Download how to return the former girl. How to return the former girl? Detailed F.A.Q.

In 2004, we opened the company We began to study the issues of sex relationships: acquaintance, seduction, constructing relationships. During this time, we trained more than 10,000 students, hundreds of our graduates became professional pick-up instructors. And always the most difficult and most interesting task, we considered the return of the guy of the former girl (or the girl - her former). So in this series of articles there will be a lot of letters.

But before we start talking about your "ex", let's talk about you - about what you want. It seems that the answer is obvious: you want, otherwise why would you read this article? Return it, return everything to its places, regain it again ... Happiness.

Now you perceive her as the key to your happiness, the most important, possibly the only key.

You must understand this idea before you start reading detailed instructions and, moreover, perform some actions. Once again we emphasize your attention.

You are not bad now. You start thinking how to make it good. Your girl is near. You make a conclusion: you are bad because there is no one near. And again it will become good: no longer suffer, life will again gain meaning, depressed will leave ... And you are ready for everything, if only she was again there. Otherwise, I would not use the Internet to search for this material.

Everything around reminds you of her, about her absence. Called a friend, asked: "How are you?". In response, you start to tell you in detail how you feel bad without her and that you have time to come up with for reconciliation. At work, you can't concentrate - you constantly scroll through her SMS and her tape on Facebook or VK. But worse on weekends - for fun two days you are doomed to lonely suffering. Many enhance it with alcohol.

In such a state, people tend to do nonsense. Not because they are stupid, but because at these moments the emotions take the top above the logic. In the Criminal Code there is a softening circumstance: "acted in a state of affect." Do not know how to control your emotions? On the love front, this circumstance will be aggravating for you.

Therefore, now the best thing you can do is:

  • do not take any action until you study all the materials we offer;
  • do not take any action while using new knowledge and common sense, do not make a plan to return its former;
  • it is better not to take any action at the next 24 hours.

All this will reduce the degree of your emotions. The only case can act almost immediately - this is if a professional consults you in the field of relationship. We hold such coaching sessions, and we have a special technique to lower the emotional degree: we give instructions for a very short period of time, literally for two or three hours. This allows our customers to concentrate on the intermediate goal and not to be afraid of possible consequences.

Start your coaching: I set out for several hours as soon as possible, to study the materials we prepared, and to realize them. We have a mobile application (you will find a link to it at the end). Through it, you can contact us or our consultants (a large icon in the main menu) and ask questions about your situation. If we do not answer in the moment, nothing terrible: our ten-year experience says that there are no urgent situations (except for very rare, if you have such - call us by phone).

Starting an operation on the return of the former, remember that it is similar to surgery: it seems everything is obvious, but there are many nuances that it is worth considering. As one famous surgeon said: "I can teach something to cut out appendicitis for half an hour. Half an hour - and you will cut appendicitis like sausage. Another 6 years I will teach you what to do if something goes wrong. "

A little about how to be happy.

Well, wait that we will start to prepare you for a possible failure? Or what we start the record on the topic of finding happiness, achieve the goals and other things that will only distract you from solving the problem?

Our interest to reflect with you on the topic of happiness is purely applied. On the one hand, it will be easier for her to return to you happy than being in permanent depression and asking alms in the form of any sign of attention. On the other hand, it is very important that your actions be relatively relaxed to make you and joke above it, and not run right away to apologize if she pretended to be offended.

We had to study scientific work on human happiness and look at the conclusions of these studies. And studies say: whatever event happens today, it (for very rare exceptions) will not affect how much you will be happy six months later.

There are partings more trickling relationships. And surviving such worships - we mean the death of loved ones - people look quite happy six months later.

We hope that the question already gave your head: "And who, if not she? Who can make me happy after half a year? " You're approaching the answer: you yourself. Be happy is your choice. Talk to work on yourself. Less often ask: "What should she write today?". Think more: "What would be useful for yourself to do?".

By changing the focus of attention, you will not only be able to distract from depressive thoughts, but they will be trite better. What will significantly increase your chances to return "ex".

Ahead of you is waiting for a lot of work. And fear before sending a farewell letter. And the pulse jumps under 140, when you will see the incoming message from its number on the mobile phone screen. New acquaintances, new hobbies, new experience.

When we come to coaching with the request to return the former, I never guarantee success in this event. If you want a one hundred percent warranty, Vbec in Yandex something from the series "Love 100% guarantee", but choose only white magicians with a pedigree. Well, or turn to other charlatans, which is like to promise, if only you gave them your money.

But we are 100% guaranteed that you will stay satisfied with that adventure, the experience that you get, starting to change yourself for the better. It is with such a set that you are doing everything for her, but for yourself, start this game. And perhaps one day you will tell her "Thank you" for the fact that she threw you. Without this, you would not have a chance to get a impetus to your own development.

Why did she go?

We understand your condition. Everyone at one time experienced the same emotions: when inside is empty, all thoughts only about it and I want only one thing - to become like before. You move your past in my head. Romantic moments flashes: your first date, first kiss. At the time all plans for the future are crumbling. Nearest weekend, party with friends, traveling to parents.

We think you have already passed the stage of clarifying relationships, apologies from your side, promises of a bright future, and this further aggravated the situation. After all, you already brought it to the state when she did not want to see you at all, talking to you? In your mobile phone you can already find some idiotic messages that she left unanswered? And then you apologized, trying to correct the situation? Do you have time to notice her in the company of another man?

If you realize that the situation is serious that the usual apologies do not decide if you began to study this material before you aggravated the situation to a hopeless state, you were lucky. In our practice there are no more than 20% of such cases. Urgently contact us, most likely, we are separating low blood and fix everything very quickly.

Not only that we survived it themselves, in our eyes collapsed and resurrected hundreds of relations. And we have every reason to inform you of good news: you will again feel happy, if you just do not lower your hands.

Recently traveled to parents. They first asked "innocent" questions, but in the end they could not stand and asked a question in the forehead: "What happened to you? After parting with his wife, you were not my own. It hurts to look at you. And now you follow, and in the eyes of a light ... ". I had to tell them about you. You greet you from dad and mom

Anton. 31 year

It's time to talk about your ex. For some reason, people seem to be restored very simple. It is enough to apologize, come home with flowers, invite it somewhere, arrange a romantic date - and everything will be as before.

But what to do if she does not accept your apologies? If you refuse to meet you? If after the meeting she will only strengthen in his decision to part with you? If everything is so simple, then why did the tips of others help you and you began to look for answers to your questions here? Because everything is not so simple.

People love to give advice, especially on the topic of relationships: "I apologize to her, tell me that everything understood that they would fix that they love her." True, all their experience is reduced to observation of very few crisis situations. It's like to give advice to coach football team, not knowing anything about professional sports. Therefore, the Beware of such "advisers".

The first thing you really should do is stop doing something until you read this material to the end. In chess there is such a position - called "Patual Situation". Anyone is leading to losing. Unlike chess, in real life you can take a break. Now it's time for you to take a pause and understand what happened.

You can scroll down dozens of situations in search of the true cause of the gap, but it only distracts you from the main factor that requires treatment. There are many reasons and reasons, but in the end everything will be reduced to one: you ceased to be attractive for her. If you want to return her, you first need to think about it, and not about where and when you are born.

Apologize for the error is not a problem. But to become more attractive for her - the problem. Man can not make a team to get carried away by someone. Let's spend a mental experiment: remember any of your familiar who you think it is completely unattractive (terrible). Can you make yourself get carried away to her, love her? The maximum that you can, to sleep with her (and most likely, on drunk), but then it will fall into the category of "those whose name cannot be called."

