Is there life after death. Is there any life after death: scientific evidence and witnesses

Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov in the early 90s of the 20th century in detail and accurately described in his own, what is life (live matter), how and where it appears; What conditions should be on the planets for the birth of life; What is a memory; how and where it functions; What is mind; What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of the mind in living matter; What is emotions and what is their role in the evolutionary development of a person, and much more. He proved inevitability and regularity appearance of life On any planet, on which the relevant conditions are simultaneously occur. He first first and clearly showed that such a person is in reality, as for which he is embodied in the physical body, and what happens to him after the inevitable death of this body. Already long ago gave exhaustive answers to the questions supplied by the author in this article. Nevertheless, there are quite sufficient arguments that indicate that modern science is practically nothing knows about a person or about real The structure of the world in which we all live ...

Life after death is!

View of contemporary science: Is there a soul, and is there an immortally consciousness?

Anyone who collided with the death of loved ones, asked if there was life after death? Nowadays, this issue acquires particular relevance. If a few centuries ago, the answer to this question was all obvious, now, after the atheism period, it is more difficult to solve it. We cannot simply believe hundreds of generations of our ancestors who are on the personal experience, century in the century, they presented in the presence of an immortal soul in the person. We want to have facts. And, the facts are scientific. We were trying to convince us with school bench that there is no God, there is no immortal soul. At the same time we were told that it was saying that. And we believed ... Note that believed In the fact that there is no immortal soul, believed In the fact that it was supposed to prove the science, believed In the fact that God is not. None of us tried to figure out what the impartial science about the soul says. We just trusted some authorities, especially without going into the details of their worldview, objectivity and interpretations with them scientific facts.

And now, when the tragedy happened, conflict occurs inside us. We feel that the soul in the deceased is eternal that she is alive, but on the other hand, the old and inspired stereotypes that there is no soul, they pull us into the abyss of despair. This struggle inside us very hard and strongly exhausts. We want truth!

So let's look at the question of the existence of the soul through the real, not ideological, objective science. We heard the opinion of these scientists on this issue, personally appreciate the logical calculations. Not our faith in existence or not the existence of the soul, but only knowledge can repay this inner conflict, to preserve our forces, give confidence, look at the tragedy on the other, real point of view.

The article will go about consciousness. The question of consciousness We will analyze from the point of view of science: Where is the consciousness in our body and can it stop his life?

What is consciousness?

At first, that in general such consciousness. Through this question, people thought the entire history of mankind, but still can't come to the final decision. We know only some properties, the possibility of consciousness. Consciousness is aware of themselves, his personality, this is a great analyzer of all our feelings, emotions, desires, plans. Consciousness is that we allocate, what makes us feel not subject to objects, but personalities. In other words, consciousness wonderfully detects our fundamental existence. Consciousness is the awareness of our "I", but at the same time consciousness there is a great mystery. Consciousness does not have measurements, forms, no color and smell, taste, it can not be touched, turn in the hands. Despite the fact that we know very little about consciousness, we completely reliably know that we have it.

One of the main issues of humanity is the question of the nature of this very consciousness (soul, "I", Ego). Diametrically opposite glances on this issue have materialism and idealism. From point of view materialism Human consciousness is a substrate brain, a product of matter, a generation of biochemical processes, a special merger of nerve cells. From point of view idealism Consciousness it is the ego, "I", the spirit, the soul is an intangible, invisible spiritualizing body forever existing, not dying energy. The subject is always involved in the acts of consciousness, which actually realizes.

If you are interested in purely religious ideas about the soul, then no evidence of the existence of the soul will not give. The doctrine of the soul is a dogma and is not subject to scientific evidence. There is absolutely no explanation, and even more so evidence and materialists who believe that they are impartial scientists (although it is far from).

But what about most people who are far from religion, from philosophy, and from science, too, represents this consciousness, soul, "I"? Let's ask for a question that is "I"?

Paul, Name, Profession and other role functions

The first thing is that the majority comes to mind: "I am a man", "I am a woman (man)", "I am a businessman (turner, baker)", "I am Tanya (Katya, Alexey)", "I am a wife ( husband, daughter) ", etc. This is, of course, funny answers. Its individual, the unique "I" cannot be determined by general concepts. In the light of a huge number of people with the same features, but they are not your "I". Half of them are women (men), but they are also not "I", people with the same professions seem to have their own, and not your "I", the same can be said about the wives (husbands), people of different professions, social status , nationalities, religion, etc. No affiliation to any group will explain to you, which represents your individual "I", because consciousness is always personally. I am not quality (quality only belongs to our "I"), because the quality of the same person can change, but his "I" remains unchanged.

Mental and physiological features

Some say that their "I" are their reflexes., their behavior, their individual performances and preferences, their psychological features of I.T.P. In fact, it cannot be a person's core, which is called "I". Why? Because over the course of life, behavior, and submission, and addiction, and even more so, psychological features are changing. It is impossible to say that if earlier these features were different, then it was not my "I".

