Zamiculkas reproduction of a tuber's division. Rules for the reproduction of Zamokulkas at home

Zamiculkas - a stylish modern flower, who conquered the hearts of flower water recently. Mountain stony Plates of East Africa and Madagascar Island are considered places of natural habitat.

From the Earth draws complex long dark green leaves with a gloss. On both parts of Rakhis (the central part of the sheet plate, turning into the petiole), small fleshy leaflets are located opposite the other with a pointed tip. The leaves of adult copies grow up to 1-1.5 m.

The plant thanks the owner with blossom with proper care. Although the flower is not as attractive as the leaves, many florists are very proud of the flowering of their plants. From the sinuses of the leaflets touching the flower of Zamiculkas in the form of a sophisticated inflorescence: a cream color with a greenish helper.

The decorativeness of an adult plant attracts and fascinates. Strong attention Zamiculkas deserved not only for the beauty of his juicy leaves, there is a belief that the plant brings well-being and contributes to cash savings. Therefore, there is another name of the flower - "Dollar Tree". Often in the premises of banks you can see Zamokulkas in all its glory. Although many believe that the flower name received due to the high price.

There is a desire to believe in a beautiful legend associated with the name of the flower. But the fact that Zamiculkas will decorate your home focus and will deliver very little trouble, obviously. Share the features of the reproduction of Zamiculkas at home.

Methods of breeding

Dividing adult plant

With a planned transplantation of Zamiculkas, it is possible to divide it into separate pieces with growth kidney for rooting. The reproduction of Zamiculkas tuber does not represent difficulties. Adult plants are usually easy to divide into separate parts. It is necessary to do it carefully without damaging the CornCong. Parts of separated plants are drying for some time in air, cuts sprinkle with wood or activated carbon.

Sit into pots with light soil. You can use the universal soil by adding a small amount of vermiculite as a breakpit. You can water the young plants in three days by spraying the soil with an estate of the sprayer.


For reproduction by a branch in an adult copy of the plant, the sheet is cut off, dry it for several hours, treated with charcoal or root stimulant growth - rhoin. The sheet is planted into the finished universal soil, you can use soil for succulent plants.

Watering by spraying the soil and the surface of the sheet spend 2-3 days after landing. After about 2-3 months, a well-developed tuber with white juicy roots appears. Zamiculkas is a slowly growing plant. The appearance of regular leaves should be expected in 6-7 months.


The most convenient and common method of breeding Zamiculkas is the use of cuttings taken from an adult sheet. You can get quite a lot of planting material, cutting off an adult sheet from the uterine plant. Young leaves are not suitable for Chenkov, they did not receive full development and did not have time to form in a full-fledged sheet plate. In young leaves, a sufficient number of nutrients contributing to the development of full-fledged plants has not yet been accumulated.

Choose on an adult plant formed middle-aged sheet. Cut it into separate cuttings with two opposite leaves. The top paper can have three sheets. The cuttings must lie on the air to the formation of the topped layer several hours. If the cuttings immediately put in the ground, they can bend.

To disinfect and prevent diseases, it is good to drink the tips of the cuttings (1 cm of the lower part) by activated carbon or any root growth biostimulator - rhoin, zircon.

Save cuttings to universal light soil with adding vermiculite for better soil breaking. For better rooting of cuttings, you can put them in the micro, closing the glass or polyethylene cap from above. The cuttings are well rooted, so many use the practice of embarking them immediately into plastic glasses without a greenhouse. Water planting material not earlier than 2-3 days after landing, spraying the soil from the sprayer. After 1-2 months in the ground, large nodules with roots are formed. New leaves appear in 5-6 months.


Zamiculkas easily multiplies with separate small leaflets of a large sheet of plants. For this, a sheets designed to root from the sheet are cut. They give to dry the scene spot for a few hours. The lower part of the leaf (about 1 cm) preparations that stimulate the formation of the roots - rhoin, zircon or activated or charcoal are sprinkled. You can add coal to corneser or zircon.

Now leaves are ready to root. The lower part of the sheet is swallowed into a wet soil consisting of sand and peat. Cover with glass, arranging the micro. From time to time it must be tired.

There is a practice of disembarking leaves without a greenhouse. The leaflets are planted into a universal soil or kidney intended for the cultivation of succulents. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to spray leaves and ground from the sprayer. It is about a month later on the location of the callus (a sheet cloth formed on the site of the cut) appears non-pea muscular. Over time, they increase in size, white roots grow.