An annoying, only your position in the head of the former girl is now almost equal to the position of that terrible girlfriend. Almost, because after all you were together, and this time you spent not so bad. You were attractive for her. And at one time you seduced her. Let's work well and do it again)

How to attract a girl?

Brief content of previous series. You broke up with a girl. You feel bad. You want to feel good again, feel happy. To do this, you intend to return it. But with such what you had before, she will not meet again. You must change and again become attractive for her. While everything sounds simple. But for the completeness of the picture, let's talk about what men attract women. Who should you become to be reached for you?

For many years, we taught men to seduce women. In fact, now you have to seduce it again. To do this, you have to remember the skills of seduction or learn them again. But these skills will work much better if you are developed enough as a person if you show the following qualities:

  1. You are the leader. People are drawn to you, you can negotiate them. If a crisis situation arises, you do not lose composure, you can take responsibility. Other men respect you and want to have a matter with you.
  2. You have an inner rod. People, especially women, will always check how stable in their opinion, in their emotional state. Remember this. I give up in trifles, but do not change your position on important issues.
  3. You care about yourself. You pay attention to your appearance, cultural development, surrounding. Very often, men, finding out in a relationship, begin to "swim downstream." Allow yourself to relax, cease to follow. Immediately after the break, all this is superimposed on their negative emotional state. It is not surprising that such men do not attract women's attention.
  4. You don't care what others think about you. You can afford to behave defiantly, attracting the attention of other people. You can afford to have your opinion, to defend him publicly. At the same time, you are difficult to hurt and involve in an empty dispute. You know the price.
  5. Next to you, women experience positive emotions. You must be able to laugh a woman. It is said that laughter is a small orgasm. You can be serious in life, but you have to be able to cheer up a woman.
  6. You are rich. I am not about money, although they are also important. You should have the answer to the question: "What can you give your woman"? Culturally, emotionally. Being next to you, a woman wants to receive something, giving you. You compete for her attention with girlfriends, with magazines and TV, with other men, finally. If you are rich, compete easier.
  7. You are socially active.You do not live on the route "House-work-house-every Friday Buhai." Your leisure is not limited to viewing the serials and computer games. You always have something to tell on the topic: "What an interesting thing happened to me for the last week." There are many bright photos in your smartphone, you can tell you about each of them.
  8. You have goals.The girls are sometimes ready to leave the club and surrender for one night to a cheerful party, whose wind in the head for which there is only "here and now." Relations are built with those who are ambitious and purposeful. And girls go from men lazy floating overstream.
  9. You have hobbies.You are not a simple machine to earn money and achieve goals. You have a hobby to which you pay attention, the story of which you can take almost everyone.

10. You have your personal life. Personal space that exists regardless of the presence or absence of a girl. You have something to do in her absence, at the moments when she has a bad mood if you suddenly quarreled. You are doing these things regardless of its presence, mood, desire. This is your personal life.

11. You want other women. Whoever spoke to, for a very rare exception, you can not be attractive only for one woman. Moreover, how other women react to you is an important criterion for your attractiveness. We advise our disciples before going to a serious conversation with your girlfriend, to hold at least a mini-dating on the other. This magically changes the attitude: a woman for some reason starts to appreciate you more. And how do they feel it? J.

12. You are caring. You know how to take care of your loved ones, about your woman. You know how to care, but do not bend a stick, do not become a rebel. Next to you is good.

13. You understand her.You know how to guess her thoughts, her desires. It is not necessary to fulfill them: sweet should not become a shift. But the understanding of her psychology, interests, behavior in various situations is the key to strong relationships. Well, to her return too.

14. You are an optimist, not a pessimist. You often smile, you have many reasons for joy. In your life, the glass is always half full, and the failures you perceive as a useful experience. With its optimism, you are able to infect other people, including her.

15. You always and everywhere well. One of my buddy said: "Vacation is not in the place where you rest. Vacation - in your head, in your setting on vacation. " It should be like this and in life. You feel good at work, good with friends, good at home. You are good everywhere. If you are bad somewhere, you just do not have there.

In addition to these qualities, a modern man living in a metropolis, competitive on a love front, must have some skills. The fact is that every day, being in a relationship, you will fall into many situations where she wants or not, she will compare you with other men who surround it.

In addition to male coachings, we are and female. So, recently, one client asked: "If a man who cares for you, but you haven't had anything yet, I didn't congratulate you on the New Year, it means that the relationship is not promising?" My answer was brief: "Now you are not in his" TOP OF MIND ". Further conclusions do myself. "

Every day in the metropolis we communicate with dozens of people. We send a daily at least 50, more often than 100-200 SMS messages twenty and more people. We are faced every day with many women. Also, your girl: Most likely, she has no deficiency of communication. And among all these acquaintances, she must highlight you. Every day, in her table of priorities, you should be a "number one". For this you need:

  1. To be able to make a date and regularly do it. Give her romantic emotions so that your relationship is not cooled.
  2. To be able to maintain interest in yourself at the moments when you are not together. In other words, be able to fascinately rewrite and talk on the phone.
  3. To be able to destroy quarrels and conflict situations with her. Without conflict, there are no relationships: two people cannot have one opinion on all issues.
  4. Be a good lover. You must often and truly satisfy your woman in bed.
  5. Understand what is the relationship, to put goals in them, understand their current stage. Be able to manage your relationship.

In the modern world with the invention of contraception and the growth of the emancipation of women, the ancient balance was disturbed: a man is responsible for the production of resources and safety, the woman is responsible for the family hearth and the upbringing of children. Previously, they could not survive a friend without a friend (sex very often ended with the birth of children, whom a woman cannot be contacted in any way). Today, a woman is strong and independent.

Therefore, a modern man can no longer act methods that worked even with our parents. 100 years ago, the family followed the church. 30 years ago, it made the Communist Party. There were socially accepted dogmas behaviors, all conditions were created to create and preserve the family. Today, no one is engaged in this. That is, you should do it.

"We are talking about my former, what's the family, I still don't want a family?" - You ask you. We are not a hurry. Just once again emphasize the importance of thought: today you and only you build our relationship, and your parents had assistance in the form of the CPSU. Therefore, their methods are most likely not to work for you. It is like using Soviet methods of management of enterprises now, although they were extremely effective in the 50s and allowed to restore the country for ten years after the war.

Take for an example correspondence. It would seem that it may be easier: she wrote SMS, you answered, so talked. But it's all on the surface. Really, each message between you carries two loads: semantic and emotional. Here is an example of two completely different SMS, with the same, seemingly content:

"I miss…"

"I missed;)"

If in the first case she is sad and she requires attention, then in the second - she is not at all sad and wants her not only your attention. You need to answer these two SMS completely differently: in the first case, regret, but in the second, on the contrary, to raise. Below as a bonus - a brief technique on how to read it SMS and how to answer them.

  1. At first, read the emotion that corresponds to its SMS. Emotion is expressed by a direct speech and speaks by two and three words: "I'm bored", "I am fun", "I want you," I feel bad. "
  2. The second step, determined the degree of its interest in you. The degree of interest is determined conditionally: high, medium, low. Depending on the degree of interest, you can either invest myself or, on the contrary, to make it invest.
  3. Defined in SMS, the presence of explicit and hidden proposals or provocations on its part. This will predict its expectations from your answer. You can decide: be predictable or not.
  4. Only at the end to pay attention to the content of its SMS. In case of calling interest, content is usually unnecessary scenery, tinsel, which distracts from the essence. But it is important for constructing a response.