Understanding this, some lead the following argument: "I am my own individual body". This is more interesting. We will analyze this assumption. Everyone else from the school course anatomy is known that the cells of our body are gradually updated during the life. Old dying (apoptosis), and new born. Some cells (the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract) are completely updated almost every day, but there are cells that pass their life cycle significantly longer. On average, all the cells of the body are updated every 5 years. If you consider "I" a simple combination of human cells, then it will be absurd. It turns out that if a person lives, for example, for 70 years, during this time, at least 10 times, all cells in his body will be changed (that is, 10 generations). Can this mean that not one person lived her 70-year-old life, and 10 different people? Is it really pretty stupid? We conclude that "I" cannot be a body, because the body is not constantly, but "I" constantly. This means that "I" cannot be neither cell qualities or a set of them.

But here the specially erudented by the counterproof: "Well, with the bones and muscles it is clear, it really can not be" I ", but there are nervous cells! And they are all life alone. Maybe "I" is the sum of nerve cells? "

We reflect on this issue together ...

Is the consciousness of nerve cells? Materialism is accustomed to lay on the mechanical components of the entire multidimensional world, "harmony to check algebra" (A.S. Pushkin). The most naive delusion of militant materialism against personality is the idea that the personality is a set of biological qualities. However, the combination of impersonal objects, whether they, even though neurons, cannot produce the personality and her kernel - "I".

How can this be the most difficult "I" that feel capable of experiences, love, simply the sum of the specific cells of the body, together with the flowing biochemical and bioelectric processes? How can these processes form "I"? Provided if the nerve cells would have made our "I", then we would lose part of our "I" daily. With each dead cage, with each neuron, "I" would become less and less. With the recovery of cells, it would increase in size.

Scientific research conducted in different countries of the world prove that nervous cells, like all other cells of the human body, are capable of regeneration (recovery). This is what a serious biological international magazine writes Nature: "Employees of the California Institute of Biological Research. The solka found that fully workable young cells are born in the brain of adult mammals, which operate along with existing neurons. Professor Frederick Gage and his colleagues also came to the conclusion that the brain fabrics are faster than everything is updated from physically active animals ... "

This confirms the publication in another authoritative, referenable biological journal Science: "For the last two years, the researchers found that nervous and brain cells are updated, as well as the others in the human body. The body is able to restore violations relating to the nervous path ", "Said Jelen M. Blon's scientist."

Thus, even with a complete change of all (including nervous) cell cells, the "I" of a person remains the same, therefore, it does not belong to the ever-changing material body.

For some reason, in our time it is necessary so difficult to prove what was obvious and clearly ancient. Roman philosopher-neoplatonic fleet in the III century wrote: "It is ridiculous to assume that, since no one of the parts of life possesses, then life can be created by their aggregate ... besides, it is absolutely impossible that life makes a journey parts and that The mind spent the fact that the mind is devoid. If someone objected that this is not the case, and in fact the soul form atoms conceded together, that is, indivisible on the part of the Taurus, then it will be refuted by the fact that atoms themselves only lie beyond the other, without forming a living whole, For the unity and joint feeling cannot be obtained from insensitive and not able to combine bodies; And the soul - it feels itself "(1).

"I" - this is a constant core of the personwhich includes many variables, but itself is not variable.

Skeptic can push the last desperate argument: "Or maybe" I "is the brain?". Is the consciousness of the product of the brain? What does?

A fairy tale about the fact that our consciousness is the activity of the brain, many have heard at school. The idea is extremely widespread that the brain is essentially a person with his "I". Most thinks that it is the brain that takes information from the surrounding world, processes it and decides how to act in every particular case, think that it is the brain that makes us alive, gives us a personality. And the body is nothing more than a space that provides the activity of the central nervous system.

But this tale is not related to science. The brain is currently deeply studied. For a long time, the chemical composition, brain departments, the links of these departments with human functions are well studied. The brain organization of perception, attention, memory, speech is studied. Functional blocks of the brain have been studied. A huge number of clinics and scientific centers are studying the human brain more than a hundred years, for which expensive effective equipment has been developed. But, opening any textbooks, monographs, scientific journals on neurophysiology or neuropsychology, you will not meet the scientific data on the binding of the brain with consciousness.

For people who are far from this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, it seems amazing. In fact, nothing surprising in it. Just no one and never did not find Communication of the brain and the very center of our personality, our "I". Of course, scientists-materialists always wanted. Thousands of research and millions of experiments were conducted, many billions of dollars were spent on it. The efforts of scientists were not in vain. Thanks to these studies, the brain departments themselves were opened and studied their relationship with physiological processes, a lot was determined to understand the neurophysiological processes and phenomena, but the most important thing was not possible. Failed to find in the brain the place that is our "I". It was not even possible, despite the extremely active work in this direction, to make a serious assumption, how the brain may be associated with our consciousness? ..

Life after death is!

In the same conclusions, English researchers Peter Fenvik came from the London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam of Parking from the Central Clinic of Southampton. They examined patients returned to life after heart stops, and found that some of them for sure Retell the content of the conversations that medical staff led until those were in a state. Others were given accurate The description of the events that occurred in this temporary segment.

Sam is a guy claims that the brain, like any other organ of the human body, consists of cells and is not able to think. However, it can work as a device that detects thoughts, i.e. As an antenna, with which the reception signal is possible from the outside. Scientists suggested that during clinical death, operating independently of the brain, consciousness uses it as the screen. As a TV show, who first takes the waves falling into it, and then converts them into sound and image.

If we turn off the radio, this does not mean that the radio station terminates its broadcast. That is, after the death of the physical body, consciousness continues to live.

