in time and achieve the set learning goals. All this together creates favorable conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of students and the activation of their cognitive activity. Well-placed control allows the teacher not only to assess the level of assimilation of the studied material by students, but also to see their own successes and failures.

The problem of control over educational activities is not new, and the pedagogical experience accumulated in this area is rich and varied. With the introduction of a competency-based approach to teaching, new means of control have appeared. Some of them are insufficiently disclosed in the pedagogical literature.

Purpose of the study: the study of the characteristics of the organization of control of students' knowledge in the conditions of competence-oriented learning.

Object of study: the process of monitoring students' knowledge in the basic course of informatics.

Subject of study: the process of controlling students' knowledge in the basic course of informatics in terms of competence-based learning.

Research hypothesis: the right choice of methods, techniques and means of control in the context of a competence-oriented approach encourages students to study more information and improve themselves.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is proposed to solve the following tasks:

1. Conduct a literature review on the research topic and determine the features of the organization of competence-based learning.

2. Analyze the analysis of the content of informatics education in the basic school and organize the evaluation of learning outcomes.

Compose practical tasks on selected topics and test them in practice.

4. To solve the tasks set, a set of complementary research methods was used:

theoretical: analysis of methodological and pedagogical literature, generalization, systematization;

Empirical methods: pedagogical observation, generalization of the received material.

The work on the thesis project was carried out in two stages:

The first stage: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, development of a research work plan, identification of the main tasks of the work, definition of basic concepts on the topic of the graduation project.

The second stage: the development and testing of practical tasks on the topics of the basic school course of informatics and the design of the work.

Chapter 1.

.1 Activity and competency-based approach to learning

The priority direction of primary general education is the formation of general educational skills and abilities, the level of development of which largely determines the success of further education. The main result of education is considered on the basis of the activity approach as the achievement by students of new levels of development on the basis of their mastering both universal methods of action and methods specific to the subjects being studied. This is the distinguishing feature of the new standards. The implementation of this feature in the educational process requires its new organization based on the planning of the joint activities of the teacher and students.

According to N. O. Yakovleva, “the activity approach makes it possible to consider the main components of the activity of the teacher and his pupils from a unified methodological position and thereby reveal the nature of their interaction; it allows studying the specific features of the activity of all participants in the pedagogical process through the projection of the general conceptual provisions of the theory of activity on pedagogical area; obliges to consider pedagogical activity as an integrative characteristic of cooperation between a teacher and a pupil; obliges to recognize a specially selected activity as the most important factor shaping the development of the personality of a pupil; defines the education process as a continuous change of various types of activity; builds the pedagogical process in accordance with the components of the student's activity ".

The activity approach to learning involves:

The presence in children of a cognitive motive (the desire to learn, discover, learn) and a specific educational goal (understanding what exactly needs to be found out, mastered);

performance by students of certain actions to acquire the missing knowledge;

identification and development by students of a method of action that allows them to consciously apply the acquired knowledge;

the formation of the ability of schoolchildren to control their actions - both after their completion and along the way;

Inclusion of the content of training in the context of solving significant life tasks.

The traditional approach to defining the goals of education focuses on the amount of knowledge. From the standpoint of this approach, the more knowledge a student has acquired, the better and higher the level of his education. But the level of education, especially in modern conditions, is not determined by the amount of knowledge, their encyclopedic nature. From the standpoint of the competence-based approach, the level of education is determined by the ability to solve problems of varying complexity based on existing knowledge. Modern education involves a shift in emphasis from subject knowledge, skills and abilities as the main goal of education to the formation of general educational skills, to the development of independence of educational actions. Because the most relevant and in demand in public life are competence in solving problems (tasks), communicative competence and information competence. The competency-based approach does not deny the importance of knowledge, but it focuses on the ability to use the acquired knowledge. Under key competencies in relation to school education is understood as the ability of students to act independently in a situation of uncertainty in solving problems that are relevant to them.

Information Competence- this is the readiness of students to independently work with information from various sources, to search, analyze and select the necessary information.

Communicative competence- these are the skills of working in pairs, in groups of various composition, the ability to present oneself and lead discussions; express your thoughts in writing in compliance with the rules of text formatting; public performance.

Problem Solving Competence- goal-setting and planning activities, actions to solve the problem; evaluation of the result / product of the activity.

Within the competence-based approach, two basic concepts are distinguished: "competence" and "competence".

According to O.E. Lebedev, competence is defined as "the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty".

I.A. Zimney "competence is interpreted" as knowledge-based, intellectually and personally conditioned experience of a person's social and professional life activity.

A.V. Khutorskoy, distinguishing between the concepts of "competence" and "competence", offers the following definitions.

Competence - includes a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Competence - possession, possession by a person of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity.