Task: Display on this technique "I miss ..." and "I missed;)"

Tip: If a long SMS comes, symbols for 200 or more (we call "bricks" or "sheets"), then usually its emotion is contained at the very beginning, interest- almost always high. Offer or provocation (that she wants from you) to search at the end, the middle of the same read is not recommended at all, it only distracts.

How to construct the answer

If you read it SMS according to the rules, then come up with a good answer will not work. So, a good answer:

  1. Corresponds to the goal of your correspondence. Each correspondence into crisis moments should pursue the goal and be very thoughtful. There are no exceptions from these rules. Everything, up to the signs of punctuation, emoticons and sending time, is of great importance.
  2. Corresponds to the emotion of its SMS. Emotional adjustment (or, on the contrary, opposition) must correspond to the goal of your correspondence. If she writes: "I got sick (what are you doing?". "You write to her in response:" And I feel great! I just got my friends to the recreation center, now they are sitting on and begin to the ugly, "this is likely to cause Negative reaction. Although you completely answered her questions.
  3. Depending on the degree of interest, it gives or no theme for the development of the conversation. If, in response to our strong attachment in the process of communication, the interlocutor responds sluggishly and monosyllant, we try to invest even more in the conversation so that the interlocutor is "stirring." What even more pulls us into a dialogue. Therefore, the following strategy works very well: created interest, involved in the dialogue, began slowly "clenching", pulling it into it, forcing the initiative.
  4. Corresponds to the content of its last SMS (or the SMS to which you want to answer). She should have the feeling that you communicate that it is important to you that she says.

Owning the skills of correspondence, you will be able to manage your communication in critical situations, control your emotions. And control itself is half of the success.

Now it may seem to you that all your past quarrels have no meaning, it is enough to seduce it again at the emotional level, to pump a little on the specified qualities, and it is already at your feet again. This is not quite so. Now she will simply do not let you, will not give you yourself.

Whatever you like to be a great chess player, you can't beat someone who does not sit down to play chess with you. And now you play weaker again (since she left you), and sit down at one table (read "go to date with you") she refuses. Therefore, the task is divided into two parts: pull out your skills and involve it in the game.

What repels her from you?

Very soon we have real special operation to return your ex. We will calculate steps with jewelry accuracy, invent tricky combinations, analyze situations and make decisions. To fully realize this, you have to learn a lot and learn a lot. But the main law will always be valid: do not harm, do not exacerbate the situation. Therefore, it is very important that you understand what behavior will push it from you.

Once again: women go first because the man loses its appeal. Quarrels, insults are all consequences. The reason is exactly in this. We saw couples who quarreled and put up five times per day, but remained together for years (and still live together). And now - attention - we guarantee that your lady left you because you did at least one thing from the following:

  1. You controlled it too much. Women hate when you climb into their personal life, in their women's secrets. Do not ask about her former, do not climb into her phone, do not interrog it, with whom she communicated on the corporate party. All this demonstrates that you are afraid of losing her. Yes, it is important for you, but do not try to put it in a cage - otherwise she will definitely leave.
  2. You have understated self-esteem. You are not satisfied anything all the time, concentrate on risks, failures. Constantly drive yourself and others in depression. You have problems and at work, and in your personal life, and with friends. We'll go rest - you will find a problem on vacation. If you have such symptoms - I advise you to go to a psychotherapist. Not kidding - if a spin hurts, you add to the surgeon and neurologist. If you do not know who exactly to contact - call, we will help.
  3. You constantly demand attention from it.If you think that a lady likes, when you fall asleep her sms, confessions in love, calls, you are mistaken. We even have a parting technique. Such - start constantly pressing its abundant number of messages and demand a response. The most persistent girls held no more than two months.
  4. You are constantly jealous of it. To friends, colleagues, other men. If you are jealous, you are always in a losing situation. Do you remember, I spoke about the number of daily contacts with other people? So, you want or not - she will communicate with other men. But if you can jealously, you will burn out from the inside. Constantly experience negative emotions in relation to it. She will know how to bring you out of equilibrium. The next steps of your behavior are control over it, attention requirement, demonstration of low self-esteem.

Sergey : "Of course, there are options when with the help of serious control you can protect it from other men. I remember, I talked with a woman who accidentally mentioned that her former husband controlled her so much that she found "bugs" in her car, in the phone. After 20 minutes after the start of our dating, this former "suddenly" drove by and wanted to return some things to her. After 40 minutes, her girlfriend joined us "by chance". Yes, we did not come out - I do not have excitement from such extreme and therefore neatly completed a date. But the husband was not just like that former ... ".

  1. You demand confirmation from it. "Do you love me? And strong? " These questions kill relations. Just as uncertain behavior. Why do men ask women these questions? First, from insecurity. And secondly, they are so raised. Not parents, but modern TV shows and shows. A person is very well studying, copying other people. And where in the modern world can you watch the "real" relationship with "real" situations? In serials and reality shows. If you look at them, before viewing the next series, re-read this material. Watch, what model of relationships are trained.
  2. You lied to her.This item concerns primarily men who have learned the technologies of a pickup, but who did not understand the essence of these technologies. In the process of seduction and in the early stages of relationships, a woman can be slightly overwriting, give her to draw a too beautiful picture in his thoughts. During the construction of relationships, your real person will continue to appear. And if this person is not at all such as the girl drew himself, the relationship is destroyed. Such a gap is most difficult to restore, speak honestly.

When you will take measures to return, remember about these six factors! Now you understand why it is useless to eat calls on it and throw out messages, try to "accidentally" to cross and press it through acquaintances? Apologize to repent, promise? All this is nonsense, which will only aggravate the situation and will push it stronger from you.

What to do next?

In the first part, you learned why she left you. If you want to return it, install yourself a free app, where you will find a second part, a bunch of useful information and you can get personal advice from one of us. Link to the app you can find here:

This hell for any guy begins exactly when loving and sincere girl becomes instantly turns into an indifferent stranger. In this moment especially acute The question arises ".

Literally yesterday you breathed in the beat, gave each other gifts and confessed in love, and today you see changes in its behavior. She no longer responds to your questions about where it was, or tries to stupid on this. You notice that she bought a lot of new things and constantly disappears somewhere with their girlfriends. All this is the signs of the approaching care of your second half.

After all, not all is lost! With whatever situation you have encountered, her alwaysyou can change in the desired direction. Read this article to the end, and after 15 minutes you will know exactly.

Why they go

Before moving to active actions, you need to know what was the cause of her care. It is necessary to leave all its ideas about your and soberly assess the situation.

  • Excessive interest

So it works that the guy initially should stand "above" of his girl. And if you put it above yourself, then, thereby going against nature. And, of course, she will begin to look for a new guy who realizes its true value.

  • Strong jealousy

It's one thing when jealousy is very small and only says that the guy appreciates the girl. And completely different - when jealousy is strong and bordering paranoia. In the second case, it sign of weakness and insecurity. And why a girl unsure in itself a slid?

  • Potting whims

Fear of the girl's care in case you won't do what she wants is destroyed. And the absolute majority of guys "stumble" on this. She can show words or hint about their care. But the paradox is that if you go to her, then she will definitely do it.

  • Cowardice

When other people want to infringe on your rights and clearly or implicit disrespect, you must be able to stand up for yourself. Moreover, both in the physical plane and in the verbal! And in those moments when you do nothing to protect your credit, the girl remembers it.