The fact of the continuation of the lives of the consciousness after the death of the body confirms Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the scientist of a human brain, Professor N.P. Bekhtereva in his book "Magic brain and labyrinths of life." In addition to the discussion of purely scientific issues, in this book, the author also leads his personal experience in colliding with posthumous phenomena.

Is there any life after death - this question is asked every person, regardless of their convictions. Almost all the well-known religions of the world claim that after the death of the physical body, a person's life continues. Absolutely all beliefs are convinced - the soul of man is an immortal body.

All of us are interested in an entertaining question, what is there, ... after death? Many people who survived clinical death tell about amazing visions: they watch themselves from the outside, hear how doctors state their death. Feeling how to carry with a huge speed through a long dark tunnel to a bright light source.

Doctors, including resuscitative studies, are very strongly doubted by the reality of the described visions, which allegedly experiencing visiting the capricious world being in a state of clinical death. The reason for such near-minded visions is called the light spot, which the latter gets into the brain from the retina of the eye, postpones the picture to the brain center responsible for the analysis seen.

However, devices that fix the activity of the brain at the time of the death of a person show its zero activity. In other words, the brain and, accordingly, the imagination cannot process the information at this moment, and the bright images of the person still exist and take the beginning somewhere.

There is not a single person for whom the experience of clinical death has passed a non-trained incident. Many of them begin to possess supernatural abilities. Someone sees the future, someone begins to heal, some see parallel worlds.

Some tell fantastic things, arguing that at the time of death they saw their soul, separated from the body in the form of a small cloud, in the middle of which was as it were. Everything has a spheroidal form from an atom to the planets, including the human soul, approves a woman who has experienced clinical death, and after which she began to notice many luminous balls around themselves and on the street.

Researchers suggest that the human soul is a spherical form of a spherical form of 3-15 cm in size and super-sensitive devices can fix such glowing balls. On this basis, a hypothesis of parallel worlds was born and allegedly in the most subtle borders of contacting these worlds with our world and such phenomena with balls can be observed.

Hypotheses abundance, but the most interesting thing is that all the clinical death experienced, they claimed to fly further to the light that some not earthly love is where the light. However, not everyone see the light at the time of death, some argue that they observed the torment of people and very unpleasant odors. There was very scary.

In this case, the theory of scientists about the last light spot with the retina is not reinforced by anything. All who experienced clinical death passed the spiritual transformation and came to God. Today, they look at the world differently, they are not afraid of death, although not everyone can describe with words, but for them there is already much clear and no arguments will be able to convince them.

Today, many scientists doubt the truth of their assumptions, and do not deny the spiritual origin of what the eyewitnesses tell and still continue research in this area. We do not have instruments to measure divine quantities, but who knows that technologies can appear, we can learn using instruments that there, at the end of the mysterious tunnel!


The death of a person's eternal companion from birth. She invariably pursues a person and with each moment it is closer and closer and closer. Fortunately, no one knows when death will make his rapid jump, as a person is not supposed to know the cause and time of his care to the kingdom of the dead.

Whoever in life was a person, the completion of a life path for everyone is equally. Everyone knows about this event, but deep secret lying beyond life, attracts thousands of years to look at the secret door of death.

A little about the riddles of what was happening in the 1970s American professor Raymond Moody in the book became the bestseller "Life after death". The author collected 150 people in the publication, who survived clinical death.

Patients acquired extremely dangerous experience looked into the kingdom of the dead, but got a chance to return to life and tell about their visions.

People who experienced the horror of clinical death after returning, feel now more vital, assure surviving their own death. Much more than usual, they take everything that happens and feel the surrounding more rich than it was before.

According to the surveyed, most of them heard the health workers stated their death, but continued to fight for their lives. In these frightening moments, they allegedly left their own body and silent to the ceiling of the chamber or operating room.

It is difficult for us to believe in it, because it is well known that in a state of clinical death, the human brain does not receive the necessary oxygen, without which few minutes can function. Clinical death is a complete cessation of blood circulation, and after that the restoration of the normal performance of the brain is the most likely of the Divine Forces and Huge Good luck.

Most medical professionals agree that the experience of near-dimmerize visions is created in the imagination at the time of loss of life functions. At the same time there are serious contradictions as to what should be understood under life functions and their termination.

According to researchers of near-dimmerize visions, not all paintings per minute of "imaginary death" are the fruit of fantasy, a number of them represent the true picture of the afterlife.

Man's soul and her life after the death of the body ...
Is there life after death? Is there a new life after the life of the earth?
To get closer to answers to these questions, you need to refer to the question of what consciousness is. Through the answer to this question, science leads us to the awareness that there is a soul of a person.
But what is the other world, are he paradise and hell? What determines the fate of the soul after death?

Hasminsky Mikhail Igorevich, a crisis psychologist.

Anyone who collided with the death of loved ones is asked if there is a life after life? Nowadays, this issue acquires particular relevance. If a few centuries ago, the answer to this question was all obvious, now, after the atheism period, it is more difficult to solve it. We cannot simply believe the hundreds of generations of our ancestors who are on personal experience, century in a century, presented in the presence of a person at the immortal soul. We want to have facts. Moreover, the facts are scientific.