The formation of students' competencies depends on their activity, when the "activity" of the teacher turns into the activity of the students. The competence-based approach enhances the practical orientation of education, emphasizes the need to gain experience in activities, the ability to put knowledge into practice. Thus, the competence-based approach includes a set of principles for determining the goals of education, expressed in self-determination, self-actualization and development of the individuality of students. No less important is the issue of choosing the forms and methods of teaching students. Learning in competence-oriented education acquires an activity character, i.e. the formation of knowledge and skills is carried out in the practical activities of students, their Team work in groups; active forms and methods of teaching, innovative technologies of a productive nature are used; an individual educational trajectory is built; in the learning process, interdisciplinary connections are actively implemented; the most important qualities develop: independence, creativity, initiative and responsibility.

Shifting the ultimate goal of education from knowledge to "competence" allows solving the problem when students can master a set of theoretical knowledge well, but experience significant difficulties in activities that require the use of this knowledge to solve specific problems or problem situations.

From the point of view of the requirements for the level of training of graduates, educational competencies "are integral characteristics of the quality of training of students associated with their ability to purposefully meaningfully apply a set of knowledge, skills and methods of activity in relation to a certain interdisciplinary range of issues" (A.V. Khutorskoy).

The competence-based approach is focused on developing a person's abilities to implement certain competencies, to teach him to act effectively in a real situation. The following groups of competencies are named as key for Russian education: value-semantic, general cultural, educational and cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor competencies and competencies of personal self-improvement.

1.2 The concept of competence-based learning.

The adaptability of the education system requires determining the compliance of the activities of a particular pedagogical system with the opportunities and educational needs of a particular student. The competency-based approach uses two basic concepts: competence and competence. Teaching in the conditions of competence-oriented education becomes predominantly an active independent activity, controlled through the use of control and diagnostics.

Competence-based education, as opposed to the concept of "mastering knowledge", involves the development of skills by students that will allow them to act effectively in the future in situations of professional, personal and social life. Moreover, special importance is attached to skills that allow you to act in new, uncertain, problematic situations for which it is impossible to accumulate appropriate funds in advance. They need to be found in the process of resolving such situations and achieving the required results. Competence-oriented education can be understood as the ability to act effectively. The ability to achieve results is to effectively solve a problem. The competence-oriented approach can be attributed to one of the ways to achieve a new quality of education. It determines the priorities, the direction of change in the educational process.

Competency- oriented learning is a goal-achieving process. At the same time, competencies set the highest, generalized level of future skills and abilities.

The competence-oriented approach has all the main features of consistency and can be the basis for solving many problems of further development of national education.

The phenomenon under consideration - the competence-oriented approach - did not arise from scratch. One of the most important factors contributing to this is the development of a comprehensive informatization of our lives, which is reflected in the concept of "information society". The scientific basis of such a society will be at least two sciences: systems theory and computer science. Speaking of the latter, it should be noted that modern informatics is an interdisciplinary science that performs integration functions for all other areas of science, as a means of ensuring the transdisciplinarity of almost all areas of activity of modern people.

.3 Traditional methods for testing knowledge assessment

When checking and evaluating the quality of academic performance, it is necessary to identify how the main tasks of learning are solved, i.e. to what extent students acquire knowledge, skills, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas, as well as ways of creative activity. It is also essential how this or that student relates to learning, whether he works with the necessary tension constantly or in fits and starts, etc. All this necessitates the use of the entire set of methods for checking the assessment of knowledge. The following methods of testing knowledge are described in the pedagogical literature:

Day-to-day monitoring of student work. This method allows the teacher to get an idea of ​​how students behave in the classroom, how they perceive and comprehend the material being studied, what kind of memory they have, to what extent they show intelligence and independence of practical skills and abilities.

2. Oral survey - individual, frontal, compacted. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the teacher asks students questions about the content of the studied material and encourages them to answer, thus revealing the quality and completeness of its assimilation. Since an oral survey is a question-answer method for testing students' knowledge, it is sometimes also called a conversation. During an oral survey, the teacher divides the studied material into separate semantic units (parts) and asks students questions for each of them. In many subjects, oral questioning (conversation) is combined with students performing oral and written exercises. Being an effective and the most common method of testing and evaluating students' knowledge, the oral survey has its drawbacks. With its help in the lesson you can test the knowledge of no more than 3-4 students. Therefore, in practice, various modifications of this method are used, in particular, a frontal and compacted survey, as well as a "lesson score". The essence of the frontal survey is that the teacher divides the studied material into relatively small parts in order to test the knowledge of a larger number of students in this way. With a frontal, it is also called a fluent, survey, it is not always easy for students to give grades, since the answer to 1-2 small questions does not make it possible to determine either the volume or the depth of assimilation of the material covered. The essence of the condensed survey is that the teacher calls one student for an oral answer, and offers four or five students to give written answers to questions prepared in advance on separate sheets (cards). This survey is called condensed because the teacher, instead of listening to oral answers, looks through (checks) the written answers of students and assigns marks for them, somewhat "compacting", i.e. saving time on testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

Written verification. The practice of densified survey led to the emergence of a methodology for written knowledge testing. Its essence is that the teacher distributes to the students questions or tasks prepared in advance on separate sheets of paper and examples, to which they give written answers within 10-12 minutes. A written survey allows you to evaluate the knowledge of all students in one lesson. This is important positive side this method.

