The norm of the weight of a child at 3 months is a boy. How much should a baby weigh at three months

In the third month of life, a new stage in the development of the child begins. The baby can observe a real leap in the development of skills, the development of the mental and emotional sphere. All the changes that are taking place are rapidly entering the life of the crumbs and his parents. What a toddler should be able to do at this age, and how to help him develop properly, you will learn in our article.

5 key "accomplishments" of the third month of life

There comes the first period after the birth of a child, associated with a sharp jump in growth and development. Three months is the time of new achievements, new discoveries and skills.

  1. Decreased reflexes in newborns
    Such reflexes as proboscis (stretching the lips with a tube when touched), search (when stroking the corners of the mouth, the baby turned his head) by three months almost completely fade away. This will be checked by a neurologist during a scheduled visit to the clinic. Two reflexes remain pronounced in the baby: sucking and crawling.
  2. Development of subcutaneous adipose tissue
    Subcutaneous adipose tissue at 3 months develops very intensively. If the baby was born small and fragile, then by this moment his body begins to “round off”, plump cheeks appear, bandaging folds on the arms and legs. By 4 months, with good nutrition, the child looks chubby, which cannot but touch those around him.
  3. Development of the muscular system
    Proper physical development involves the development of the muscular system from top to bottom: first, the neck muscles are strengthened, then the back and arms are next in line, and only after that the legs. The third month is significant in that the baby is already confidently holding his head and actively mastering the possession of his hands. The baby tries to touch everything, studies his body, his mother's hands and his own fists.
  4. Changes in the digestive system
    The digestive system of a three-month-old baby is already more mature than in the first months of life. Milk and the mixture are better absorbed, as a result of which painful colic disappears. The stomach of the crumbs grows, becomes more capacious, therefore, portions of milk for the reception become larger. Very soon, the child will be ready for the introduction of complementary foods, but so far the baby's diet consists mainly of breast milk or an adapted mixture.
  5. regular stool
    At three months, the child's stool becomes more uniform and it is already possible to “predict” its regularity with an eye to nutrition. Babies on the mixture defecate 2-4 times a day. Breastfed babies can have up to 5 stools a day; but another option is also possible - 1 chair in 2-3 days. Both developments are included in the concept of the norm, but if there is no stool for more than two days, it is worth carefully monitoring the child's condition (what kind of behavior does the baby have, is the stool soft after a long pause). If necessary, you can use additional stimulation on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

How a baby grows: physiological changes

At three months, the infant should continue to be weighed every two weeks, as was done during the previous months of life. The growth of the crumbs begins to slow down, in a month it will increase by about 2-2.5 cm. The average weight gain is about 150 g per week, or about 600 g per month. The head circumference increases by no more than 1 cm, and the chest circumference can grow up to 1.5 cm, but by 4 months these parameters will equalize.

It is important for every mother to know how well her baby is developing. Guidelines for evaluation are the standards formulated by pediatricians. They allow the most objective assessment of the physical and mental health of the crumbs.

Note! It is worth remembering that each child is individual, and his “growing up” takes place at his own pace, which may not fit into the framework indicated by doctors.

Our achievements: what a baby can do by the age of three months

Before moving on to detailed information about the skills and abilities of a child at 3 months old, we suggest watching a video that a young mother recorded about the development of her three-month-old baby:

We show emotions

The age has come when parents can see the emotional return of love from their little child. When the mother comes to the crib, the child rejoices violently, smiles and coos at her. This skill is called the revive complex. Communication with adults gives the baby pleasure, he is already bored of lying alone, he craves attention.

Making new sounds

At three months, the baby already makes sounds with pleasure, and the most diverse ones. Vowels, consonants, sometimes even their combinations can “skip” - the child is training in communication. If the baby sings, then he, too, can answer you with a hum in a singsong voice.

We look at the world

A child at 3 months is interested in everything around - both movable and immovable. The kid examines the drawings on the sides in the crib, hanging toys on the carousel. She peers with interest at the faces of adults, giving preference to her mother, as well as children. If the baby is placed on his tummy, he will rise on his forearms in order to better see and observe everything around.