A unique experiment is being held now in England: doctors fix testimonies of patients who survived clinical death. Our interlocutor is the head of the researcher group Dr. Sam Guys.

Nezdilov Andrey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Death is not the end. This is just a change of state of consciousness. I have been working with dying people for 20 years. 10 years in the oncological clinic, then in the hospice. And many times had the opportunity to make sure that the consciousness did not disappear after death. What the difference between the body and the spirit is very clear. That there is a completely different world, which is valid for other laws, superflical, located outside our understanding.

The testimony of common reason with a certainty certify us in the fact that the earthly existence of a person does not end the earthly existence, and that in addition to the real life is the life of the ground. We will consider those evidence as science claims the immortality of the soul and convinces us that the soul, being a creature completely excellent from matter, cannot be destroyed by destroying the material material.

Efremov Vladimir Grigorievich, scientist.

On March 12, in the house of the sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had an attack of cough. I felt that I choke. The lungs did not obey me, tried to do inhale - and could not! The body has become cotton, the heart stopped. From the lungs with wheezing and foam came out the last air. The thought flashed in the brain that this is the last second of my life.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich, Professor of theology.

There is something in common that relatives the search for people of all time and looks. This is an insurmountable psychological difficulty to believe that there is no life after death. Man is not an animal! Life after death is! And this is not just an assumption or anything-based faith. There is a huge number of facts that indicate that, it turns out, the life of the personality continues and behind the threshold of the Earth Being. The striking evidence we find everywhere, where only literary sources remained. And for all of them at least one fact was indisputable: the soul after death lives. Personality of nonsense!

Konstantin Georgievich Konstantin, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

On the immortality of the soul, the treatises of ancient civilizations were written about the exit of her immobilized dead body, the myths and canonical religious teachings are complicated, but we would like to obtain and evidence by the methods of accurate sciences. It seems that this was achieved by St. Petersburg scientist Konstantin Korotkov. If its experimental data and the hypothesis constructed on their basis about the exit of the subtle body from the deceased physical exercise will be confirmed by the research of other scientists, religion and science will finally come out on the fact that human life does not end with the last exhalation.

Lion Tolstoy, writer.

Death is a superstition, which people are subject to, who have never thought about the true sense of life. Man is immortal. But in order to believe in immortality and understand what it is, it is necessary to find in his life what is immortally in it. Reflection of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy about life after life.

Mody Raymond, psychologist, philosopher.

Even short-circuited skeptics and atheists will not be able to say about this book that all of what has been said here is fiction, for you are a book written by a scientist, a doctor, researcher. About thirty years ago, "life after life" radically changed our understanding of what death represents. Studies of Dr. Moody had the whole world and have helped to form modern ideas that a person is experiencing after death.

Lion Tolstoy, writer.

The fear of death is only the consciousness of an unresolved contradiction of life. Life does not end after the destruction of the physical body. The carnal end is just another change in our existence, which has always been, there will be. There is no death!

Archpriest Gregory Dyachenko.

The most important argument against materialism is as follows. We see that physiology gives many facts indicating that there is a constant connection between the phenomena of physical and between phenomena; It can be said that there is not a single mental act who would not be accompanied by any physiological; From here, the materialists did the conclusion that mental phenomena depends on physical. But such an interpretation could be given only in this case if the mental phenomena would be the consequences of physical processes, i.e. If there were the same causal attitude between those and others, as between two phenomena of physical nature, of which one is the consequence of another. In fact, it is not true ...

War-Yasenetsky Valentin Feliksovich, Professor of Medicine.

The very storage of the brain proves that its function is to transform someone else's irritation in a well-chosen reaction. Afferent nerve fibers, bringing sensual irritation, end in the cells of the sensory cerebral zone, and they are connected by other fibers with the cells of the engine zone, which are transmitted irritation. In case of countless plurality of such compounds, the brain has the ability to infinitely modify the reactions that respond to external irritation, and acts as a kind of switcher.

Rogozin Paul.

None of the representatives of genuine science never doubted the "soul". The dispute among scientists arose about whether there is a soul in a person, but about what should be implied by this term. The question is whether there is a spiritual beginning in man, what is our consciousness, our spirit, soul, what is the relationship between matter, consciousness and spirit, has always been the main issue of every worldview, different approaches to this issue have led people to various conclusions and conclusions ...

Unknown author.

Atom proves the eternity of life to strictly speaking, the human body dies every ten years. Each body cell after birth is repeatedly restored, disappears and is replaced by a new one in a strict sequence, depending on what type of cell it is (muscle, connective tissues, organs, nervous, etc.). But, although the cells initially constitute our face, bone or blood come into disrepair in a few hours, days or years, our ever-renewable body retains the presence of consciousness.

According to the book "Proof of the existence of life after death," Sost. Fomin AV ..

Everyone is sooner or later asking himself a question: what will happen after physical death? Everything will end with the last sigh or behind the threshold of life there will be a soul? And after the cancellation of the party supervision, scientific information began to appear for the process of knowledge, proving that a person has an immortal consciousness. So our contemporaries compacted by the "main issue of philosophy" seems to have a real chance to complete the earthly path without fear of non-existence.

Kalinovsky Peter, doctor.