Lesson score. A well-known modification of the oral survey is also the assignment to individual students of the so-called lesson score. The lesson score is set for the knowledge that individual students show throughout the lesson. Thus, the student can supplement, clarify or deepen the answers of his comrades who are subjected to oral questioning. Then he can give examples and participate in answering the teacher's questions when presenting new material. Setting a lesson score allows you to maintain cognitive activity and voluntary attention of students, as well as to make a more systematic test of their knowledge.

Checking students' homework. To check and evaluate the progress of students, checking their homework is of great importance. It allows the teacher to study the attitude of students to educational work, the quality of assimilation of the studied material, the presence of gaps in knowledge, as well as the degree of independence in doing homework.

Traditional means of knowledge control in the system of student-centered learning, where the child is considered as a subject, and not as an object of learning, is not enough. With the activity approach, the student not only assimilates the ready-made content of a particular material, but also regulates, controls and corrects his cognitive activity.

Testing. The test is a short-term technically relatively simple test, conducted under equal conditions for all subjects and having the form of such a task, the solution of which can be qualitatively recorded and serves as an indicator of the degree of development of present moment a known function in a given subject.

There are the following types of tests.

The selective test consists of a system of tasks, each of which is accompanied by both correct and incorrect answers. Of these, the student chooses the one that he considers correct for this question. At the same time, incorrect answers contain such a mistake that a student can make, having certain gaps in knowledge.

Selective tests can be different:

· Multivariate tests, in which among the proposed answers to the question, there are several incorrect and the only correct answer.

· Multiple choice tests with multiple correct and incorrect answers per question.

· Alternative tests with two answers to the question (one answer is correct, the other contains an error).

Closed tests do not contain answer options. Students provide their own answer.

There are cross-choice tests that require matching between items in a set of responses. There are also identification tests in which graphs, diagrams, drawings are given as answers.

The most accessible to the school are selective tests that allow the use of control devices.

Testing is a standardized form of control in the sense that both the test procedure and the assessment of knowledge are uniform (standard) for all students.

1.4 Problems in assessing competence

The problem of evaluating learning outcomes is not new. But at present, the need for a correct assessment of the educational result is of particular importance. This is due to an objectively existing contradiction. On the one hand, at the present stage, the school faces the task of forming - universal methods of activity - competencies. On the other hand, we still continue to evaluate our usual educational achievements (ZUNs).

The documents on the implementation of the Comprehensive Project for the Modernization of Education emphasize that the current system for assessing the quality of educational achievements of students in a general education school is hardly compatible with the requirements of modernizing education, since it is aimed at external control and assesses the reproductive level of assimilation.

Therefore, one of the main conditions for modernizing the system for monitoring and evaluating educational achievements is the introduction, in addition to the traditional ones, of new types, forms, methods and means of assessing the dynamics of students' progress in the educational and extracurricular process, which contribute to increasing motivation and interest in learning, as well as taking into account individual characteristics. students.

It is important that the set of mastered methods of activity should be socially in demand, it can be relevant for some time, and then it will be adjusted in connection with a change in the socio-economic situation.

Competence, as an educational result, began to be discussed only in the last decade. In fact, the concept of competence in the context of the competence-based approach has its own history. Analysis of works on the problem of competence and competence (N. Chomsky, R. White, J. Raven, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.N. Kunitsina, G.E. Belitskaya, L.I. Berestova, V. I. Baidenko, A. V. Khutorskoy, N. A. Grishanova, etc.) allows us to conditionally distinguish three stages of formation CBE approach in education.

First stage(1960-1970) is characterized by the introduction of the category "competence" into the scientific apparatus, the creation of prerequisites for the differentiation of the concepts of competence / competence.

Second phase(1970-1990) - the first attempts in the work of J. Raven "Competence in modern society", which appeared in London in 1984, gives a detailed interpretation of competence. This phenomenon "consists of a large number of components, many of which are relatively independent of each other ... some of the components are more cognitive, and others more emotional ... these components can replace each other as components of effective behavior" [there same, s. 253].

Third stage began in the 90s of the last century and is characterized by the appearance in the materials of UNESCO of a certain range of competencies, which should already be considered by everyone as the desired result of education.

Each child in the process of studying at school must go through four levels of formation of key competencies, thereby gradually adapting to life outside of school:

Level I

confirms the understanding of the problem, goals, tasks formulated by the teacher;

describes the product to be received;

expresses his impressions of the work on the project;

demonstrates possession of information from the source indicated by the teacher, presents the information received;

gives an example to support the conclusion;

constructs an answer based on the text or plan.

Level II

formulates goals together with the teacher;

indicates how he plans to use the product;

compares the desired and the obtained result;

selects from the flow of information not known to him;

makes a conclusion based on the information received.

independently prepares a speech plan, answers questions for understanding, provides additional information.