New movements

Being in an upright position in an adult's arms, the baby already holds his head quite well. Lying on his back, the baby can turn on his side - from this age it is no longer possible to leave the baby on the bed unattended. If the child is supported under the armpits and placed on a support (a hard surface of a table, sofa, floor), then the baby will no longer bend his legs, but will be able to lean on them.

We try "by the tooth"

What does the world taste like? By three months, the baby is actively striving to learn everything through the mouth, but the hands are not yet completely obedient and physiologically unable to hold what they want. Therefore, fingers or fists are most often in the mouth. The child likes to touch rustling objects. If you give a small newspaper to a baby, then he will certainly crush / tear it, and then pull it into his mouth. The kid is drawn to the knowledge of the world - it's time to buy or make a developing mat yourself.

How is development at 3 months

A baby at this age masters many skills that are very interesting for a young mother to watch. You can record new skills in a diary, monthly making changes to it as the crumbs grow older. To understand what a baby should be able to do by its age and how close its capabilities are to medical standards, a table is given with all sorts of physical stages of development that you should pay attention to.

Stages of development What can a baby do
Hearing The baby already knows how to find the source of the sound with his eyes and turns his head in his direction.
Speech Often hums in a singsong voice; trying to imitate little by little the intonations of an adult during the cooing.
Vision The child examines the surrounding objects with interest. Turns in the direction of the thing of interest both the head and the eyes. Smoothly follows objects while lying on the stomach.
Motor skills At three months, the baby already confidently holds his head. Lying on the tummy, leans on the hands at an acute angle. The child tries to grab the toys hanging in front of him.
A game Often and with curiosity examines his hands, feels them, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Emotions Seeing an adult, he begins to walk, smile and actively move his legs and arms. He reacts to toys with a smile and surprise.

A child is three months old - the norms of his development:

Everything according to the regimen: sleep and wakefulness at 3 months

The morning of a mother with a three-month-old baby starts early. Some babies from 2.5-3 months old can sleep all night without waking up for feedings; but the majority still cannot stand a long break and wakes up 2-3 times a night to satisfy their hunger.

The daily routine with a baby of three months depends on many factors, mostly individual, for example, on the temperament of the baby. You can see an approximate day with a baby of this age in the table.

Times of Day Schedule
7:00 Waking up, first feeding, taking morning toilet
8:30 First dream
10:30 Awakening, second feeding, wake time and gymnastics
12:00 Walk in the fresh air, the second dream
14:00 End of walk, awakening, third feeding, wakefulness
15:30 third dream
16:30 Awakening, time for developing activities and games
17:30 Fourth feeding, then evening walk and sleep
18:30 The end of the walk, awakening, the period of wakefulness
20:00 Evening toilet, fifth feeding, preparation and laying down for a night's sleep
23:30 Awakening, sixth feeding and night sleep

Important! When forming the daily regimen of their baby, parents need to adapt to his needs and developmental characteristics. The child has personal biorhythms, and they must be taken into account in the generalized recommendations of the pediatrician.

3 month old baby care

The child must be taught from the first days of life to the purity of the body. Carrying out hygiene in an infant is a responsible matter, and requires concentration and caution on the part of parents. Particular attention should be paid to the baby's morning toilet.


After a night's sleep, the child may accumulate discharge on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes. They must be cleaned, it is very important to keep the baby's eyes clean for their health. Prepare two cotton pads and warm boiled water. Take one disk and wash the child's eye from the outer corner to the nose. Movements should be soft, smooth. Also rinse the second eye with warm water and a cotton pad. Please note that a separate (!) disk is needed for each child's eye.

Contrary to popular belief that cotton swabs are indispensable, the auricle has the ability to self-clean. Caring for the ears of a newborn baby and baby is very simple - you need to wipe them daily with a cotton swab dipped in water. Particular attention should be paid to the folds and the surface behind the ears. During feeding and when spitting up, milk can flow there, which then causes irritation and diaper rash.