This book is devoted to the most important issue for a person - the question of death. We are talking about the facts to continue the existence of a person, the human "I" after the death of our physical body. These facts include, first of all, the evidence of people who survived the clinical death, which in the "sweating world" and returned "back" either spontaneously or, in most cases, after resuscitation.

From the point of view of physics, it cannot arise from nowhere and disappear without a trace. Energy must go to another state. It turns out, the soul does not disappear to nowhere. So maybe this law is responsible for the question that torments humanity already many centuries: is there any life after death?

What happens to man after his death?

In the Hindu Vedas, it is said that every living being has two bodies: thin and coarse, and the interaction between them occurs only due to the soul. And so, when the coarse (that is, the physical) body is wearing, the soul goes into a thin, so rude dies, and the thin looking for a new one. Consequently, there is rebirth.

But sometimes it happens that, it would seem, the physical body died, but some of his fragments continue to live. Visual illustration of this phenomenon - mummy monks. Several such exists on Tibet.

It is difficult to believe in it, but, first, their bodies do not decompose, and, secondly, they grow their hair and nails! Although, of course, there are no signs of breathing and heartbeat. It turns out that there is life in mummy? But modern technique cannot catch these processes. But the energy-information field can be measured. And it in similar mummies is several times higher than that of an ordinary person. So, the soul is still alive? How to explain it?

Rector of the International Institute of Social Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov, divides death into three types:

  • Physical;
  • Personal
  • Spiritual.

In his opinion, a person is a compound of three elements: spirit, personality and physical body. If everything is clear about the body, then questions arise about the first two components.

Spirit - A thin material object, which is represented on the casual plan of the existence of matter. That is, this is a certain substance that moves the physical body to perform certain karmic tasks, get the necessary experience.

Personality - Education on the mental plan for the existence of matter, which implements freedom of will. In other words, this is a complex of psychological qualities of our character.

When the physical body is dying, consciousness, according to a scientist, is simply transferred to a higher level of matter. It turns out that this is life after death. People who managed to move for a while at the level of the Spirit, and then returned to their physical body, exist. These are those who survived the "clinical death" or to whom.

Real Facts: What do people feel after leaving the world?

Sam Guys, a doctor from one English hospital, decided to conduct an experiment to find out what a man feels after death. According to his instructions, some plaques with color pictures drawn on them hung under the ceiling. And every time the patient stopped the heart, breathing and pulse, and then managed to return it to life, the doctors recorded all his sensations.

One of the participants of this experiment, a housewife from Southampton, told the following:

"I lost consciousness in one of the shops, went there for products. I woke up during the operation, but I realized that a pair over my own body. Doctors crowded there, they did something, talked among themselves.

I looked to the right and saw a hospital corridor. There was my cousin and talked on the phone. I heard him says to someone that I bought too many products, and the bags were so heavy that my sick heart could not stand. When I woke up, and my brother came up to me, I told him about heard. He immediately turned pale and confirmed that he was talking about it at the time while I was unconscious. "

A little less than half of the patients in the first seconds perfectly remembered what was happening to them when they were unconscious. But this is surprising, none of them saw the drawings! But the patients said that during the "clinical death" there was no pain at all, but they plunged into calm and bliss. At some point, they approached the end of the tunnel or goal, where they needed to decide, to recompose this line or return back.

But how to understand where is this trait? And when the soul passes from the physical body to the spiritual? Our compatriot, doctor of technical sciences Konstantin Georgievich, tried to answer this question.

He spent an incredible experiment. Its essence was to explore the bodies just with the help of Kirlyan - Photos. The brush of the deceased every hour was photographed in a gas-discharge flash. Then the data was transferred to the computer, and analysis was carried out on the necessary indicators. Such shooting took place for three to five days. Age, gender of the dead and the nature of death was very different. As a result, all the data managed to divide into three types:

  • The amplitude of the oscillation was very small;
  • The same, only with a pronounced peak;
  • Large amplitude with long fluctuations.

And oddly enough, each type of death was suitable for the only type of data received. If you relate the nature of death and the amplitude of curves oscillations, it turned out that:

  • the first form corresponds to the natural death of an elderly person;
  • the second is random death as a result of an accident;
  • the third is an unexpected death or suicide.

But most of all the shortness struck the fact that he was dead, and the oscillations for some time were still! But this corresponds to only a living organism! Turns out that the devices showed vital activity on all physical data of the deceased person..

The time of oscillations were also divided into three groups:

  • With natural death - from 16 to 55 hours;
  • In case of accidental death, the visible jump occurs either after eight hours, or at the end of the first day, and in two days the oscillations go to no.
  • With an unexpected death, the amplitude becomes less only by the end of the first day, and completely disappears by the end of the second. In addition, it was noticed that in a period of time from nine evening to two or three o'clock in the morning, the most intense bursts are observed.

Summing up the Korotkov experiment, we can conclude that, indeed, even physically dead body without breathing and heartbeat is not dead - astral.

No wonder in many traditional religions there is a certain period of time. In Christianity, for example, it is nine and forty days. But what does the shower do at this time? Here we can only guess. It may be traveling between the two worlds, or its further fate is solved. Not in vain, probably, there is a rite of funeral and prayer for the soul. People believe that it is necessary to speak about the dead either well or in any way. Most likely, our kind words help the soul to make a difficult transition from the physical body to the spiritual.