Level III

calls the contradiction between the ideal and real situation;

offers ways to make sure the goal is achieved;

evaluates the product according to the given criteria;

organizes the search for information in accordance with the plan, fixes it and characterizes the sources;

uses visual materials offered by the teacher;

answers the questions asked in the development of the topic.

Level IV

offers possible solutions to the problem;

offers a way to evaluate the product;

analyzes the results of products in terms of life plans;

justifies the choice of sources of information;

confirms the conclusion with his own argument

argues his position;

presents information in a form and on a medium adequate to the purpose of communication.

The diagnostics of competencies shown in the diagram makes it possible to identify the level of formation of competencies of each student and its correspondence to the age group.

The dynamics of the formation of key competencies can best be traced within the framework of project activities, since in the course of work on the project, conditions are created not only for the formation of competencies, but also for their manifestation.

This methodology was developed in the Laboratory for the Modernization of Educational Resources of the Samara Region, which developed requirements for the level of formation of key competencies of students based on the methods of activity that are necessary to master when working on projects.

Chapter 2. Modern methods of knowledge assessment

When evaluating students' knowledge, the teacher monitors such results as subject, meta-subject and personal.

The results of the student are actions (skills) for the use of knowledge in the course of solving problems (personal, meta-subject, subject).

Individual actions, especially successful ones, are worthy of evaluation (verbal characteristics), and the solution of a full-fledged task is worthy of evaluation and marks (a sign of fixation in a particular system).

The results of a teacher (educational institution) are the difference between the results of students (personal, meta-subject and subject) at the beginning of training (input diagnostics) and at the end of training (output diagnostics). The increase in results means that the teacher and the school as a whole managed to create an educational environment that ensures the development of students. A negative result of the comparison means that it was not possible to create the conditions (educational environment) for the successful development of students' abilities.

The teacher together with the student determines the grade and mark.

At the lesson, the student himself evaluates his result of completing the task according to the "Self-Assessment Algorithm" and, if necessary, determines the mark when he shows the completed task.

The teacher has the right to correct grades and grades if he proves that the student overestimated or underestimated them.

After lessons for written assignments, the grade and mark are determined by the teacher. The student has the right to change this grade and mark if he proves (using the self-assessment algorithm) that it is too high or too low.

Self-assessment algorithm:

What was the purpose of the task(s)?

Were you able to get the result (solution, answer)?

Correct or wrong?

On your own or with someone else's help?

.1 General analysis of existing methods of knowledge assessment

Traditional forms of control are not fast enough, and their implementation requires considerable time, so there is a need for new types of knowledge testing. Next, modern methods of assessing knowledge will be considered in detail.

. Student Portfolio - it is a way of fixing, accumulating and evaluating individual achievements student during a certain period of his education. The portfolio complements the control and evaluation tools and allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in a variety of activities - educational, creative, social, communicative, etc. - and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education. An important goal of the "portfolio" is to present a report on the process of a teenager's education, to see in dynamics a "picture" of significant educational results in general, to track the student's individual progress in a broad educational context, to demonstrate his ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The organization of work on the formation of a "portfolio" of students occupies an important place in the implementation of pre-profile training and profile education.

The implementation of adaptive testing implies the presence of a software and instrumental environment in which adaptive algorithms are implemented, and there is an instant reassessment of the level of preparedness for presenting such a test task that is feasible for the student to complete.

The catenatest is a chain of questions, each of which is dependent on the previous one. In other words, the correct answer to each catenatest question serves as a pass to the next question. The test subject's task is to go through the entire chain, which indicates the unconditional assimilation of all the material. Catenatesting allows not only to determine the real level of students' competence and increase the complexity of knowledge control, but also significantly reduce the time of testing for the teacher.

A contextual task is a motivational task, in the condition of which a specific life situation is described. The requirement of the task is the analysis, comprehension and explanation of this situation or the choice of a method of action in it, and the result of its solution is a meeting with an educational problem and awareness of its personal significance. . Contextual (practice-oriented) tasks include tasks in which the context provides the true conditions for the solution, affects the solution and its interpretation. The use of problems in which the condition is hypothetical is not excluded, if it is not too far from the real situation. . These tasks are built on the basis of consideration of situations aimed at mastering the knowledge of the relevant subject by students. Tasks of this type are aimed at forming the values ​​of cognitive activity in students.

The case method is a teaching technique that uses a description of real economic, social and business situations. Students must analyze the situation, understand the essence of the problems, propose possible solutions and choose the best of them. Cases are based on real factual material or are close to the real situation.

Interdisciplinary exam. An interdisciplinary exam is a way of final verification and assessment of the formation of knowledge and skills of students in subjects.

training catenatest task exam

2.2 Catenatests

Catenatest (from the Latin catena - chain) is a chain of questions, each of which is dependent on the previous one. In other words, the correct answer to each catenatest question serves as a pass to the next question. The test subject's task is to go through the entire chain, which indicates the unconditional assimilation of all the material.