Important! It is dangerous to clean the baby's ear canals with cotton swabs: careless movement can provoke a rupture of the baby's eardrum.

Not enough humid air in the room, rare walks, dust can cause crusts in the nose even in a healthy baby. A three-month-old child cannot clean his nose himself, therefore, adults should monitor the cleanliness of the mucous membrane daily. The nostrils of the baby are cleaned and lubricated with cotton flagella soaked in peach or apricot oil.

On a note! You can also use drops with a solution of sea salt - irrigation of the baby's nasal cavities with salt water cleanses the mucous membrane and moisturizes it.


At the age of 3 months, the baby still often keeps the fists clenched, so sweat and dust can accumulate in the folds of the skin. To clean children's hands, gently open the fists and wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in water. Also, every 3 days you need to cut the grown nails on the hands, and on the toes - every 6-7 days.

Games and gymnastics: classes at 3 months

Educational activities and games that are important for the child:

A three-month-old baby is already ready to communicate, perceive new information, so you can safely add various exercises for development to his daily routine. They help to strengthen existing skills, add variety to the daily “routine” of the decree and bring a lot of pleasure to both mom and baby.

  • In the morning, spend light exercises and gymnastics with your child. Gently bend the child's arms and spread them apart, then make rotational movements of the legs. The kid will participate with interest in the process if it is accompanied by nursery rhymes, singing or music. Perfectly develops coordination and muscles in the baby with a large gymnastic ball - fitball. The child can be rolled on it, laying on the back or tummy.
  • Daily light massage will have the best effect on the entire body of the baby. The muscles of the neck and back, with light stroking and kneading with the fingertips, relax, tension and excessive tone are relieved, the baby's well-being improves. To know which areas to massage, you can consult a pediatrician or watch a couple of video tutorials.
  • To the regular gymnastics carried out by the mother with the baby, you can add a couple of exercises that will prepare the child for turning over. Turn the right leg of the child lying on his back to the left so that it is thrown over the body. Thanks to this movement, the necessary impulse is formed for future coups from the stomach to the back and vice versa.
  • Encourage your baby to raise his head and shoulders more often when lying on his back. Do not let the baby be lazy, post it daily and get it interested in bright objects, toys, children's squeaky books. The child will look at them, and soon reach for objects, trying to put them in his mouth.
  • Show your baby a variety of rattles with sound effects - rustling, rattling, with bells. Put toys in the handle, let the baby learn to hold them. Hang toys in your stroller or crib so your baby can reach and touch them.
  • Communicate more with your baby. Call him by name, tell fairy tales and more, while sometimes making short pauses - so the baby will have the opportunity to answer you with a coo.
  • Toddlers at this age are very interested in reflective surfaces, so get him a safe mirror. Let the baby examine himself. Also show your child images in books - animals, household items, colors, etc.

P.S. Dear readers, we have also prepared for you an article about describing each month of a child's life.

In this article:

Not only young parents, but also pediatricians are interested in the physical development of the baby. Every month, during a visit to the children's clinic, the baby undergoes a control weighing and measurement of height. According to pediatricians, the weight of a child at 3 months depends on the proper organization of feeding and caring for him, as well as the physical health of the crumbs.

Average indicators of weight and height for children who have reached the age of three months are determined according to the schedule, which was compiled by WHO specialists. Finding out if the child has deviations in or everything is going well is not difficult - just compare his weight with the criteria indicated in the table.

Normal weight and height of a baby at 3 months

In the first 3 months, weight gain in infants should be 200-250 grams weekly. That is, by the first month of life, the baby should weigh about 800 grams more than on the day of his birth. At 2 months, this figure should be approximately 1.6 kg. And, accordingly, at 3 months, the average weight of the child should be 2.4 kg more compared to his body weight at birth. If a newborn was born with a weight of 3 kg, then at 3 months the child weighs more than 5 kg.