The smaller the size of the planting material for vegetative reproduction, the more time it will be needed to appear new leaves in the plant. Sometimes before a year you have to wait for the appearance of leaves in the rooted copies.

Reproduction in water

There is another way of reproduction of Zamiculkas - the room of the cut sheet into water for the appearance of the root system. The tip of the sheet should be treated with root-forming stimulants: rhoin, zircon, heteroacexin for fast rooting. Experienced flower products are still advised to apply the rooting of Zamiculkas in the soil.

  1. For the cultivation of zamioculkas, the soil is used for succulents or universal soil with the addition of perlite or vermiculite as a baking powder and a source of nutrients.
  2. For good growth in plants in a pot, a reliable drainage system is satisfied. For these purposes, clamzit use, filling them a pot on 1 \\ 4.
  3. Moving young plants once a year by turning into a pot of larger diameter. After transshipment, do not water the flower of 2-3 days.
  4. Zamiculkas refers to plants that do not like excess moisture. The plant is better not to pour once again than to pour and cause the drinking of the tuber. In summer, watering is carried out every two weeks after a complete burden of soil.
  5. The plant speaks well to scattered bright light. The content of zamioculkas should be avoided in the darkened area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. The decorativeness of the flower is lost from the lack of the sun.
  6. Zamiculkas fertilize with a versatile fertilizer for indoor colors every two weeks. Spraying with fertilizer on leaves in smaller concentrations transform the flower beyond recognition. Plant growth is observed, the density of the petiole and leaves is enhanced. They acquire more intense color and shine.
  7. To maintain a gloss and beauty of the leaves, there is a "showers" flower procedures with warm water, pre-closing the ground with a film.

Since it is believed that Zamiculkas brings wealth and prosperity to the house, a good tradition began to give this flower to significant events in the life of people: the days of the wedding, the newly skid, the birth of children, receiving a new position. Use our advice on the reproduction of this amazingly beautiful plant. Let Zamokulkas brings comfort to each apartment, beauty and an increase in well-being. We will believe in this beautiful legend about the flower.

Zamiculkas is a popular room plant, appreciated by flowers for the decorativeness of dark-green leaves. It can not be called a capricious, but it breeds it rather reluctantly. It is almost impossible to get seeds, so you have to resort to vegetative methods of reproduction (you can use all parts of the plant), while stupid by patience.

What a zamokulkas looks like

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - Rod, which is part of the AROIDEA family. From the point of view of most botany, it is monotypic, having a single representative - Zamiifolkas Zamiifolia or Liddjesii (Loddigesii). Others allocate from two to four varieties.

The birthplace of plants - plateau in the south and southeast of Africa. Conditions, human standards, there are extreme. But the plant has successfully adapted to them. Like most local Flora representatives, Zamiculkas is a succulent that for the aid, in principle, atypically.

During the short rainy season, he accumulates moisture in thick fleshy cutters of leaves, stems and underground tubers. This "NZ" helps him survive a long drought. If the plant accounts for quite badly, it drops the leaf plates, leaving only cutters and streaks (axis-rahis). It helps reduce evaporation area.

The name of the flower is obliged to the fact that its leaves are very similar to the leaves of another African plant - Zamia (in the literal translation of "Zamiculkas" - "Zamyep-like"). The final name was not immediately approved. The first option ("Caladium Zamielistic") belonged to a well-known British fan of exotic flora, a conrad of Luddjesu. He first described the plant in 1829, but not being a specialist in the field of botany, mistakenly included him in the genus Caladium, although he was not mistaken with the family of the Aoid.

Inaccuracy was fixed only in 1856 an even more famous botany from Austria, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott. He allocated a plant in a separate genus, "dubbed" Zamokulkas and called in honor of the discoverer. From the beginning of the 20th century, the intermediate version was established in the literature - Zamiculkas Zamielistic.

In addition to the official name, the plant quickly got a multiple nickname - "Dollar Tree", "Eternal" or "Aoid Palma", "Zanzibarskaya Pearl". Especially loved Zamiculkas in China. There he is considered a symbol of the new year, and Fengsui's doctrine connects the welfare of the owner.

Lovers of houseplants appreciate him for the beauty of the leaves. They are glossy, dark green, thin, but rather rigid to the touch, in the form of complexity. The sheet plate is disseminated by 8-12 separate "pynes" - for the aroid, it is also a unique phenomenon. Small blurry spots of ink-purple color stacked normal. Missed the flower in general seems artificial, because the leaves are very smooth, one-dimensional.