You probably thought that she was indifferent? Or maybe she will praise you for the fact that you are "not so Grubian, like that man who insulted you"? Maybe praise. But still considers you a slid!

  • Availability

You have nothing to do in free from work or study time and wait for her consent to the meeting? If you are fully accessible to her, she either already lost interest to you, or will soon start losing it.

  • Dependence on its reaction

This includes the change in their opinions under the pressure of the girl, and the desire for approval. Those guys who ask questions in the style "Do you love me?", "I'll come to the role of your husband?" Immediately show the desire to get approval. And this is a clear sign of insecurity.

  • Reficure

Some and the same postures in sex, holding meetings in the same places, monotonous dates - all this can push the girl on the search ... on the side!


If you have noticed signs of loss of interest, then two options are possible:

  • 1y - she recently began to lose interest to you and is still in finding another guy (maybe even at an unconscious level).
  • 2nd - she already I found myself another, and you don't know about it yet.

But for whatever "stage" of the girl's care, you were neither, the return strategy of interest is the same.

The first thing you need to do is calm downand accept the fact that your relationship is no longer such as before. You should not worry about this and, even more so, hope that your second half has not changed. Also, do not tell your friends about the fact that it broke up with her, and even more so do not drink alcohol in order to "stroke pain." He only exacerbates the situation!

The second important step - sober analysis His relationships. Try to discard all your ideas about what they were. Do not remember her recognition in love! The words of Efemerny and only her actions are a real criterion of truth.

Understand which of the above mistakes you allowed. It is necessary in order to choose the correct model of behavior further.

Be sure to make yourself new hobbies and. For example, sign up for a gym, buy yourself new things and do something interesting. And do not communicate with it for two to three weeks, because your task is to make it start to miss you!

Maybe you wanted to fly with a parachute? Why not!? Find contacts of the organizer of jumping and forth!

It is very important to pass this training before

How to return the former girl: Act!

When your emotions are sick, you can proceed to active actions.

1) Surely, you know about where and when your ex appears! To start organize random meeting. Only now you will appear in front of it in a new image: more confident, brave, cheerful and demanded from other girls. Your cheerfulness should manifest themselves in your actions and words. Show that you are good and without it - the main condition for the meeting!

But the meeting may not be random! You can tell her what you want to give some thing. At the same time, the strategy of behavior on a date should be the same.

2) Do not talk about relationships! Otherwise, she will suspect that you thought all this time about how to save them. And this is a sign of your weakness. Our task with you is to hint that you have appeared new potential chosen.

If she speaks about relationships or begins to apologize for anything, then immediately change the topic of conversation (of course, without losing a positive attitude).

3) Make it so that it he learned about the changes in your life. You can do it either directly (just told), or giving her a small hook so that she herself develops the topic.

4) Get away at the peak of emotions. The first meeting should not be long. Half an hour (maximum hour) - the most optimal time in order to interest it again and show that you are fine again.

Go as if you end the meeting with my girlfriend - positive and goodwill!

At this point, it will doubt the correctness of their decision. That we achieved!

Most likely, she will start calling or write to you. But you need to continue to play in your rules.

5) Use contrasts in circulation. In one time, let's understand that you treat it well (like a friend), and another - "cool" and do not answer calls. If you wish it right, it will call it itself!

6) Be slightly inaccessible. Let now it takes the initiative. Then she will understand that you have another life now and you need to earn your time.

Perhaps full availability was one of the reasons why you lost her. And now, forcing her to fight for your time, you can quickly return the former girl.

But there is one important detail, due to the lack of which you can not do it. I am talking about the absence of self-discipline. As it turned out, many guys are hard to lead their game when the girl begins to meet them towards them. They relax and become weak again. And this is rooted incorrectly!It is very important to restrain myself at that moment when you want to call and ask to return.

Now you know how to return the former girl! However, that's just a small share of knowledgethat I can pass you. If you are NOT Want to risk a girl and guaranteed to return the previous relationship, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my book

This book is a real putting of valuable information! Also be sure to subscribe to my newsletter on this page below.

Well, here he is the first day of life without his beloved. For a while before him, you began to suspect that your second half is less and less wants to meet with you. Then you see that she often began to walk somewhere "with girlfriends", and then it began to ignore your calls or sms. Finally, she told you that you no longer have to meet.

How to return the former girl or wife?

1. Acceptance and analysis of errors

First of all, you should accept what happened to you as a given. In the case of solving any problem in the first place, it is precisely the adoption of the situation "as it is." Take this and you (acceptance does not mean that you have to refuse thoughts how to return your favorite girl, and appropriate actions).

What does it mean?

You must understand that the girls just do not go. This is usually due to the fact that they do not receive something important for themselves from the relationship. And we (Men), unfortunately, are forced to develop in the seduction of girls to learn them to understand and build strong relationships.

Therefore, you should analyze your relationship for the bugs that have entered by you.

What mistakes usually allow guys:

  • Jealous
  • Allow you to sit on your neck (everything begins with small requests)
  • Show uncertainty
  • Show your cowardice and inability to stand up for yourself
  • Fully available
  • Boring / predictable
  • Show too big interest
  • Depend on its reaction (and this is another manifestation of uncertainty)

At this important stage you need to be honest with yourself and admit that you allowed mistakes. After all, we are not perfect and can not know everything! With good analysis and pulling out of the memory of many moments of communication, these errors will have much faster, and you can proceed to the next phase of the girl's return. Namely…

2. Preparation and change of image

For some time (but no more than two weeks), you must even stop with your ex-girlfriend or wife any contacts. It is necessary so that it began to doubt your own value for you, and ceased to consider yourself a "queen".

It will also allow you to throw off the moral tension and distract from the very fact of the temporary break in the relationship. Why is temporary? Yes, because to return the former girl is quite real, if you know how to act correctly.

In order to successfully pass this stage, try to fill out every day with a soak of events, meetings and classes to do not even think about your ex. At this time, do not come to her pages on social networks and do not ask her friends. Take it better - you do not have much time to change. If you stay the same, why would she want to return?

Here I must say that if you do not sit and suffer, and fill your life with business and new communication, perhaps the ways of returning the girl and do not need. Maybe she will come in touch or you will suddenly find that without it is not so bad and around many other cute girls ... But if this happens, we turn to the third step.

3. We arrange a meeting

Next, call her and appoint a meeting. I share a chip: In order to finally destroy her faith in his own superiority over you, you can say that you want to thank her for "everything that was" and a friendly meeting. Be sure that such words will deprive her calm sleep right until the very moment of the meeting.

You can also set up a "random" meeting (as you understand, it will be random for her) and say these words directly at the meeting.

At the meeting you have to all shine from happiness and smile. A short conversation and completion of the meeting under the pretext of what you already need to run.

But be attentive: if she starts discussing your previous relationship, then you must stop this topic with a smile, saying that everything is fine. Self-keeping from the temptation to offer her to start everything first, even if she will hint at it. Everything should look like you completely took a break and do not even think about returning a former girl - you just want to restore friendly relations, calmly greet each other in general companies and not feel awkward.

4. Continuation

Your main task is to achieve not fleeting, but persistent interest in yourself. She should take a look at you in a new way to want to return. And, of course, this is achieved not only by confident independent behavior. Do not lose time with a gift and do everything in order for your break to really become better: close to your appearance, look for additional earnings or career growth, pay attention to your "weak points" and begin to eliminate them.