To avoid accidental errors, two attempts may be allowed for each answer. If the chain breaks, the student is presented with a new catenatest, and so on until the chain is completed to the end. The higher the number of catenatests offered, the lower the test-taker's score. This procedure is easily implemented using computer technology.

In the non-computer version, the catenatest is compiled in such a way that the correct answer to each question is included in the content of the next one, and it is possible to check the correctness of the entire chain by the final result. Catenatests can be used as ongoing milestone events (colloquia, test papers i) and examinations in a certain discipline. In the first case, the catenatest is related to some topic of the discipline, and its questions are to separate sections of the topic, as shown above. In the second case, the content of the catenatest package is adequate to the program of the entire discipline, and the questions are adequate to all the topics presented in this program.

The use of catenatests in examinations for the comprehensive control of knowledge is advisable for the following reasons.

Traditional methods of conducting exams are not able to provide a test of knowledge of all the material provided for by the course program. As a rule, no more than 20-30% of this material is controlled in the oral exam, in the written exam this figure can be increased to a maximum of 70-80%. However, here, in order to obtain a satisfactory assessment, it is enough to demonstrate knowledge of only 20-25% of the course content. The proposed method makes it possible to bring the completeness of knowledge control on the exam closer to 100%.

A catenatest can be a branched chain. Here, the first four extremely simple questions relate to the most important, key topics of the course. If they are not learned and the correct answers are not received (even on the second attempt), the examinee receives an unsatisfactory mark. In the last four questions, covering the rest of the topics, he may be asked easier questions if he fails. Of course, this will affect the assessment of the examinee.

Scheme of a branched catenatest

Other options for organizing an examination catenatest are also possible, where the appropriate evaluation criterion in each case is established by the teacher himself. For example, a catenatest includes a letter symbol of the answer, which allows the teacher, when checking the work, to gradually identify the section that the student has not mastered and correct the further task.

Cathenatesting can be used not only to control the knowledge of students, but also in their preparation for the Unified State Exam. In this case, tasks are classified into sections and topics in accordance with the Federal component of the state standard of general education. The developed catenatests of this type are ordered according to the level of complexity: first there are questions with a choice of answers in part 1 (A), then for establishing a correspondence from part 2 (B), finally, questions with a free answer from part 3 (C). Thus, such catenatests fully take into account the style, format and methodological features of the USE tasks, which allows students to better understand the material of the school curriculum and prepare more effectively for the exam.

Catenatesting allows not only to determine the real level of students' competence and increase the complexity of knowledge control, but also significantly reduce the time of testing for the teacher. Success in the application of the described methodology depends entirely on the quantity and quality of the generated catenatests. At the same time, we emphasize that their compilation is a rather laborious process that requires certain creative efforts and knowledge of methodological rules and standards.

.3 Adaptive testing

Adaptive testing is a wide class of testing methods that involve changing the sequence of presenting tasks in the testing process itself, taking into account the testee's answers to already presented tasks.

There are two approaches to creating adaptive tests. In the first approach, the decision to change the order of presentation of test items is made at each step of testing (permanent adaptation). In the second approach, the decision to change the order of tasks is made after analyzing the results of the testee's reports for a special block of tasks (block adaptation).

From the point of view of the order of passing test items, there are two approaches to creating adaptive tests. First, there are adaptive tests with constant adaptation (deterministic branching), when the decision to change the order of the test questions is made at each testing step. Secondly, there are adaptive tests with block adaptation (variable branching strategy), when the decision to change the order of tasks is made after analyzing the results of processing some special block of tasks.

The very first adaptive test is the Bynet intelligence test, which was developed in 1905 in a paper version, without the use of computers. A modern adaptive test is a variant of an automated testing system in which the parameters of difficulty and differentiating ability of each task are known in advance. This system is created in the form of a computer bank of tasks ordered according to their specific characteristics. The most important characteristic of adaptive test items is their level of difficulty, obtained empirically, which means that before entering the bank, each item is empirically tested on a sufficiently large target sample of students. In general, the computer adaptive testing algorithm consists of the following steps:

From the bank of tasks, a task suitable for the parameter is selected.

The selected task is presented to the examinee, who answers it correctly or incorrectly.

The ability score is updated based on this response.

Thus, the previous three steps are repeated until, according to a certain criterion, the assessment of the measured quality is recognized as satisfactory, and the test is exited.

Due to the fact that nothing is known about the abilities of the tested person until he answers the first question, the test begins with an average level of difficulty.

Accordingly, the following components are required to develop an adaptive test:

Bank of test items calibrated by difficulty level. The item bank must be calibrated against a specific psychometric model (usually using IRT for scoring or Lawrence Rudner's MDT for tests that involve nominative assessment). This component is the most important part of the adaptive test methodology and its basis.

Starting point (test entry algorithm). Most adaptive tests use a task of medium difficulty to enter the test, but if any information about the test-taker is known, another way to enter the test is possible.