The growth rate of Zamiculkas is no different, but at home is rather an advantage. Often, old leaves he drops faster than new ones. The maximum height in the "captivity" is about 1 m.

Zamiculkas is characterized by a developed root system. It consists of powerful tubers and thick-shaped roots from them. If the plant does not reset the plant for a long time, a close pot that prevents further growth may even be closed under their pressure.

Flowering Zamiculkas not only at home, but also in nature - the phenomenon is extremely rare. It can be expected only from adult plants formed. Then the pillage is covered with large berries, each one contains one seed.

There is an alternative almost unique method of breeding at Zamiculkas. The base of the leaves fallen to the ground is gradually thickened, turning into the tuber, which then forms the roots and goes underground, releasing new shoots.

But get upset about the lack of flowering is not worth it. The spectacle is definitely not outstanding. Small yellowish-cream flowers are collected in thick pillars, tightly wrapped with a pale green or light beige bedspread. It is the inflorescence at the bottom of the plant, in the sinus of one of the leaves, so almost imperceptibly. FROM emen at home is not tied in principle, even if "helping" the flower, artificially poling it. According to the experience of most lovers of indoor plants with experience, bloom often means the ambulance of this instance.

Video: Appearance and other characteristic features of Zamiculkas

What you need to know before the start of the dilution procedure at home

Taming Zamiculkas at home, first of all, you should be patient first. The process is guaranteed to stretch for several months. The fact is that at first the plant forms a fairly powerful tuber, and only then begins to build a green mass.

It should also be remembered that, like all the aid, Zamokulkas is poisonous. The leaves contain juice, which, when entering the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation, redness, rash. At a tendency to allergic reactions, even serious burns are possible, and in the stomach in the stomach - strong disorders of the digestion. Therefore, in any works with a plant, it is projected only in gloves, and finished, thoroughly wash your hands.

Despite the theoretical presence of seeds, at home the plant multiplies exclusively in vegetative ways. To get them problematic, and the procedure of germination is very complex, time-consuming and ineffective.

The strawberry plant picks up a mass, sucking nutrients from a cutlery, sheet, part of the stem. Therefore, what is wrinkled is a normal phenomenon, not a sign indicating the failure of the operation.Waiting for the appearance of fresh swords will have for quite a long time.

With any selected method, the future zamoculikus provides warm and bright diffused light. Capacity put in a homemade mini greenhouse or covered with glass caps, cropped with plastic bottles, placed in a tightly tied polyethylene package. The landing is carried out daily, but watered very moderately, wetting only the substrate around the edges of the pot.

It is important to choose the primer for young plants. In severe clay soil, Zamiculkas degenerates, the leaves are minced and deformed. The substrate is suitable for cacti and succulents or for decorative indoor plants. But this is not the perfect option, so it is better to mix it yourself from a sheet of land, peat and sand (1: 1: 1). Useful additive (5-7% of the total volume) - vermiculitis, perlite, chopped pumice, crumb of old red bricks, small pieces of wood coal (best of the barking). The material absorbs the excess moisture, preventing the development of rot. It also makes the soil more easy, creating the possibility of good aeration.

Do not forget about drainage. The layer of clay or fine pebbles should be at least 4-5 cm thick.

Step by step instructions

At home, leaves or parts of them, stem cuttings, tubers are used at home for the reproduction of Zamiculk. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be appreciated before proceeding to the procedure.


Zamiculkas cutlets - part of a sheet plate with two opposite or three "pyrs" (if it is the top). You can land and separate sheets, but the more stalk, the faster the rooting will go. The best time to get planting material - late spring or early summer.

The "donor" plant should be an adult (at least 5-6 years old) and absolutely healthy, the foundation of the escape from which the sheet is taken to be semi-respected. Not suitable just acquired Zamiculkas. In stores, flowers are often treated with growth stimulants and other chemicals. Such drugs reduce the likelihood of steel rooting almost to zero. We'll have to wait at least a year to count on success.