By the way, the same short says some more amazing facts. Every night he descended into the morgue to carry out the necessary measurements. And the first time he came there, he immediately thought that someone was watching him. The scientist looked around, but did not see anyone. He never considered himself a coward, but at that moment was truly scary.

Konstantin Georgievich felt a close look, but after all, in addition to him and the deceased there was no one! Then he decided to establish where this invisible someone is located. He made steps around the room, and finally determined that the essence was not far from the body of the Dieman. In the subsequent nights, it was also scary, but shorts still curbed his emotions. He also told that surprisingly, quickly tired with such measurements. Although during the day this work was not tedious for him. It seemed that someone sucks energy out of him.

Is there heirs and hell - confession of the dead man

But what happens to the soul after she finally leave the physical body? It is worth leading the story of another eyewitness. Sandra Eiling works nurse in Plymouth. In one day, she watched the TV at home and suddenly felt squeezing pain in his chest. Later it turned out that she had a blockage of vessels, and she could die. That's what Sandra spoke about his feelings at that moment:

"It seemed to me that I was flying at a huge velocity along the vertical tunnel. Looking around, I saw a huge number of individuals, only they were distorted in disgusting grimaces. I became scary, but soon I flew past them, they stayed behind. I flew to the light, but still could not get to him. As if he was moving away from me more and more.

Suddenly at one moment it was prettier that the whole pain was gone. It became good and calmly, I was the feeling of pacification. True, it lasted for a short time. At one point, I sharply felt my own body and returned to reality. I was taken to the hospital, but I was thinking about those sensations that I experienced. The terrible persons I saw, for sure, were hell, and the light and the feeling of bliss - paradise. "

But when can I explain the theory of reincarnation? It exists here for many millennia.

Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul in a new physical body. This process described in detail the famous psychiatrist Yang Stevenson.

He studied more than two thousand cases of reincarnation and concluded that a person in his new incarnation would have the same physical and physiological features as in the past. For example, warts, scars, freckles. Even the moldability and stutter can be carried through several reincarnations.

Stevenson chose hypnosis in order to find out what happened to his patients in past lives. One boy had a strange scar on his head. Thanks to hypnosis, he remembered that in the past life he broke the head with an ax. According to his descriptions, Stevenson went to seek people who could know about this boy in his past life. And he smiled good luck. But what was the surprise of a scientist when he found out that, indeed, in the place that a boy was pointed to him, a man who had already lived. And he died precisely from the blow to the ax.

Another member of the experiment was born almost without fingers. And again Stevenson immersed him in hypnosis. So he learned that in the past embodiment, a person was injured when working on the field. The psychiatrist found people who confirmed him that there was a man who accidentally put his hand in the combine, and he cut off his fingers.

So how to understand whether the soul will take after the death of the physical body in paradise or hell, or will be reborn? E. Barker in the book "Letters of the lively deceased" offers his theory. It compares the physical body of a person with a timeline (larvae of the dragonfly), and the spiritual one with the very dragonfly. According to the researcher, the physical body walks on the ground, as a larva for the bottom of the reservoir, and the thin like dragonfly is soaring in the air.

If a person "worked out" all the necessary tasks in his physical body (chitics), he "turns" into the dragonfly and receives a new list, only at a higher level, the level of matter. If he did not exteparate previous tasks, the reincarnation occurs, and the person is reborn in another physical body.

At the same time, the soul keeps memories of all their past lives and transfers mistakes to a new one. Therefore, in order to understand why certain failures occur, people go to hypnotists who help them remember what was in those past, lives. Thanks to this, people begin to more consciously approach their actions and avoid old mistakes.

Perhaps, after death, one of us will fall on the next, spiritual level, and will solve any extraterrestrial tasks there. Others are rejected and will become people again. Only in a different time and physical body.

In any case, I want to believe that there is, behind the line, there is something else. Some other life, about which we can only build hypotheses and assumptions, explore it and put various experiments.

But still the main thing is not to dwell on this issue, but just live. Here and now. And then death will no longer seem like a terrible old woman with oblique.

Death will come to everyone, it is impossible to escape from it, this is the law of nature. But in our power to make this life bright, memorable and full of only positive memories.

For the evolution of living organisms from the simplest forms (viruses, bacteria), there are vast intervals of time as "driving force" of such selection are mutations and natural selection - processes that are random. It is through a large number of random processes a natural development from lower forms of life to higher education is being implemented. On the example of our planet of the Earth, we know, then this time interval seems to be superior to a billion years. Therefore, only on the planets that appeal around the enough old stars, we can expect the presence of highly organized living beings. With a modern state of astronomy, we can only talk about the arguments in favor of the hypothesis about the multiplicity of planetary systems and the possibility of life on them. Strict proof of these critical statements, astronomy does not have. In order to talk about life, you must at least believe that the planetary systems have enough old stars. For the development of life on the planet, it is necessary that the conditions of general are welcome. And it is quite obvious that life may arise far from every planet.

We can imagine around each star having a planetary system, a zone where the temperature conditions do not exclude the possibility of developing life. It is unlikely that it is possible on the planets like Mercury, the temperature illuminated by the Sun part of which is above the melting temperature of lead, or like Neptune, whose surface temperature is 200 ° C. However, it is impossible to underestimate the enormous adaptability of living organisms to adverse environmental conditions. It should be noted that for the vital activity of living organisms, much "more dangerous" is very high temperatures than low, since the simplest types of viruses and bacteria can, as is well known, is in an anabea state at a temperature close to absolute zero.