No need to think "what if she does not appreciate and still won't return," you do it first not for her, but for yourself. Agree than confidently and more you feel in life, the greater the chances to attract interesting people to themselves. Even if you fail to return the former girl, putting myself and your affairs, you will definitely begin to meet someone no worse.

Of course, it is impossible to completely calculate all possible options for developing events and choose the perfect version of your behavior. This is the subject of a whole book. But, in general, the strategy is this. And, taking advantage of her, you increase your chances of returning.

But know that there are ...

Some underwater stones

And these pitfalls can spoil everything. When the relationship is temporarily ended, your actions resemble the actions of the sapper, whose task is to slowly and gently neutralize the bomb, i.e. Return a girl.

Our first "bomb" is a desire to call or write your former once again.

Especially acute this desire is felt in the first days after the "official" end of the relationship. Although later, when you already understand exactly how you need to follow, you can also be seduced to talk to her.

At the very beginning of his practice, I also made this mistake and deprived myself a chance for restoring relations. But if I taught me the pain from the loss of my beloved, I hope you will teach my experience , And you do not want to make this mistake.

Perhaps sometimes you will be very difficult to stay from the desire to call and "figure out the relationship" or call for a date, or just remind yourself. But you must learn self-control, without it can not do. Of course, I will tell you how to return the girl, but no one will go through this way for you.

It must be remembered that our task is to knock it out of equilibrium (as it should not sound cynically, but this is the necessary measure), forcing it to doubt her own attractiveness in our eyes. And the desire to communicate can show her that all control over the situation in her hands. As a result: Instant loss of interest.

The second "bomb" is a desire to get drunk.

And, more worse, call it and start communicating with it in a drunk. And this is not just a bomb, but "drunk" driving in its pure form. But only if you have some chances of survival when driving, then when communicating in this form is not exactly.

Because the desire to get drunk - shows your weakness and the fact that you are worried about it. Moreover, in a drunken form, you can hardly fully control yourself (I could not call it anymore, if you decide to call it) and you will definitely speak too much. With each such call, the chances of returning a girl after parting will inevitably decrease.

And it does not even matter what exactly you will tell her during this drunk conversation. If you are confessed in love and ask to return (and she, of course, will refuse) - you will regret it on the wrong time, you will feel the humiliation and become angry. If you call to quarrel and touch it - the next morning you will be awkward for your behavior and wants to justify. In any case, there is a huge risk to "break out" himself and get into a vicious circle: "I got drunk - said Leshnaya - I wanted to justify - I was reversible - got drunk." With each turn of this circle, you will fall in her eyes (and in your own) everything below and below.

The third "bomb" - the desire to complain to his friends.

If she finds out that you told about it to your friends, it also reduces your chances of restoring relationships. It is possible that you will learn how to return it, and make a lot for this. But if you tell about parting to your friends (this applies to your common friends and acquaintances), then you will put you both in the eyes of those who surround in the framework of the broken pair. And it will interfere with you to go back again.

There are two more dangers. First, whatever your friends are, there is a high probability that there will be rumors about your conversations before the former. And they will reach in a distorted form, as on a spoiled phone. If she finds out that you suffer and worry - it will deteriate her pride, but hardly helps in return. If you spoke somewhere about her in a negative key - she does not want to return at all.

The second danger is that complaining and telling friends about your gap, you simply "lower the steam" instead of thinking how to interest and return the former girl. A lot of conversations are little actions, it always works. Do not allow yourself to get stuck in a breakthrough situation, infinitely thinking and retelling his details.

The fourth "bomb" is the substitution of concepts.

With this bomb everything is somewhat more complicated: when you will use my recommendations, you can incorrect your own actions.

The person is inclined to exaggerate his own merit and the progress of failures. For example, you may seem that you are very effective to pass the fourth stage (the very "continuation", which I wrote above). Those. You may seem you that you give her hope to continue and correctly show your indifference. And in fact, you still continue to communicate with her on the phone, trying to keep the conversation, you are joking, etc. As you understand, it is not like the real indifference.

However, if this can happen, there is no guilt here. Just at some moments, anyone can lose a sense of control over the situation and forget what he does and for what.

Try to get around these "bombs" and then you will be on the step closer to the resumption of relationships. As additional help in the return of a girl or ex-wife, I offer a small video.

Tell me, do you want to get hidden from most knowledge and guaranteed to return our former girl even a year after parting?

If so, I invite you to familiarize yourself with our developments on this topic, which collected all chips from my experience combined into a single system. And this system is guaranteed to allow you to make an intended. Right now go on the link


2 Hello, dear friend! My name is Roman Vinylov, and I will help to solve your problem! First, I accept my condolences about your parting with your girlfriend. Secondly, thanks for confessed to me and you want to take advantage of my methods for the return of the former girl. Here is my statistics: for 2010 I helped in returning girls 30 guys. And only 2 cases were impossible for reasons that the guys themselves refused during the return. It happens when feelings and love pass with time. In 2011, I helped return the guys about 48 girls. I became more actively engaged in this case. Not a single unsuccessful case - an excellent result for this year! For 2012, the results exceeded all expectations. I worked carefully with each who applied to me. My tips, methods and instructions worked, and I constantly improved them. I helped in several very difficult cases to achieve success. He began to notice that sometimes guys cease to be needed by their former. And sometimes it happens when they have already achieved it. In years, the indicators were still stable. 9 out of 10 cases were successful! 2015 turned out to be a breakthrough year, and I was able to reduce the average return time for the former girl.

3 My goal for 2016 does not spoil statistics, but make it even more attractive. Therefore, I gladly take your case, my friend. Impressive, isn't it?! To begin with, you need to do this: 1. Register on my forum forum about the seduction of girls. There is a section about relationships. Find it. In it, create a separate topic, call it any or tell me in very detailed its history. What is it for? Whatever I can familiarize yourself with your story and give advice. Also, the experts of our community will also give their instructions and recommendations. Together we will definitely think about something! In the same topic, you will unsubscribe all your actions. We will give feedback on them. 2. Excess the history of the guys from the same section on the return of girls. Perhaps you will find similar situations and see the solutions there and for yourself. It will be undoubtedly useful! 3. Reading this book, the attention of the fact that you should not just make some actions and the girl will come back to you. No magic pill. It will be necessary to work well. It will be necessary to change something in itself, in consciousness, in thinking, in his life. It is natural and normal. Always, any changes in life will be associated with changes in you. 4. Take yourself a text file on a computer or regular notepad. Write all your thoughts about your girlfriend there, all the actions that you would like to do now. Let it be a certain piggy bank of your emotions. In no case do nothing now towards your girlfriend. All actions to the side of it can finally destroy all the chances of returning it! No emotions!

4 5. Find anything positive around and concentrate on it. Be sure to re-read my blog especially the section on the return of the girl. Find and there for yourself a lot of useful! In my experience, I still did this: 1. Of course, my life did not cost and without your own return of the former girl. I did it successfully, but now I build a quality relationship with another girl. 2. I helped return the former girl to my friend and colleague Hiru Sheremetyev, and now he is happy in marriage, has 2 kids.