Algorithm for selecting a task from a bank of test tasks. As discussed earlier, the adaptive test item metric is typically given by Modern Test Theory (IRT). Accordingly, according to the model used, the task is selected that is the most informative for assessing the test person.

The procedure (algorithm) for scoring. After answering each task, the assessment of the level of knowledge of the subject is updated. If the subject answers the task correctly, CAT scores the subject's ability higher and vice versa.

Test exit criterion. The CAT algorithm selects tasks from the bank and evaluates the measured ability of the tested person. This may continue until the task bank is exhausted or until the test exit criterion is met. As a rule, testing is interrupted when the standard error of measuring the ability of the test subject falls below a certain predetermined mark. This implies one of the advantages of adaptive testing - the unified accuracy of the assessments of the knowledge of the subjects. Other algorithms for interrupting the test are also possible. For example, if a test is designed to categorize test takers (on a pass/fail basis) rather than to quantify the ability being tested.

.4 Context tasks

A contextual task is a task of a motivational nature, in which a specific life situation is described that correlates with the students' sociocultural experience (known, given). The (unknown) requirement of the task is to analyze, comprehend and explain this situation or choose the way to act in it, and the result of solving the task is to meet the educational problem and realize its personal significance.

When drawing up the context of the task, you can rely on an event that has already occurred or assume a situation that may occur.

Contextual tasks include tasks that occur in a particular real situation. Their context provides conditions for the application and development of knowledge in solving problems that can arise in real life.

There are enough general education subjects in the school course that cause difficulties in their study. It is impossible to successfully master even the basic level if the student's independence and critical thinking are not sufficiently developed. The ability to analyze educational material, compare, generalize, as well as the ability to abstract is especially in demand in the classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to compose such tasks that develop the intellectual abilities of students.

· Contextual tasks contain questions and problems that the student encounters in his everyday practical life, literary sources, or they correspond to his professional interests and will be used in further education. The content of traditional and contextual tasks is aimed at controlling the assimilation of the same elements of knowledge. However, the context of tasks of the second type is able to motivate the student to find an answer to the task, arouse interest from a practical point of view and create conditions for applying knowledge in situations that can arise in real life. Contextual tasks may involve an independent search for the missing information to solve, its generalization and analysis, this allows you to evaluate the indicators of the formation of the quality of students' knowledge. Among them, the most important are:

Consistency - the student demonstrates the logic of reasoning, the ability to correlate various facts, consider them in a system, follow the sequence and logic in the actions necessary to solve the problem;

meaningfulness - the ability to confirm the results obtained with examples, including from personal experience, to analyze the situation presented in the task, to identify its patterns has been formed; reasoned to prove the conclusions and justify ways to solve the problem;

Efficiency (functionality) - skills and willingness to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practice-oriented problems are demonstrated;

independence - the student demonstrates independence of thinking, the ability to apply knowledge in changed situations.

Approach to constructing a context problem.

Having determined the topic of the upcoming lesson, think about what in this topic the students already May be known. Let's say this issue was studied earlier, in the lower grades, or in the course of another subject. Students could learn something from various "out-of-school" sources: books, radio, television, newspapers - or as a result of their own life observations.

Determine what the content of the topic will be for students new previously unknown or unconscious to them.

Consider what might be personal significance the new knowledge that students will acquire in the upcoming lesson. In other words, formulate for yourself the answers to the following questions: why do I consider it necessary, important for students to acquire this knowledge? What interest might they be of? What in a new topic can surprise them, make them rethink what is already known? Where can they find application for the acquired knowledge?

Formulate the answers to all previous questions in a generalized way - in the form of a personally significant problem. Its wording can also have the character of a question, but asked as if on behalf of the students.

Remember or think of something life situation, analyzing which or acting in which students will be able to come to the realization and formulation of that personally significant problem that you have outlined as a starting point for entering a new topic.

Compose a text - a description of this situation, i.e. a description context task conditions, or use, if possible, ready-made texts, drawings, videos, etc.

Formulate a task that requires an analysis of the situation or the implementation of appropriate actions for the situation, i.e. formulate requirement context task.

Firstly, does it contribute to a “meeting” with the main problem, the solution of which will require students to carry out activities to acquire new knowledge corresponding to the topic of the lesson;

Secondly, does this task contain guidelines for students to get an answer to the question about the personal significance of new knowledge and skills. Let us give an example of a context task. Consider one of the optimization problems, which is called the "Transport problem".

Let there be M warehouses and N consumers.

X i, j - the number of products delivered from the warehouse with number i

Р i,j - delivery costs of a product unit from warehouse i to consumer j

i = j=1Nxi,

the amount of products in stock with number i


Quantity of products needed ()

The initial data are given in the table.


) Fill in the data in the spreadsheet. To sign the array P, select the range C7:G10, call the context menu, select the command Range Name, assign the name "R" and OK.