In addition, it is necessary that the star radiation for many hundred million and even billions of years remained approximately constant. For example, the extensive class of variable stars whose luminosity changes strongly with time (often periodically) must be excluded from consideration. However, most stars radiate with an amazing constancy. For example, according to geological data, the luminosity of our Sun over the past few billion years has remained constant with an accuracy of several tens of percent.

So that life can appear on the planet, its mass should not be too small. On the other hand, too large mass is also an unfavorable factor, on such planets is small, the likelihood of the formation of a solid surface is small, they usually represent gas balls with a rapidly growing density (for example, Jupiter and Saturn). Anyway, the masses of planets suitable for the development of life should be limited both from above and below. Apparently, the lower boundary of the possibilities of mass of such a planet is close to several hundredth of the mass of the earth, and the top ten times exceeds the earth. The chemical composition of the surface and the atmosphere is very important. As can be seen, the limits of the parameters of planets suitable for life is quite wide.

To study life, it is necessary first of all to determine the concept of "living substance". This question is far from simple. Many scientists, for example, determine the living matter as complex protein bodies with an ordered metabolism. Such a point of view adhered to, in particular, academician A.I.Opler, a lot of the problem of the origin of life on Earth. Of course, the metabolism is the essential attribute of life, but the question of whether the essence of life can be reduced primarily to the exchange of substances, is controversial. After all, in the world of non-living, for example, some solutions, there is a metabolism in its simplest forms. The question of determining the concept of "life" is very acute when we are discussing the possibility of life on other planetary systems.

Currently, life is determined not through the inner structure and substances that are inherent, but through its functions: the "control system", which includes the mechanism for the transfer of hereditary information that ensures the preservation of subsequent generations. Thus, thanks to the inevitable interference when transferring such information, our molecular complex (organism) is capable of mutations, and consequently evolution.

The emergence of a living agent on Earth (and how to judge by analogy, on other planets) preceded a rather long and complex evolution of the chemical composition of the atmosphere, ultimately leading to the formation of a number of organic molecules. These molecules later served as "bricks" for the formation of a living matter.

According to modern data, the planet is formed from the primary gas-dust cloud, the chemical composition of which is similar to the chemical composition of the Sun and stars, their initial atmosphere was mainly of the simplest hydrogen compounds - the most common element in space. Most of all was hydrogen molecules, ammonia, water and methane. In addition, the primary atmosphere was supposed to be rich in inert gases - primarily helium and neon. Currently, noble gases on Earth are little since they were dissipated (disappeared) in the interplanetary space, like many hydrogen-containing compounds.

However, apparently, photosynthesis of plants played a decisive role in establishing the composition of the earth's atmosphere, in which oxygen is distinguished. It is possible that some, and may even be essential, the amount of organic substances was brought to the ground with meteorites drops and maybe even comet. Some meteorites are quite rich in organic compounds. It is estimated that for 2 billion years of meteorites could bring to Earth from 108 to 1012 tons of such substances. Also, organic compounds may occur in small quantities as a result of volcanic activities, blows of meteorites, lightning, due to the radioactive decay of some elements.

There are rather reliable geological data indicating that already 3.5 billion years ago, the earth's atmosphere was rich in oxygen. On the other hand, the land of the earth's crust is estimated by geologists in 4.5 billion years. Life was to arise on Earth before the atmosphere became rich in oxygen, since the latter is mainly the product of the vital activity of plants. According to the recent estimate of the American Sagan Planetary Astronomy Specialist, life on Earth arose 4.0-4.4 billion years ago.

The mechanism of complication of the structure of organic substances and the appearance of their properties inherent in the living matter is currently not yet sufficiently studied, although recently there are large successes in this area of \u200b\u200bbiology. But now it is clear that such processes last for billions of years.

Any arbitrarily complex combination of amino acids and other organic compounds is not a living organism. Of course, it is possible to assume that with some exceptional circumstances somewhere on Earth there was a certain "great-grandfather", which served as the beginning of everything alive. It is unlikely, however, it is so if the hypothetical "greatness" was quite similar to modern. The fact is that modern DNA itself is completely helpless. It can only function if protein-enzymes. Thinking that it is purely by chance, by "smudging" of individual proteins - multiatomic molecules, there could be such a complex machine as the "GDNA" and the complex of enzymes protein complex for its operation - it means to believe in miracles. However, it can be assumed that DNA and RNA molecules occurred from a more primitive molecule.

For the first primitive living organisms formed on the planet, high doses of radiation may be mortal danger, since mutations will occur so quickly that natural selection will not take advantage of them.

It also deserves attention to such a question: why does life on earth arise from a non-living thing in our time? This can be explained only by the fact that the previously arising life will not allow the opportunity to be a new birth of life. Microorganisms and viruses will literally eaten the first sprouts of the new life. It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that life on Earth arose by chance.

There is another circumstance for which maybe worth paying attention to. It is well known that all the "live" proteins consist of 22 amino acids, meanwhile, as the entire amino acids are known over 100. It is not entirely clear than these acids differ from the other "fellow". Is there any deep connection between the origin of life and this amazing phenomenon?