Sometimes kids do not fit into the "average schedule" and gain more or less than the designated norms. There is nothing wrong with this, since the height and weight indicators given in the table can be called conditional.

The body weight of the baby should not have strict limits or criteria, because each child is individual.

After weighing, the pediatrician compares the weight of the child with the norm of 3 months according to the table. This allows the doctor to determine the level of physical development of the baby. Indicators of height and weight "less than average" and "more than normal", in harmony with each other, may indicate that the child is simply small by nature or, on the contrary, large. If growth indicators are not combined with body weight indicators, this should be paid attention to.

Comparative analysis of the main parameters

The average height and weight parameters of a child at 3 months according to the table are:

  • 55-62cm height;
  • 5200-6000 gr weight.

For 3 months of life, the baby should gain about 2400 grams and grow by 8.5 cm. Of course, these are average figures, and they may vary.

The main thing is not to violate the proportions of the torso, head and limbs in infants.

It is these parameters that allow you to monitor the normal physical development of the child.

Does the weight of breastfed babies differ?

The pediatrician tracks the weight of the baby, who is on, from birth. Many mothers are completely unreasonably worried about the apparent thinness of the child compared to. These worries are completely unfounded.

When given mother's milk as the main food, babies always gain more slowly and less, and this is normal. In the case of breastfeeding, you do not need to strictly rely on how much a child should weigh at 3 months according to the WHO table. It is more important to evaluate criteria such as the baby's body weight at birth, the quality of breastfeeding, how the baby takes the breast, etc.

On average, babies who receive breast milk in the third month of life gain from 170 to 245 grams per week. As a result, the total increase per month can be only 600 grams.

Most pediatricians insist that if a baby takes a breast 10-12 times a day, willingly sucks milk for at least 20 minutes, pees at least 12 times a day, his feces have a normal consistency and color, and the baby himself is active and cheerful - nothing to worry about.

Many mothers make the mistake of starting a baby from the age of three months. Nowadays, pediatricians advise not to rush into this and give new products from 6 months of a baby's life. At 3 months, for the normal weight of the child, there are enough nutrients and trace elements that are contained in mother's milk. If it is not enough, the baby is prescribed a complex of vitamins and minerals additionally.

If a child at 3 months weighs more or less than normal

Most young parents note that it is by the age of three months that the baby becomes more rounded. Puffy cheeks, folds on the arms and legs, a well-shaped tummy - all this is an indicator of the formation of metabolism. But in some cases, a child of 3 months gains little weight or, on the contrary, adds very quickly, not fitting into the norm criteria. Why is this happening?

Causes of insufficient weight gain in a child:

  • underfeeding . The most popular reason associated with a lack of breast milk in a nursing mother. The daily volume of mother's milk for an infant of 2-4 months should be at least 1/6 of its body weight. To find out if the baby has enough milk, it is necessary before and after feeding for 24 hours in order to calculate the amount of food entering the body. If an underfeeding problem is identified, the pediatrician should be consulted to select an adapted formula that will replace the missing amount of nutrition.
  • Pathologies . A child at 3 months may not gain weight due to illness. For example, the usual one causes nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby can only breathe through his mouth. This significantly interferes with feeding - it becomes difficult for a baby to take a breast or a bottle. In addition, the baby can persistently refuse food if candidiasis occurs on the mucous membrane of his oral cavity. In such cases, it is required to treat the underlying diseases and not try to force-feed the baby.
  • zinc deficiency . The lack of this trace element in a woman's body during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with a lack of body weight, even if the birth was on time. During lactation, every mother should continue taking multivitamin complexes. For artificial babies, zinc-based preparations are introduced into the diet.
  • Individual composition of the child . The spread of weight values ​​among newborns can vary by a factor of two! There are both record-breaking babies with a weight of more than 5 kg, and miniature crumbs with a body weight of 2.5 kg. If one of the parents of the child naturally has a thin physique, the underweight of the baby is not a pathology, provided that otherwise his physical development is normal.