) Fill in the second table based on the condition of the problem

) To cell O11 enter the formula = IF(P11=O12;"matches";"does not match")

) We give names to arrays:

select a range J7:N10, call the context menu, command Range Name, enter the name "X" and OK.

select a range O6:P10, call the context menu, select the command Select from the drop-down list, select the name in the line above and OK.

select a range I11:N12, call the context menu, select the command Select from the drop-down list, select the name in the column on the left and OK.

) To cell I13 enter the objective function =SUMPRODUCT(P,X).

7) To cell O7 enter the formula =SUM(J7:N7) and copy by dragging into cells with O8 By O10.

) We proceed to the decision. On the tab Data, menu item Analysis, Finding a Solution.

) Window Finding a Solution, Run.

) In the window Solution search results save the script "TK1".

) We get the result.

) In the window Script Manager(Tab Data, menu item What-if analysis?) select command Report enter the target function address and OK.

) Build a diagram.

2.5 Interdisciplinary examination

An interdisciplinary exam is a method of final verification and assessment of the formation of students' educational competencies in a chosen profile.

The purpose of the final interdisciplinary exam is a comprehensive assessment of the quality and level of the student's preparation, the compliance of the level of his preparation with the requirements of the state educational standard in the selected subjects.

During the exam, students perform a set of tasks, exercises, tasks aimed at identifying the intellectual and practical skills necessary to complete the profile level as a whole, as well as its constituent parts - actions and operations. Tasks allow you to organize a test of the level of mastery of the studied material.

The exam in an interdisciplinary form allows you to:

1. evaluate the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of students formed in the courses of academic subjects;

2. develop a cognitive interest in academic subjects;

Deeper understanding and comprehension of the studied material;

To form a holistic perception of the natural-science picture of the world.

During the implementation of practice-oriented tasks, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate the acquired competencies.

The interdisciplinary exam is conducted in a format that allows you to give a complete and objective assessment of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

At the first stage, a test control is carried out, the purpose of which is to verify compliance with the requirements of the educational standard in terms of the content of the student's training in the above disciplines.

At the same time, test tasks are divided into three groups according to the levels of complexity, they are focused on different learning opportunities of students and different levels of their preparation. Accordingly, the evaluation of this task is carried out. The final score is formed from the sum of all points scored at the stages of the exam, then the score is converted into a five-point score.

This form of the final certification allows you to give a full comprehensive assessment of the knowledge gained.

.6 Testing the context task in practice

To conduct a study in order to test the hypothesis, it was decided to test the contextual task on the basis of school No. 183, where undergraduate practice took place from February 1 to March 3, 2014.

The experiment took place among students of the first subgroup of the 7th "A" class under the guidance of a computer science teacher Yulia Valerievna Pogudalova. The number of students in the subgroup is 12.

As a result of observations of the class, based on the conclusions obtained from the conversation with the teacher Pogudalova Yu. V., the following characteristics of students can be given:

The average score of students in the group is 3.75. The level of motivation to study the subject of informatics is average. In the lessons, the students showed little initiative, contact with the teacher is maintained only during the lesson, they respond poorly to participation in olympiads, competitions in computer science, they are not interested in project activities, however, the children are disciplined enough, try to do their homework, do not disturb the order in the lesson.

In the course of the ascertaining experiment, the students were offered a questionnaire diagnosing knowledge about the nutrients of products. The questionnaire was implemented on paper. Each student completed it on a separate sheet.

What is a calorie content? (Calorie is the energy that is contained in food).

List sources of protein (3 - 4 sources) (milk, cottage cheese, meat, eggs, fish).

What foods contain the most carbohydrates? (3 - 4 foods) (vegetables, fruits, bakery products).

What are proteins for? (For cell growth).

What nutrients are in every meal? (Fats, proteins, carbohydrates) (Appendix 1).

The percentage of awareness on the questions of the questionnaire is shown in the diagram:

The questionnaire was proposed on the eve of studying the topic "Computing tables" at the lesson of computer science. When studying this topic, a contextual task on the topic "Food Nutrients" was used (Appendix 2).

Each component of a competence-oriented task is subject to the fact that this task should organize the student's activity. This task can be used at the stage of mastering new knowledge and methods of action or consolidating knowledge and methods of action.

In this task, information competence is formed, information is processed, systematized and analyzed.

Students build an information model using the original data. Using the knowledge and skills of working in Microsoft Excel, obtained earlier, fill in the table. They use formulas in cells, relative and absolute links, they know how to stretch the formula (copy) so as not to type it again.

The SUM (range) function is also used for the calculation. After the calculations, students can begin to analyze the information tabular model.

In order to confirm the hypothesis, at the end of the pedagogical practice, a repeated task was carried out to identify the level of students' knowledge about the nutrients of foods.

The task "The composition of the soup." Distribute the products that make up the soup (free choice) into fats, proteins, carbohydrates. (Appendix 3)

The results of the formative experiment are presented in the diagram below:

It can be seen from the diagram that with the help of the context task, the test results are quite high, knowledge about proteins, fats and carbohydrates has increased. The average score for the group also slightly increased - 4.25.