  1. Cut the leaves, divide them on the cuttings acutely sharpened by the disinfected knife.
  2. Give the planting material to dry 2-3 hours. The slice should be covered with a thin layer of "plugs" (torn).
  3. Fill in small containers with drainage material (1/3 of volume) and wet sand, perlite, vermiculitis, finely naked moss-sfagnum. Special soil is also suitable for growing sensipoly (violets) and cacti. Alternative - rooting in water room temperature with the addition of several activated carbon tablets, potassium permanganate crystals or any fungicide.
  4. Plug the base of the cut by a powder biostimulator. Square it into the ground, blocking about 2-3 mm. Gently construct the substrate.
  5. Provide landings lower heating, high humidity (70% or more), the temperature is about 22-25ºС. As the substrate dry out, moisturize it with a weak solution of the stimulator of the root formation, but very moderately. The first time is no earlier than 3-4 days after disembarking.
  6. About two weeks later, the first roots should appear. Then watering can be slightly increased.
  7. New tubers are formed in 7-8 weeks. After that, rearrange the Zamokulkas at a permanent place, take care of as an adult plant.
  8. The appearance of the first leaves can be expected at best in 5-6 months. The norm is 7-8 months. If they are twisted and covered with a reddish film, this is normal.

Video: Detaculation of Zamiculkas with cuttings

Rooting sheet-"Pyryshka"

A significant drawback of the method is the slow development of a new plant. Even if you create a landing material optimal conditions, no more than three leaves will appear for the year.

The leaves selected for roouging should be absolutely healthy, not deformed, uniform color. What they are more, the faster the plant will develop.

  1. Sharp clean knife cut the leaflets at an angle of about 45º. Let them dry during the day.
  2. Sprinkle the lower third of the mixture of activated carbon chopped into the powder or thusshing chalk with any biostimulator.
  3. Slide the leaves into a wet substrate - a mixture of peat crumb and sand (1: 1). They need to burst into the ground for about a third. In water, they are not recommended to root - tubers and roots are weak.
  4. Cover the landing. Provide a temperature of 22-24ºС. Daily ventilate the "greenhouse", as the soil dryer spray it.
  5. After about 2-3 months, the leaves are dried. But small tubers are formed, about the size of the pea.
  6. After the first new sheet (on average, after six months), transplant the plants into the pot in a diameter of 7-10 cm filled with soil for ficuses or palm trees. Do not forget about drainage. Further care is ordinary.

Video: How to root separate "Pynes" -thlists

Reproduction of parts of the stem, breeding branches

The method is practiced relatively rarely. Zamiculkas leaves are located on the stem is quite tight, therefore, to get a piece of 5-8 cm long, they will have to get rid of their number, ensuring itself, thus, more "traditional" planting material.

The procedure does not differ from the rooting of individual "Pynes" in one exception. Parts of the stem are put on the substrate, and do not stick vertically. Dense leather is pre-in several places carefully cut off with a razor blade or a thin scalpel. The depth of the ring extrem is not more than 0.1-0.2 mm. These places are sprinkled with soil.

How to divide a tuber

For this, the plant is suitable for a minimum of 50 cm. After its purchase, there must be at least a year. The best time for the procedure is the period from mid-April to the end of September.

The division of tubers is made simultaneously with the transplant. The roots of the plant extracted from the pot are neatly scattered with their hands, separate tubers are separated. Damage applied to them, try to minimize. Any "wounds" immediately process.

If there is only one tuber in a pot, it can only try to cut it if you have a minimum of two growth points (peculiar "kidney"). But experienced flowers recommend not to risk the loss of Zamokulkas, and still wait until the plant shapes several tubers.

  1. Sweep the planting material during the day. Particularly large tubers may need 2-3 days.
  2. Fill the pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a mixture of fertile rod, leaf land, sand and peat crumb (equally) with the addition of small clay and humus (5% of the total volume). At the bottom, the drainage layer is required.
  3. Slide the tubers in the tank, drowning into the substrate for no more than 3-5 cm. Care, as for an adult plant, completely excluding the feeding and replacing wiring spraying. The first time the fertilizer can be paid in 4-6 weeks.
  4. Two or three sheets per year for the rooted tuber - this is normal. After about a year, transplant Zamokulkas to the soil for adult plants.

Care for young plants

To speed up the growth of a new instance of Zamiculkas, you need to care for it.