Causes of excess weight gain in a child:

  • overfeeding with artificial mixtures;
  • adding sugar to the mixture or drinks for the baby;
  • violation of the rules of feeding;
  • genetic predisposition to be overweight;
  • endocrine diseases.

You can find out from the table above how much a child weighs at 3 months. If the baby scored 15% more than the average values, most likely we are talking about overweight or obesity. In this case, the baby has pronounced deposits of fat in the abdomen and thighs. Sometimes this specific completeness is an individual hereditary feature and subsequently disappears. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

The consequences of obesity in infancy are insidious. In the future, the child may experience chronic problems with digestion and the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, a tendency to cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, type 2 diabetes, sexual dysfunction, flat feet, and much more.

If the child is rapidly gaining weight as a result of overfeeding, it is recommended to offer him a less concentrated milk formula and reduce the frequency of attachment to the breast, replacing them partially by supplementing the baby with boiled water. Of course, such actions should be discussed with the doctor.

Young mothers should be easier to relate to possible discrepancies between the main parameters of the child - height and weight - with the average figures. If the baby develops according to age, is physically active, eats with appetite and sleeps well, is interested in the environment, does not suffer from problems with defecation and urination, and doctors do not find pathologies in him, then everything is fine with the child.

Useful video about height and weight in children

It is very important for mothers to know what their child should do at 3 months, how much to eat, sleep and cope with physiological needs in order to be sure of the proper development of the baby.

Age skills of a child at 3 months

Many mothers are interested in what their baby should be able to do in the first months of life. It is important for them to know whether the child develops correctly, masters new movements in a timely manner and much more.

At the age of 3 months, the child should be able to do the following:

  1. Hold your head confidently.
  2. Smile or even laugh.
  3. Lying on your stomach, lean on your forearms.
  4. Roll over to the side.
  5. Actively play with your own hands.

Some babies can already roll over from their tummy to their back at this age, hold the rattle and play with it. Especially strong children are able to reach for a toy, raising their shoulders. These are optional skills and a mother can study materials on the topic “child development for 3 months” as much as she wants, but not achieve the appearance of these skills at this age.

It depends on various factors, up to the love of the baby to swim, and only the absence of two motor skills by 3 months should alert mothers. This is an uncertain holding of the head and the absence of attempts to stay on the forearms.

It is important for children not only to be able to do specific motor actions, but also to eat actively. But pediatricians often scare mothers with malnutrition of children and provoke them to supplement milk formulas.

Weight gain and nutritional specifics of a three-month-old baby

How much a child should weigh is a controversial topic. Conservative-minded doctors require strict adherence to weight gain. The growth of body weight directly depends on how much food the baby should eat.

Domestic pediatricians introduced the minimum and maximum values ​​​​of increasing the body weight of children. Growth by 3 months should be 50-110% of the baby's birth weight. This ratio does not apply to premature babies. An increase in their weight is permissible in a threefold amount.

In order for the growth to be sufficient, you need to know how much the baby should eat. When breastfeeding, it is impossible to overfeed the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to apply it to the chest on demand. Formula feeding and early introduction of complementary foods are carried out according to the instructions on the baby food.

How much a child should gain in specific numbers is not so important if other physiological aspects are normal. The baby can add less grams, but be calm and develop in a timely manner.

Features of the physiology of a baby at the age of 3 months

The easiest way to determine the correct nutrition of the baby is by how much the child should write. Violation of the mother's diet can cause problems with the baby's stool, so it is impossible to determine the adequacy of nutrition based on how much the baby should poop.

Normally, a baby at 3 months old can poop both 3-5 times a day, and once every other day. If the chair retains a soft texture, then there is no reason to worry. The number of urination per day is much higher. Normally up to 20-25 times a day. Moms should know that hard stools and simultaneous infrequent urination are signs of dehydration in the baby's body.

Also important is the question of how much sleep a child should sleep at that age. At this time, children already have enough 17-18 hours of sleep. But how much the baby should be awake can be affected by malnutrition or other uncomfortable phenomena. Some babies do not sleep during the day for 2-2.5 hours in a row, but this is an exception to the rule. Most often, daily intervals of wakefulness are 1–1.5 hours.