5 Introduction. Why do girls go? Sometime you had a completely normal relationship with a girl. Love. Reciprocity. It seemed to you that all this will remain forever. But the hour came when everything collapsed. Often the guys say that it did not depend on them. In fact, all 90% depends on us, men. To understand why girls leave, you need to understand why they come. Why the relationship once began, and the girl chose us. Your girl did not meet with your friend or someone else. At that moment you turned out to be the best for her. And when the girl meets the reciprocity to courtship, falls into your bed, spends a lot of time with you, it means, really, she wants to be with you. So the relationship begins. In addition to you, of course, she had other candidates. If there were no, that little probably, then the situation changes his character a little. In this case, the gap is always likely. Guess with the right choice without having a choice difficult. Also, any man is simply obliged, refers to the selection of his companion. For example, if you met a girl at school in the first grade and "nest" with her to the end of the school. Then you slept on the graduation and began to meet. And a year later you have a wedding. The probability of 1% is that everything will have successful. Most often with this position, even if there are problems, both partners suffer. Toleure because they are accustomed to each other. They suffer because they are afraid to stay alone. Toleure because there is no experience in relations with other people. It is sad. If you were in a similar situation, and your relationships were destroyed, then you were lucky. No need to return such a girl. She is not yours. Not your ideal. What can give impetus to parting in such a situation? 1. The emergence of a new man in the life of this woman. New man new emotions. New relationship. New feelings, etc. There is hope for deliverance from problems, and with probability not

6 stay alone. Of course, the girls here often throw their current guys and go to the new chosen one. It is 99% better than the previous one. Why, I hope you have already understood. Do not understand? I will explain: she is not your ideal, and you began to meet without choosing each other. And when there is anyone else, the second, the third probability of success increases! Yes, and taking into account the fact that you fed up with my former, the more new man for her, as a new life. And she will always be better than the same. 2. Awareness of the real situation. This happens not often, but, usually, as a bright flash in the dark room. Batz, and who either from partner, usually a girl, understand: I do not live with the man. He does not fully satisfy me. That's not mine. And she leaves. Relationships are rushing. 3. The influence of friends / relatives / media this can also occur with anyone, especially if the relationship is very running and full of problems. Often, all these problems can be seen from the side. Friends and relatives will discuss them. And the impact of the media (usually, these are women's programs, soap operas, melodramas) will push the girl to find a new man. As a result, a big risk of breaking relationships. How to be if the relationship was quite high-quality, and there were no problems on the horizon? There are other reasons for the end of the relationship. When your relationship began, you were all wonderful (I hope!). The girl was in love with you insanely, and you fell on her pleasant and gentle feelings. You were for her the best man at that time. What would get this girl, naturally, you put some efforts. You could take care of her, make gifts, to spend romantic evenings with her. You had a goal: to start a relationship. And the girl answered reciprocity:

7 She became yours. There was time, and your feelings gradually moved into the background. Romance has become less, caviar too. What for? She is so yours. When feelings go, or cooled, it is like you shoot pink glasses and look at the world with already open eyes. See all flaws in the girl. And if you chose the girl and carefully, then there will be a minimum of such flaws. And if the choice was "what fell like", then there will be a lot of interesting things. Stay quarrels, wipes, conflicts. Much here depends on us men. Will the power be overcome all this? Or, more serious problems will begin. And they arouse here from anything: 1. You're used to the girl, do not do anything for it, but you demand too much; 2. You pay a little attention, but jealous of each post; 3. You are hard with her not adequately, you're flashing, you shout to it; 4. You do not understand what she wants. You can't satisfy it. All these are signs of a man who is weak. But then the most interesting begins: when such a state of things is finally "pulling" a girl, she decides to leave. Here the guy realizes that he loses what he had. What did not appreciate anything. And begins to try to keep the girl in every way. Such actions are meaningless. The best option to let go of a girl (don't worry, we can return it if you follow my advice!) What happened here? The man-ideal became a male cloth. Feelings are gone, there is no deduction. And desire to be together especially. The end of the relationship. Everything is logical. The girls go down when their favorite man is not at all the one who he was at the beginning of the relationship.

8 What can not be done when your girlfriend left you? So, it happened, your girlfriend left. To make it could be different. More difficult when you already lived together and had a lot of general: photo, habits, games, plans, etc. We'll have to get rid of all this for a while. I decided at the very beginning of the book to tell about what it is impossible to do, and only later that you can and need. I did it because often the guys make a lot of mistakes at the very beginning, which I then rake. But everything might be very and very simple. I don't know how and under what circumstances, your girl threw you, but now you need to make the first thing that: think about possible your contact, how could you call her, write, etc. I'll say right away: you don't need to do anything! Let these contacts and communication options remain for the future. But in no case do not rush to remove it from the phone, from the notebook, from friends in social networks, etc. This is all useful to us. You just need to break all contacts with it. Even if she forgot something at home, let her understand that you are busy and then you will pass everything. Does not play the role of these things of her problem. In no case do not eat and do not eat other drugs at the moment of emotional breakdown very easy to succumb to the sweet fetus of narcotic entertainment. Keep yourself in your hands and in no case whether

9 drops of this poison. The same applies to cigarettes. All these are drugs, and there is nothing good in them and never will never. In no case are in no case try to either prove with your former now you came to the fact that her opinion about you changed dramatically since the start of your relationship. And she is not better about you. Either to prove it is meaningless. Your task is to minimize all disassembly and clarifying relationships. But it is better to avoid contacts, as I wrote above. This is the right one! There is nothing good on emotions. Nothing give her, do not try to care for her, it will not work. Any gifts and caressing girls at such a moment will be perceived as bribing her feelings. She will only spoil your opinion about you. Time for such things will be, but later. In the meantime, leave strength and resources for other more useful activities. Do not try to use her / his friends / relatives to return it is very stupid and will not help you. Friends will not make anything useful. And all attempts to convince her through anyone will be meaningless and only pushing your former from you. Understand: she is tired. And she needs another guy. The word "Other" I was not in vain. You will need to change, work well on yourself. Then everything will turn out! No need to revenge former sometimes on emotions, guys come to mind and such ideas: "Well, I will find her!". It is bad and not correct. Do not revenge anyone. First, we are to blame for the break of relationships. And secondly, the revenge will definitely not help correction of the situation. No emotions! And here is the first important rule for your new life: minimum emotions. Try to concentrate on analyzing your situation and draw conclusions: Yes, you have done such errors. Yes, the girl turned out to be so. Yes, the situation came out from under control. Now you understand it and it's cool. There is no place emotion. There is a sober mind and competent calculation.

10 Uninterrupted emotions destroy everything: and relationships and lifests. Therefore, now you must learn this lesson. Whatever your situation, control your emotions. And what you do on emotions: Jealousy Anger Nervous Frams Conflicts and much more This will work against you. Such things appear because of not confreshing you in yourself. Due to the weakness of moral and spiritual. A strong man can control himself in all such situations. That is why, after the care of your former, try not to show any emotions in her direction. She will wait for any girl that her former will be sure to run after her. Will try to return it, fading with gifts and tons of attention. Sometimes for this and go, by the way. So that at least somehow your young man to crush. But we will do competently: I will not give your former all this. And this is the right course.

11 first steps. The most important! I often write such a question: what to do, girlfriend gone? Very global question. But the answer to it is one: relax and enjoy. And there is no share of sarcasm. Will overstate all the contacts and do not come to contact the first it is necessary that the girl would not understand what is happening. Whatever she knew with whom we and where. Let him experience, worries, set as questions. At this time you can do yourself. But I understand: this is a very difficult step. You may be painful and unpleasant to parting. But the medicine here is one: patience. To suffer from 2 weeks to several months. And this is normal. Analyze my mistakes yourself understand what you did wrong. Now your task is to fix it. In one day it is not done. And it will take time too. Study literature on relationships with girls, read my books about how to return the former girl. Read My Blog: (Section: How to Return a former Girl). There are a lot of useful materials!