  • Young plants are not very like a transplant, so the procedure is carried out no more than once a year and only the method of transshipment. After that, the tree is not crowded 3-4 days.
  • Lack of moisture The plant transfers better than its excess. Regular overflow will quickly lead to the rotting of tubers. Even in the heat just two irons per month, and that if the top layer of soil in the pot dries.
  • Direct sunlight and light shortage are equally disadvantaged for young plants. In the first case, young Zamiculkas will get burns, in the second - the shoots will stretch, the leaves will lose the intensity of the color, crushed. The perfect option for it is bright, but scattered light.
  • The feeders are preferred extraxnealing. They are carried out no more than once in 15-20 days, spraying the leaves with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer for decorative indoor plants. As a result, the cuttings are compacted, the leaves acquire a very beautiful saturated shade.
  • Save the decorativeness of Zamiculkas will help regular warm shower. But only an overhead part is wash, covering the substrate with a polyethylene film.

Possible problems and their solution

Based on the fact that the Motherland of Zamokulkas is hot African tropics, it is possible to correctly conclude - the plant is very hardly. In fact, the only danger threatening with young copies is rot. Often in its appearance is to blame the flowering itself, turning the soil in a pot in the swamp. If at the same time in the room is pretty cool, the appearance of the pathogenic fungus is almost inevitable.

Young zamoculkasa need to visit regularly. The alarming symptoms are black and brown "waving" quickly breaking spots on the tubers, stems and cutters of leaves. Save the plant is possible only at an early stage of development of the disease. If damaged parts are easily separated from it, the soil is covered with mold, acquires an unpleasant reel, there is no chance. Such a zamoculkas can only be thrown away. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

  1. Cut all the leaves and shoots affected by rot. The knife should be sharp and disinfected. "Wounds" spray with an impellent chalk, activated carbon, colloidal gray.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot. For 25-30 minutes, soak the tubers in the bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or in 1% solution of any fungicide (burglar liquid, xom, downtown, speed). Give them to dry 2-3 hours.
  3. Pereure the plant to the new soil and sterilized pot. In the soil, add granules of glyocladine, Triphodermina.
  4. For 2-3 months, water the zamioculkas not with water, but 0.5% solution of alin-b, foundazola, prejudice.

Zamiculkas or "Dollar Tree" often grows at home not only because of beauty, but also due to accepting and superstitions associated with it. The plant is considered an excellent gift. At the same time, there will be no money to spend money on it - the flower is quite well multiplied in the "captivity". We only need to study the nuances of the procedure in advance, give him enough time and carefully handle the young plant.

An unusual and bright flower - Zamiculkas is familiar not to all lovers of flowers and even recently he was rarely grown to landscaping at home, as he was considered a greenhouse. But today, this magnificent bushing with green shiny leaves decorates both living rooms, bedrooms and work offices and offices.

In fact, Zamiculkas is unpretentious in the care of the plant and does not require special conditions for growing. According to the eastern teaching "Feng Shui" "Dollar Tree", installed in the house in the zone of money will help improve the financial situation! And if you want to make this flower in your house, try to reproduce the zamokulkas at home, asking for its leaf or twig among familiar or colleagues for work, which already have a dollar tree. Or, if you bought Zamokulkas, and you need to get some young plants from it, then you have the opportunity to multiply it in several different ways.

Reproduction of Zamiculkas. Delim adult flower

For those who have a flower already an adult, the change in Zamiculkas to a larger pot can be combined with the division of the bush into separate parts for their further planting and rooting. Pereparing an adult dollar tree in the event that the old leaves die away, and the rhizer is taken off. How is this separation? And how to transplant Zamokulkas so that it cares better and gave a new sprout?

Each cut part of the plant must necessarily have a growth kidney, but during this procedure, in no case can the tuber himself can cut in order not to destroy the adult plant. Cut parts with kidneys with a knife or disinfailed scalpel alcohol. After that, they are dried, and the sections are treated with activated or charcoal. When the cut parts get sliced, they can be placed in the vases. The soil for planting plants is better to buy ready-made in the store, adding vermiculite as a breakright to it to make it easier. Planted seedlings are watered only through three days, spraying the surface of the soil with a standing water. This type of reproduction is considered the easiest. And rooted kids grow faster and bloom.

How to properly roaming the cutlets of the plant

A dollar tree and a stalk or branch multiplied. This method is considered the most common and convenient. From one adult sheet or branch you can get several cuttings for landing. For this, the adult leaf of the plant is cut and cut into a cutting with two leaves. The young branch reproduction is not produced, as its sheets are not sufficiently developed and did not accumulate nutrients in themselves, healthy and full plants will not be able to develop from such cuttings.