The physical and neuropsychic development of the child continues at three months. Every day you can see how his behavior changes. Now he is no longer the helpless being he was when he was born.

Baby development at 3 months

The baby's body continues to grow and develop. The brain is actively formed and the digestive system is changing. Some mothers begin to introduce the first complementary foods to the child. However, doctors do not recommend doing this before 5-6 months of age, since breast milk contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of the baby. The only thing that can be included in the diet is vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets.

A child can recognize his parents by smell, voice, visually. His reactions are varied. Now, when he feels good, he meaningfully smiles and even laughs, and when he feels bad, he cries loudly. The baby actively communicates with mom and dad. He answers their words with touching cooing, shaking his arms and legs.

The child loves to be picked up. He realizes that in the arms of mom or dad is much better and more interesting than in the cradle. He also likes to listen to music. Therefore, it is recommended to hang a musical mobile with soothing music and bright toys on the crib.

At this age, the baby has shades of crying: now the nature of crying depends on the situation - he wants to eat, sleep, something hurts. If the child wants to eat, then his crying begins with sobs and can reach hysterics if this request is not fulfilled. If the child wants to sleep, then his crying will be monotonous, usually accompanied by rubbing his eyes with his hands. With pain, which is most often caused by intestinal colic in a baby, he begins to scream suddenly and loudly until it subsides.

The child's grasping reflex disappears, movements become conscious and expedient. A three-month-old baby can roll over from back to side. Lying on his stomach, he can rise on his elbows and hold his head for 3-5 minutes. Also, being in an upright position in the arms of an adult, he confidently holds his head.

A child at 3 months begins to learn about the world around him with the help of tactile sensations. He grabs everything with his fingers and immediately tastes it. The baby begins to actively suck a finger or fist.

Baby height and weight at 3 months

During this period of life, the child will add about 800 g of weight and grow by 3 cm.

Daily routine at 3 months

A three-month-old baby needs a properly organized daily routine. He still sleeps a lot (16-17 hours a day), but the periods of wakefulness have become noticeably longer - 1.5-2 hours. The duration of a night's sleep is about 10 hours. Daytime sleep consists of 2 long naps of 1-2 hours and 2 short naps of 30-40 minutes. A baby at 3 months old begins to react to the weather, the full moon, the new moon - he can be naughty and sleep badly.

Feeding a baby at 3 months

For a three-month-old, breast milk or formula milk is enough for development. During the day, he should eat about 800-850 g of milk or a mixture.

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Baby weight at 3 months: how much should the baby weigh?

The article will talk about how much should a baby weigh at 3 months, and a table of correct development is given. When a baby appears in the house, parents are happy about this event. But with the advent of the crumbs, their life becomes more complicated, since you need to constantly take care of him, go to scheduled examinations at the clinic and protect him from viruses and infections.

Three months is the first serious date named control. At this age, the baby will have to go through many specialists, pass all the tests and examinations to find out if the baby is growing and developing correctly.

The first specialist to be visited by a three-month-old baby is a pediatrician. During the examination, the doctor asks the mother questions, examines the baby and measures its parameters. This is necessary to see if the baby is developing correctly and to identify how many kilograms he has gained in recent months. On average, the baby should gain weight up to a kilogram monthly.

It is worth noting that the norms for the development of the growth of girls are slightly different from the norms for a boy. The doctor throughout the year fills development table. Different doctors may have different tables: someone is based on their experience, and someone keeps up with modern medicine. But all the same, the tables have approximate values.

Here is an example of one of tables:

Age/Parameter Boys, kg.Increase for 1m.Girls, kg.Increase for 1m.
Newborn3100-3400kg. 3000-3200kg.
1 month4100kg.600-10003900kg.600-900
2 months4900kg.9004600kg.800g.
3 months5800kg.9005400kg.800g.