After applying the context task, there was an increased interest in the subject among students, as well as a significant increase in activity in the classroom.

It should be noted that the use of contextual tasks by an informatics teacher will help to activate the cognitive activity of students, increase the level of motivation for the subject, and also develop students' creative activity. It can be noted that when using contextual tasks in an informatics lesson, students learn for themselves something new that is not included in the topic of the lesson, replenishing their information knowledge base.

.7 Checking knowledge on the topic "Number systems" using catenatest

As an example, consider a catenatest in the Number Systems section. The content of the training material is presented by the following topics:

Translation of numbers in positional number systems.

Abbreviated translation of numbers.

Arithmetic operations in the number system.

The catenatest chains should include tasks from these topics.

This catenatest was conducted on students of the 8th grade of a comprehensive school. The preparation of the test lesson took place in a selective manner. Each question of the catenatest corresponds to the knowledge gained by students in the basic computer science course. Most students managed to correctly answer the test questions in the allotted time, which indicates the effectiveness of using this method of testing students' knowledge. Catenatests can be used for all types of control: preliminary, current, thematic, final.

Properly organized, systematic, varied control contributes to the activation of cognitive activity, improving the quality of knowledge and skills of students. The main goal of control in a modern school is not to state knowledge and ignorance, but to identify the level of a child’s real learning, his ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice. All pedagogical efforts, the main forms of work, including control, should be subordinated to this. Therefore, a catenatest can be considered not as one of the types of rigid fixation of achievements, but as another way and opportunity for learning.


In the process of work in accordance with the tasks set, the following results were obtained:

1. A theoretical analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem under study was carried out. An extensive review of the literature on competence-based learning has been made. An analysis of the educational and methodological literature on knowledge assessment methods made it possible to determine a list of basic concepts of competence-based learning, which include competence, competence, control methods, catenatest, contextual task, interdisciplinary exam, adaptive testing. It can be concluded that these concepts will allow a more detailed understanding of what constitutes competence-based learning. A detailed study of these concepts in the future will contribute to the best study of competence-based learning, will allow a more competent choice of a method for evaluating results within the framework of this training.

2. Analyzed the content of informatics education in the basic school. As a result of this analysis, a list of basic topics for organizing the evaluation of learning outcomes through catenatesting was determined.

Tasks on selected topics were compiled and tested in practice in a general education school for students in grades 8 and 9. During the development of the workshop, tasks were selected aimed at testing knowledge on the topics: Computing tables, Number systems. All tasks were selected taking into account the knowledge of students in computer science in the general education course.

Thus, we can conclude that our hypothesis was confirmed. The correct methodology for conducting control encourages students to study more information and improve themselves. At the same time, knowledge and creative realization in professional pedagogical activity methods, techniques and means of managing the educational and cognitive process allow you to successfully solve educational problems and achieve educational goals, provide the necessary systematic and depth control over the quality of students' progress.


2. A.S. Koroshchenko, M.G. Snap. The most complete edition of typical variants of real USE assignments: 2009: Chemistry - M .: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 138 p. - (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements).

3. Bermus A. G. Problems and prospects for the implementation of the competency-based approach in education. //Electronic resource: Internet magazine "EIDOS": #"786684.files/image010.gif">

Annex 2

Lunch calories.

From one gram of carbohydrates, a person receives 4.1 kcal, from one gram of fat - 9.3 kcal, from one gram of protein - 4.2 kcal.

A serving of borscht with fresh cabbage contains 3.6 g of protein, 12 g of fat and 24 g of carbohydrates.

A serving of goulash is 24.3 g of protein, 24 g of fat, 7 g of carbohydrates.

A serving of potatoes with butter is 2.7 g of protein, 7 g of fat and 39 g of carbohydrates.

How much energy will you get:

· From each dish;

Separately from proteins, fats and carbohydrates included in lunch;

· From the whole lunch?

The solution of the problem.

) We form a table with the data provided by the condition of the problem.

After we have formed a table with data, we will answer the first question: "how much energy will you get from each meal." To do this, in the cell E8 enter the formula for calculating the calories of a dish =(B8*$B$2)+(C8*$B$3)+(D8*$B$4). cells B2, B3, B4 let's make it absolute, because when copying the formula to the cell E9, inclusive, the values ​​of these cells will be unchanged.

3) To answer the next question in a cell AT 12 we introduce the formula =SUM(B8:B11)*B2. To calculate the sum in a range B8:B11 use the built-in function SUM. Thus, we have calculated how much energy you will get separately from carbohydrates. Similarly, we find how much energy you get from fats and proteins, changing the range for the function SUM and multiplying by the corresponding calorie content of the substance.

) When answering the last question, you need to: add the results of either the first question (values ​​in the range E8:E11), or the values ​​of the second question (values ​​in the range AT 12:D12 ).

) Format the table (make a border, fill, alignment).

Annex 3

The task "The composition of the soup."

Distribute the products that make up the soup (free choice) into fats, proteins, carbohydrates.