How to transplant Zamokulkas (prepared cuttings) so that they do not start? Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings several hours are dried in air to the bottom of the cut. When the cut edge is dry, it is treated with activated carbon or stimulants of root growth, such as zircon or corneser. It reduces the threat of their posting in the ground after landing. Prepared cuttings need to be placed in light soil, with the addition of a baking powder. A pot with a planted stalk (for the creation of a microclimate) is covered with a can or polyethylene chic. But you can do a pot and not cover, because the cuttings are rooted and so very good. Pour the soil in the vase is not earlier than in two or three days from the sprayer. Tubers with roots are formed in the soil after a half or two months, and new leaves in six months.

Reproduction of the plant sheet (branch) and sheet plates

Each flower descend strives to use all methods of breeding to reduce the risk of loss. Therefore, the flower of Zamiculkas can be enjoyed to root and the whole sheet or branch. How to put a plant branch?

When the sheet is reproduced, the plant is cut with an adult, medium sheet size and carry out its processing as well as in the reproduction of the cutlets. After that, it can be placed in a pot with a pre-prepared universal soil with vermiculite. Suitable for landing and soil composition for succulents. Soil in a vase with a planted sheet is poured (sprayed) in two days after landing. The tuber is developing in it for three months, and that he and his roots are healthy, it is not recommended to loosen the land and whether the roots have grown there or not during this time! The first new leaves in the planted plant usually appear only after half a year. Large cuttings of Zamiculkas are faster than the roots. The root system they have more powerful and in short time of them are developing full-fledged adult plants.

When you start transplanting a dollar tree or divide it rhizome, you can bring down or accidentally break off separate leaflers or sheet plates. They can also be seeded into the soil for succulents or the composition of peat and sand, perlite. The lower part of the sheet is deepened into the ground, and the pot or greenhouse is covered with polyethylene chill or glass jar. From time to time, the greenhouse needs to be opened and ventilated.

Another way to breed the plant with leaves is no less simple. Sliced \u200b\u200band processed sheets put into water, with the addition of stimulants to accelerate the formation of the root system, and after planting the prepared soil. But experienced florists recommend rooting the leaves in the soil.

What land is needed for Zamokulkas?

For reproduction and correct development of Zamiculkas, light and well-drained soil for succulents or universal soil is always used. It includes:

  • one piece of leaf land;
  • one part of the peat;
  • one part of the sand;
  • one piece of leaf land.

Such a soil mixture, with the addition of vermiculite or perlite, is suitable to transplant an adult dollar tree into it or rooted its individual parts. Such soil allows oxygen to flow to the roots of the plant and does not allow them to rot. In severe earth, Zamiculkas degenerates, its sheet plates become small, and the roots suffer from lack of oxygen. When choosing a pot for the plant, will correctly stop on the clay vase, which is not deformed from the growing rhizoma of the flower.

Dollar tree is an amazing plant that will be the best decoration of your home! It is enough to have only one flower in your house, and you can no longer imagine your home, without his luxurious spreader bush, which will become the central part of the entire phytocomposition of the room.

Zamiculkas is often called "Dollar Tree". It is believed that this plant that came to our houses from exotic Africa brings its owner material well-being. Another name of Zamiculkas - "Women's Happiness". In the people there are belief that his owner miraculously becomes desirable for the opposite sex and gains happiness in his personal life. Agree, a good reason to start our own green artifact! Of course, you can buy a talisman plant in the store, but much more interesting to grow happiness with your own hands. Moreover, they say that in this case the effect of acquisition will be more.

General characteristics of methods

There are four ways of breeding Zamiculkas: seeds, tubers, leaves or cuttings. Most often, the plant determine the division of the uterine tuber to pieces, stalling, rooting the leaf plates or a whole branch with leaves.

Zamiculkas poisonous! Squeeze it in gloves and do not attract children.

Reproduction of seeds

Do not hope to find seeds - they are simply not, because it blooms this plant is extremely rarely and without them (maybe in Africa they are, but hardly). If you are lucky:

  1. Press the seeds into the tank with the soil for violets or cacti with a distance between them - 2-3 cm. The soil should be wet, not wet.
  2. Cover the film and open 1 time per day for ventilation.
  3. Follow the moisture content of the earth's surface, do not allow dry crust, moisturize with the pulverizer with water.
  4. Separate when the first 2 of the real leaves appear (they grow up after seedy).

Shoots will have to wait long, not less than two months. First, the plant should be formed the tuber from which the sprout will turn out.