Most of all, children gain in their first month of life, the increase can be up to a kilogram. The second and third months of life, the increase is less, and after six months it can be five hundred grams, as the child becomes more active.

3 months old baby: development, weight and height

At three months, a baby can weigh twice as much as when it was born. But each person develops individually, and if your baby gains a kilogram every month, this is a good indicator. There are also newborns with disabilities who cannot eat even five hundred grams in a month. In fact, it all depends on the nutrition of the baby.

Statistics show that breastfed babies gain more weight than formula-fed babies.

As for growth, each baby adds centimeters in different ways, someone can gain only five centimeters, and some at the age of three months gain about fifteen centimeters from the moment of birth. These are very high figures. And if in the first months of life the child grows strongly, then this indicates that he will be tall. If, on the contrary, he gained a couple of centimeters, then he will be low. The following data are considered the normal growth value: if the boy has grown no more than eleven centimeters, and for girls, the mark should not exceed ten units.

To compose how a child develops, the data must be taken in a complex. For example, if he scored strongly in growth, it is worth comparing weight data if they increase in proportion to each other, then this is the normal development of the baby, there is no reason for concern.

By the age of three months, babies mature significantly and change in their faces. At 3 months baby must master the following skills:

  • Keep head;
  • Laugh;
  • Examine pens;
  • Try to grab objects;
  • Get to know mom
  • Some at this age are able to roll over on one side;
  • Lie on your stomach for a long time, leaning on your hands.

Normal weight for a 3 month old baby

Such an indicator as the normal weight of a baby at 3 months of age is determined based on the individual characteristics of the crumbs. First of all, it depends on the weight at birth. It should be understood that at this age, the weight indicator indicates the health of the baby.

In order not to wait for a trip to the doctor, you can independently assess the development of the child. There are many tables and programs on the Internet that allow you to do this. There is such a program in which you need to indicate the weight, height and age of the child, and it will give you the result of how the child develops. Here is a link to a good normal weight calculator. If there are deviations from the norm, then recommendations will be described below.

What to do when underweight

Often parents are faced with a situation where their baby does not gain weight. It is mostly seen in premature babies.
or those who eat little. This problem should be discussed with the doctor, who should identify the cause of the low weight and recommend how to increase it.

  • baby sickness which robs him of all his strength. Because of this, the child loses weight, his appetite disappears and he refuses to eat. During illness, it is not recommended to force-feed him, it is better to do this often, but not in large portions. If the baby wants to eat, he will tell you about it;
  • underfeeding. Often this phenomenon is observed in children who eat mother's milk. To determine the amount of food eaten by a child, you need to weigh it before and after feeding. If the problem really lies in this, then together with the doctor you will have to choose a nutrient mixture and make up for the weight of the child;
  • Zinc deficiency. Because of this reason, the child may gain little weight. In this case, the doctor will prescribe vitamins to the nursing mother, and if the child eats mixtures, then vitamins should be taken by him. The body may not
    enough zinc, due to the fact that the mother during pregnancy did not receive the vitamins needed by the body;
  • The reason for low weight may be hidden in heredity. If a child has thin parents, then he will not become full. In this case, you do not need to force-feed the baby.

Child, who gains little weight, may differ from its peers in the following ways:

  • pale skin;
  • Constant crying;
  • infrequent urination;
  • Slow nail growth.

Obesity of a three-month-old child

The newborn may have obesity. This is worth talking about when the weight of the baby exceeds fifteen percent of the norm. An obese child has puffy folds and a large belly. If we are talking about predisposition, then by two years it will pass. Such a baby should be shown to the doctor. The causes of obesity include the following:

  • Overfeeding;
  • Adding sugar to the mixture;
  • Predisposition;
  • Diseases;
  • Wrong food.

It should be noted that formula-fed children are more likely to be obese.

This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed once it occurs. Otherwise, in the future in life the child will have to suffer and suffer from illness.

In this article, we examined in detail how much a child should weigh at 3 months and what deviations from the norm can threaten.

Video about the normal weight of the baby