12 Take yourself: Sports, Entertainment, Rest Be sure to take it time. Perhaps before you lacked him. You spent a lot of it on your girlfriend. But while you have no, why not have fun? Do not be surprised. At the moment, there is no need to suffer. Do not waste strength on emotions, killing and the more hysterical. Just calm down and proceed with more useful. For example, go to the gym. Many guys in relationships are scored for sports and work on themselves. This is bad. It is not surprising that girls go away from such guys. Remember the whole best that was in your relationship time to remember the past. But only positive. Take the best: make a list of what you like most in your relationship. If this is not enough, and the negative will exceed all the frames, the reason to think, and the girl choose the right thing. More precisely, do you need? Having time with friends while you cut off all contacts with your ex, we had time to come to friends. Your old close friends, guys and girls with whom you are always good and cool. Arrange a party, go to the club. Go to nature, to the pool, go on horseback. Mass all! The main thing: what would you be relaxed and did not bathe about the return of the former girl. After all, time is now playing for you! If the former comes to the connection itself all the first attempts we are "ignoring". First we say that we have no time for her. Then, just do not take the phone, do not respond to SMS and in social. Networks. But if, after a week, two, she again tries to contact you, it is worth answering her. But strictly in a positive, indifferent to her, the key. Like, hello, I have everything cool, come on, while. And nothing more! You can also add that you do not have time. Provocations in their social. Networks where she can see you and your position, do so that the pictures would be constantly updated. On them you should be cheerful, cheerful, strictly positive! Most importantly, create though

13 Would the vision of the fact that your life almost became worse from parting with the former, but, on the contrary, it became better in many ways. Very often, this fact causes a strong blow to the reputation of the former girl. Her thoughts appear, and whether she did everything correctly, swaying with you. The new girlfriends next provocation will be the fact that you have new girlfriends. Not a girl, not new love. And just girlfriends and acquaintances. It is desirable, who previously did not meet. With them, you will also appear pictures in social. Networks. Your common friends can be used as follows: You're positive and cool spend time in their company. We communicate with other girls. They see all this. And you will definitely tell your ex. In no case ask them to tell them. It is important. Your former will be in rabies! As it, she threw you, and you are so joyful, positive and the like.

14 Facts about the former girls situations for the return of former girls can be diverse. In some girls, it goes purposefully and comprise all contacts themselves. In some, on the contrary, the girls only manipulate guys, watching how they are trying to return their soul mate in a panic. In any of these or similar cases, there is a way out. After all, in fact, they are united by one thing: the former girl appears. Whatever it is, it can be returned. The only question will have forces for patience and determination to bring the case to a victorious end. If so, then, I hope you have learned the lessons of the previous chapter and fulfilled all my instructions. Now let's talk about the most former. She gone, losing you and love and feelings and attraction. Whatever she returned, it is necessary that all this appears for you again. In the meantime, her attraction to another guy is most likely. It does not matter to us, he is or not, because if she left you, then why shouldn't she get away from him. Everything is logical. Your task in the near future to change in the eyes of the girl itself. But while she has a clear picture of you, as a bad guy who is no longer needed. However, if we break all the contacts and for a while we forget about the former, then it will gradually forget you. You are bad. What we need is. At this time, we are working on themselves, in the future to appear before it in the new guise. The former girl can become your best if you prove to her what has changed.

15 This is not the main rule keep all the girls in the head. You have advantages: the girl is always easier to return to you, rather than searching for a new guy with you was and good in the past, which is no doubtful you "in Plus" with you already connected with her love and feelings at the beginning of the relationship you did not have little good (I hope!) Here we are focused on these things after the resumption of communication with the former. In the meantime, make a small template break. After all, the former girl expects her former guy to run after her any girl perfectly understands that the guy is dependent on it and is looking forward to flowers, a gift, pleading about for forgiveness and return. This is predictable. If the guy behaves differently ... it breaks the template! The girl is considering a former guy as a spare airfield if the girl does not work with anyone, and the need will overcome, she will return to the former. The girl always considers it as a backup option. According to the previous point, because the girl is sure that the guy will run after her. We will not do this, but it will only strengthen our value towards it. The girl manipulates a guy, imitating parting sometimes when the girl wants to get something from his young man, and he gives it to her, she throws him for a while. At this moment, the guy on emotions is ready for all for the sake of the former, and performs any of her requests, if only she returned. The girl returns. Both partners are satisfied, for eliminating the fact that such a guy is just a sucker. Put with a guy, the girl is also experiencing and sadness does not need to think that the girl rejoices when parting. There is a habit that hips nostalgia about the past. The girl got used to the guy, and too will be sad and worried. Sometimes even more than the guy himself. Therefore, our positive and cheerful behavior will definitely make her think, and did she do everything right?

16 If the girl goes to another guy and declares you about it, you do not need to panic. It can and bluff. However, it is necessary to take into account that the girl may have a new guy, for which she tears with the previous relationship. It is difficult to make sure that there are no obvious facts. But it is necessary to consider such an option. The presence of a new guy does not affect the success of the return of the girl. The girl just go back if the former guy competently behaves and such that if the guy knows how to return girls and what to do in such situations until the gap of relationships, he will react and either will quickly return the girl, or will not allow the care itself of this girl. It is for this reason that I recommend learning the materials on how to build relationships, how to make mistakes in relationships with girls, learn to understand them. It is very interesting! But you have already happened to parting, since you read this particular book. Time to act!

17 How to return the former girl quickly? Let's bring the result. What lessons did you learn by reading the previous chapters? I understand that this hell for any guy begins exactly when loving and sincere girl is instantly turns into an indifferent stranger. At this point, the question "How to return the former girl quickly?" Literally yesterday you breathed in the beat, gave each other gifts and confessed in love, and today you see changes in its behavior. She no longer responds to your questions about where it was, or tries to stupid on this. You notice that she bought a lot of new things and constantly disappears somewhere with their girlfriends. All these are signs of the approaching care of your second half. After all, not all is lost! With whatever situation you have encountered, it can always be changed in the desired direction. Before moving to active actions, you need to know what was the cause of her care. It is necessary to leave all its ideas about your relationship and soberly assess the situation.

18 Excessive interest is so arranged that the guy initially should stand "above" of his girl. And if you put it above yourself, then, thereby going against nature. And, of course, she will begin to look for a new guy who realizes its true value. Strong jealousy is one thing when jealousy is very small and only says that the guy appreciates the girl. And completely different when jealousy is strong and bordering paranoia. In the second case, this is a sign of weakness and insecurity. And why a girl unsure in itself a slid? Potaking the pleasures of the girl's care of the girl in case you are not going to do what she wants is destroyed. And the absolute majority of guys "stumble" on this. She can show words or hint about their care. But the paradox is that if you go to her, then she will definitely do it. Cowardice When other people want to conceal your rights and clearly or implicit disrespect, you must be able to stand up for yourself. Moreover, both in the physical plane and in the verbal! And in those moments when you do nothing to protect your credit, the girl remembers it. You probably thought that she was indifferent? Or maybe she will praise you for the fact that you are "not so Grubian, like that man who insulted you"? Maybe praise. But still considers you a slid! Availability You have nothing to do in free from work or study time and wait for the consent to meet it? If you are fully accessible to her, she either already lost interest to you, or will soon start losing it.