Reproduction of the division of the uterine tuber

The reproduction of Zamiculkas division of the uterine tuber is carried out in spring when it comes to a more roomy vase. The tuber is easily divided. You don't need to cut, otherwise you can destroy your pet. You need to monitor that at least one growth point remains at each process.

In no case can not cut the roots of Zamiculkas

The process of breeding the division of the tuber consists of the following steps:

  1. After dividing the tuber on the number of future plants you need, damaged areas are driving, sprinkling them with wood or thussed activated carbon.
  2. Hold them in the air for 2 hours.
  3. After that, planted in a permanent vase. Select a capacity of at least 20 cm in diameter and 25 cm high. Pour the ceramzite or small stones on the bottom. You can also use foam balls or egg shell as drainage. Do not be bugged that it is neat soil, high acidity is harmful to Zamiculkas. The drainage layer must be at least 1 cm. As a soil, use a special soil for cacti or any other light poor soil.
  4. Cover the pot in a jar to create the necessary microclimate and put them on the windowsill. Additional lighting plant is not needed.
  5. Watch out the humidity and periodically water with a sprayer, so that the moisture is not only roots, but also leaves.
  6. After new leaves appear, remove the jar.

A full-fledged adult plant can be admired in a year.


Zamiculkas stalk is nothing but a complicated full-fledged sheet. There are several simple sheet plates on the central stem.

On the cutting of Zamiculkas there are several leaves

The shilling process looks like this:

  1. Cut a whole sheet and remove 4-5 lower sheets.
  2. After that, the cuttings are driving in a warm place.
  3. Damaged parts sprinkle with coal.
  4. You can put it for the extension to the container with an estate water. In this case, make sure that the water does not protrude. You can add a hydrogel that absorbs water, and then gradually give it to the plant.
  5. Slide to a permanent place after the appearance of the first recesses with a length of 2-3 cm with a tuber with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm.
  6. Cover the jar before the appearance of new leaves. Do not lift the cap so as not to break the microclimate, the air plant will get from the soil.

When the result, the result will have to wait a few months. Your new pet will take time to increase the roasting tube, in which moisture and nutrients are preserved, and only then he will go into growth.

Video: Detaculation of Zamiculkas with cuttings

Reproduction of sheet plates

It is easier to get the leaves, but the result will have to wait at least six months. Stems from the leaves are faster - the result can be seen after a month and a half. The rooting algorithm is the same for any parts of Zamiculkas:

  1. Pre-dry leaf plates for several hours.
  2. Sprinkle the coal of sections.
  3. Immerse the leaves into the ground at a small angle by about a third.

The cutlets can dry or plant, but do not hurry to throw it away. It is possible that the tuber is formed in the ground, and then the new plant will turn out of it.

Further care for the grained zamoculkas consists in periodic watering and spraying. The young plant must be transplanted into a more spacious vase annually, and adults - once every 2-4 years.

Zamiculkas is a popular room flower, which is appreciated by many flower for decorative beautiful leaflets. Moreover, it is not capricious and absolutely not demanding in care. But the reproduction of Zamokulkas at home can take not only a lot of time, but also forces. To avoid this, it is worth learn several subtleties to breed this amazing plant.

Description and characteristics of the flower

Zamiculkas, or, as it is customary to speak, a dollar tree, from the family of aid, from distant African tropics. Shrub has a massive foliage and powerful rhizome. In the apartment such a tropical tree does not grow above one meter, therefore it is considered an ideal flower for home cultivation.

Since the plant is a succulent, it perfectly tolerates a long drought. The fact is that the shrub accumulates moisture in his fleshy tissues for a long time and in the absence of watering uses its reserves. That is why the dollar tree has a number of features in cultivation, for example, does not like frequent and abundant watering. And the flower is absolutely indifferent to the light and develops perfectly and grows even in the dark apartment itself.

Immediately need to be noted that the plant is considered to be poisonousTherefore, it is recommended to remove it away, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. And the breeders of such a plant are recommended for watering, cropping or other caring procedures to wear rubber gloves, and after contact with a flower, wash hands with an antibacterial agent.

Basic breeding methods

There are several options to grow a new young plant, each flower plant chooses a more convenient and reliable way. So, the dollar flower can be multiplied by the following ways:

  • A vegetative way implies breeding with leaves, cuttings or young processes.
  • The generative method is the reproduction of the flower using seeds.

Any of these options has its advantages and disadvantages and requires certain knowledge, without which successful reproduction and receipt of a new flower may not work. Immediately it should be noted that inexperienced flowers or fans are better to use vegetative reproduction, since this option is the most simple and reliable.

The seed method is used infrequently, since it is perhaps the longest and unreliable breeding procedure. The fact is that most often the dollar flower obtained by a seed method grows in an unbroken, even externally with something resembling corncag. In addition, if Zamokulkas begins to bloom, it may indicate his ambulance.


One of the most frequently used methods of breeding Zamiculkas is a branch in water. It is this option that allows you to constantly monitor how roots develop in the plant. Conduct such reproduction as follows:

After this method of reproduction, it is impossible to abundantly water the plant, this is due to the fact that the sprout developed in water and already absorbed all the moisture necessary for the development. And excess water can lead to rot and the further death of a young sprout.

Growing from sheet

This variant of the reproduction will be suitable even to beginners, since this method is different from its other availability and easy. In order to reproduce the flower of the flower with a leaf, it is necessary to choose a healthy and young leaf without any cracks, specks or other defects.

The substrate for planting the leaf should be light and loose, for this you can add a small amount of sand to the total weight. You can also use the purchased soil, which is designed for succulent plants, or purchase a vermiculite composition. For landing it is necessary to rip out a young leaf and withstand it outdoors for about two hours, it is done in order to be reduced to a slight drop at the base.

Then the cut slicer must be treated with activated carbon powder and sear the leaflets into cups with a cooked substrate to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. If several leaves are planted in a cup at once, then between them should be a distance in the phalanx of the finger.

An important condition for obtaining a good sprout is watering limitIt is not recommended to water in the first seven days after the landing made. In the event that an earthen room is unnecessary dry, a spraying is allowed.

This method of overclocking Zamioculkas, in addition to the explicit advantages in the form of convenience and simplicity, has its essential drawbacks. The fact is that getting a new flower will fail quickly, as the reproduction sheet is a rather long procedure, and this plant will begin to bloom only after three years.

Delivery of the tuber

Zamiculkas can multiply with a tuber than this option allows you to get a strong, strong and healthy flower, which will look like an adult independent dollar tree in a short period of time.

For the procedure, only an adult and healthy cluster of Zamokulkas is needed, separating the tuber is necessary with extreme caution, since any embarrassing movement can damage the donor, and the new planting material, and they may die.

So, to divide the zamoculkas at home, you must perform the following steps. At the very beginning, it is necessary to carefully remove the flower along with the root from the vase, while trying not to damage it. After that, it is necessary to rinse the roots of the flower with the help of ordinary running water, dry them and try to unravel the roots.

Now it is necessary to divide the tuber, but in such a way that the new part is to have their own roots. Then it is necessary to dissolve a weak solution of mangartee, process them roots and give them two days for self-drying. After that, the new tuber remains only to put in a separate container.

For this option, it is important not only to properly propagate the flower, but also to root it in the perfect soil, which should consist of the following components:

  • nerd land;
  • sheet soil;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

In addition to the high-quality substrate, don't forget about the drainage layerThis will not give water to stammer in a flower pot, which means that it will not be able to harm the roots. Another important rule for any trimming and division of the tuber with the help of auxiliary instrument in the form of a knife or scissors is its disinfection. This is done in order to avoid infection of the flower and the development of any disease.

With the help of Chenkov

This option assumes cut from the main tree a small twig on which there must be several leaves. For the reproduction of Zamiculkas with cuttings you need to take a strong intact cutlets, on which there are no stains, cuts or cracks, and perform the following steps:

Such a mini-greenhouse must be kept away from the direct sun enter, it can provoke a dropping of a cutting. The best place for the greenhouse will be a windowsill where there is no bright sunlight, but not too dark. Such reproduction is mainly carried out in the spring or late autumn, when the flower comes the growing period.

Possible difficulties

People who are going to breed and breed a dollar bush can face a number of problems. Mostly typical errors are associated with the use of non-sterile tools, and since this flower is succulent and all its fabrics are filled with moisture, then it's just a paradise for the development of any pathogenic microbes.

That is why it is extremely important to use exceptionally clean and sterile knives and tanks for landing. And also after trimming, you need to process the location of the cut.

Especially often, when dividing the tuber, such an error is made like the injury of a flower, as many amateur flower flowers, so as not to spend a lot of time to unwind the roots, simply cut them with scissors, thereby damaging the root flower system Zamiculkas. Do this categorically impossible.