19 The dependence on its reaction to this also includes the change in its opinion under the pressure of the girl, and the desire for approval. Those guys who ask questions in the style "Do you love me?", "I'll come to the role of your husband?" Immediately show the desire to get approval. And this is a clear sign of insecurity. The bitch is the same poses in sex, holding meetings in the same places, monotonous dates All this can push the girl to search for new emotions on the side! Preparation If you have noticed signs of loss of interest, then two options are possible: 1. She recently began to lose interest to you and is still in finding another guy (maybe even at an unconscious level). 2. She has already found himself another, and you don't know about it yet. But for whatever "stage" of the girl's care, nor was, the strategy of returning interest is the same. The first thing you need to do calm down and accept the fact that your relationship is no longer such as before. You should not worry about this and, even more so, hope that your second half has not changed. Also, do not tell your friends about the fact that it broke up with her, and even more so do not drink alcohol in order to "stroke pain." He only exacerbates the situation! The second important step is a sober analysis of your relationship. Try to discard all your ideas about what they were. Do not remember her recognition in love! The words of Efemrane and only her actions are a real criterion of truth. Understand which of the above mistakes you allowed. It is necessary in order to choose the correct behavior model in the future. Be sure to make yourself new hobbies and start working on yourself. For example, referring to the gym, buy yourself new things and do something interesting. And do not communicate with it for two or three weeks, because

20 What your task is to make it miss you! I already wrote about this in previous chapters. Maybe you wanted to fly with a parachute? Why not!? Find contacts of the organizer of jumping and forth! It is very important to do such things before returning the former girl! And what's next? When your emotions are sick, you can proceed to active actions. 1) Surely, you know about where and when your ex appears! To begin with, organize a random meeting. Only now you will appear in front of it in a new image: more confident, brave, cheerful and demanded from other girls. Your cheerfulness should manifest themselves in your actions and words. Show that you feel good and without it the main condition of the meeting! But the meeting may not be random! You can tell her what you want to give some thing. At the same time, the strategy of behavior on a date should be the same.

21 2) Do not talk about relationships! Otherwise, she will suspect that you thought all this time about how to save them. And this is a sign of your weakness. Our task is to hint with you that you have a new potential chosen one. If she speaks about relationships or begins to apologize for anything, then immediately change the topic of conversation (of course, without losing a positive attitude). 3) Make it so that she learns about changes in your life. You can do it either directly (just told), or giving her a small hook so that she herself develops the topic. 4) Retire at the peak of emotions. The first meeting should not be long. Half an hour (maximum - hour) The most optimal time in order to interest it again and show that you are fine again. Leave as if you finish the meeting with my girlfriend positively and good! At this point, it will doubt the correctness of their decision. That we achieved! Most likely, she will start calling or write to you. But you need to continue to play in your rules. 5) Use contrasts in circulation. In one time, let's understand that you treat it well (like a friend), and in another "cool" and do not answer calls. If you will behave correctly, then it will call it myself! 6) Be for her slightly inaccessible. Let now it takes the initiative. Then she will understand that you have another life now and you need to earn your time. Perhaps full availability was one of the reasons why you lost her. And now, forcing her to fight for your time, you can quickly return the former girl. But there is one important detail, due to the lack of which you can not do it. I am talking about the absence of self-discipline. As it turned out, many guys are hard to lead their game when the girl begins to meet them towards them. They relax and become weak again. And this is rooted incorrectly! Highly

22 It is important to restrain yourself at the moment when you want to call and ask to return. Now you know how to return the former girl! However, this is just a small share of knowledge that I can pass you. If you do not want to risk a girl and guaranteed to return the previous relationship, then I advise you to familiarize yourself with my book "How to return the former girl? Step-by-step instructions How to return your love with 100% warranty. " This book is a real storehouse of valuable information! You can get acquainted with her here:

23 Bonus: the story of the author My story on the objection of the girl began in the distance in 2008. Then I started myself a new girl, and we met somewhere half a year before the start of the problems. Everything came for me extremely suddenly. It is noteworthy that in parallel I participated in another situation, helped my friend and Colleague Hirura Sheremetyev to return his girl, future wife. For one summer evening, Egor called me and announced a disturbing voice: "Anya threw me." I began to ask what happened and found out: his girl Anya took things and left their apartment. He left a note that he went to another. Not a simple situation. Egor and I began to think about how to return it. In my relationship I was then sure, and did not think that something like this would happen to me. Egor and I read various literature. In parallel, they tried to communicate with his former useless. We made a few mistakes: 1. They tried to find out what kind of guy was there 2. They tried to grow in their relationship, to harm somehow 3. They tried to press emotions all this did not give the result. Next, we broke all the contacts and began to think about how to return the girl all the same. We no longer admitted any attempts towards her. After some time, the former Yegor itself began to get in touch, but we all stopped. We found out what mistakes Egor and

24 completely eliminated them. These were shortcomings in behavior and attitude to his girlfriend. Lack of attention and romance in relationships. As well as the desire for his former play a wedding and make children. With that we started. The point of the beginning of the new relationship we chose the proposal of the hands and hearts. To do this, prepared a romantic adventure for the Girl of Egor and one beautiful evening all organized. Anya did not suspect anything, but was very surprised and glad. I even wrote them a song in the verse "hip-hop" about their love and made a video clip with their photos. It was cool! The meeting ended with the proposal of the hand and the heart, where the positive response sounded. And then the guys went to the festival "Energy Days" together. But the next day I was waiting for a surprise: my girl who knew about the situation of Egor, decided to get away from me. She did not like the fact that I didn't pay time at all, but I was engaged in my training activities, I spent a lot of time with friends, and at that moment I spent extremely much time, helping Him. These are these girls. Go away when you do not expect. And I stayed alone. Knowing the experience of the return of the girl, Egor, especially participating in his process, I started thinking about my situation. First of all, I revealed all my mistakes and began to eliminate them. Then I updated the pictures in the social. Networks. No attempt to get close to your ex

25 did not immediately do. Just waited. She did not do anything too. A week later, I found out that she was found with another guy. Shock? Not. I was calm. I began to demonstrate that my life did not deteriorate from the departure of the former. The fact that everything is still fine and I am happy. But my formerly reacted in many ways indifferently. More precisely, I did not react. A month later, I decided that it was time to take concrete steps. And here I myself went to contact. At first, the former even did not take the phone. I came up with a reason. Preview that everything is in a friendly. And first of all, there were such friendly relationships. No hint of relationship. So we met over the next month. As friends. In the process of such meetings, I gradually found out the weak points of its current relationship. And he began to manipulate this. I arranged, allegedly, friendly meetings, but very romantic and pleasant. I at the right time reminded of our past relations, about the best moments, causing in my ex-former feelings. But sometimes she braked me, apparently understanding what it leads. After another month, we somehow moved away. Much time passed, and I already decided to look for a new girl. But the feelings did not go to the former, and I still wanted to be with her. However, I overcame myself and began some kind of relationship with the new one. The former learned everything and surprised to show more activity to me. She saw another person in me. Changed. Jealousy appeared. And I felt it. I also began to use this. Of course, my new girl began to understand everything and eventually threw me. And the former learning about it came to me and suggested again. Her current guy, it turns out, did not suit. Yes, and he was needed only for a while. After a time I threw it, because Neither feelings or love for her no longer turned out. I went to find a new girl here is such a story. I write briefly not to take your time. After all, you will have the way to return your ex. In my full book about whether, "how to return the former girl ()" I tell a lot of details of these stories and not only. Be sure to read it! Roman Vinyl

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