If life on Earth arose randomly, it means that life in the universe is the rarest (although, of course, in no case is not a single) phenomenon. For this planet (as, for example, our land) the emergence of a special form of highly organized matter, which we call "life" is an accident. But in the vast expanses of the Universe, the life arising in this way should be a natural phenomenon.

It is necessary to once again note that the central problem of the occurrence of life on Earth is an explanation of the qualitative leap from the "non-living" to "alive" - \u200b\u200bis still far from clarity. No wonder, one of the founders of modern molecular biology, Professor Creek on the Burakan Symposium on the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations in September 1971, said: "We do not see the way from the primary broth to natural selection. It can be concluded that the origin of life is a miracle, but it only testifies to our ignorance. "

A causing question about life on other planets takes the minds of astronomers for several centuries. The possibility of the existence of planetary systems for other stars is only now becoming a subject of scientific research. Previously, the question of life on other planets was the area of \u200b\u200bpurely speculative conclusions. Meanwhile, Mars, Venus and other planets of the Solar System have long been known as unlimited solid celestial bodies surrounded by atmospheres. It has long been clear that in general terms they resemble the earth, and if so, why not be a life, even highly organized, and, who knows reasonable?

It is quite natural to assume that the physical conditions that dominated the planets of the earth group formed from the Gas-dust environment (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) were very similar, in particular their initial atmosphere were the same.

The main atoms that are part of those molecular complexes from which a living agent formed are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The role of the latter is especially important. Carbon is a four-time element. Therefore, only carbon compounds lead to the formation of long molecular chains with rich and volatile lateral branches. It is to such a type that the various protein molecules belong. Often, the carbon substitute is called silicon. Silicon is quite abundant in space. In the atmospheres of the stars its content is only 5-6 times less than carbon, that is, great enough. It is unlikely that, however, silicon can play the role of "cornerstone" of life. For some reason, its compounds cannot provide such a wide variety of lateral branches in complex molecular chains like carbon compounds. Meanwhile, wealth and complexity of such lateral branches is precisely and ensures a huge variety of properties of protein compounds, as well as exceptional "informativeness" DNA, which is absolutely necessary for the occurrence and development of life.

The most important condition for the origin of life on the planet is the presence of a sufficiently large amount of liquid medium on its surface. In such a medium, organic compounds are in a dissolved state and favorable conditions for the synthesis based on complex molecular complexes can be created. In addition, the liquid medium is needed just that arose living organisms to protect against the destruction of ultraviolet radiation, which at the initial stage of the evolution of the planet can freely penetrate its surface.

It can be expected that only water and liquid ammonia can be such a liquid shell, many compounds of which, by the way, in their structure are similar to organic compounds, thereby currently considering the possibility of life on an ammonia basis. The formation of liquid ammonia requires a relatively low surface temperature of the planet. In general, the temperature value of the original planet for the occurrence of life on it is very large. If the temperature is sufficiently high, for example above 100 ° C, and the pressure of the atmosphere is not very large, a water shell cannot form on its surface, not to mention the ammonia. In such conditions, it is not necessary to talk about the possibility of life on the planet.

Based on the above, we can expect the conditions for the emergence of in the distant life in Mars and Venus could be generally favorable. Only water could be liquid shell, and not ammonia, which follows from the analysis of physical conditions on these planets in the era of their formation. Currently, these planets are well understood quite well, and nothing indicates the presence of even the simplest forms of life on any of the planets of the solar system, not to mention a reasonable life. However, it is very difficult to obtain explicit guidelines for the presence of life on a particular planet, especially if we are talking about the planet in another star system. Even in the most powerful telescopes at the most favorable surveillance conditions, the size of parts, even distinguishable on the surface of Mars, is 100 km.

Prior to that, we only identified the most general conditions in which in the Universe may (not necessarily) arise. Such a complex shape of matter as life depends on a large number of completely unnecessied phenomena. But all these reasoning concern only the simplest forms of life. When we move to the possibility of certain manifestations of rational life in the Universe, we are faced with very great difficulties.

Life on some planet should do a huge evolution before becoming reasonable. The driving force of this evolution is the ability of organisms to mutations and natural selection. In the process of such evolution, organisms are increasingly complicated, and their parts are specialized. Complication comes in both qualitative and quantitative direction. For example, the worm has only about 1000 nerve cells, and a person has about ten billion. The development of the nervous system significantly increases the ability of organisms to adapt, their plasticity. These properties of highly developed organisms are necessary, but, of course, insufficient to the occurrence of mind. The latter can be defined as the adaptation of organisms for their complex social behavior. The occurrence of the mind should be closely associated with a fundamental improvement and improvement of information exchange methods between individual individuals. Therefore, for the history of the emergence of a reasonable life on Earth, the occurrence of the tongue was crucial. Can we, however, are such a process to consider universal for the evolution of life in all corners of the universe? Most probably not! Indeed, in principle, with completely other conditions, the means of exchanging information between individuals could not be the longitudinal fluctuations of the atmosphere (or hydrosphere), in which these individuals live, and something completely different. Why not imagine a way to exchange information, not based on acoustic effects, and, let's say on optical or magnetic? And in general - is it so sure that life on some planet in the process of its evolution becomes reasonable?

Meanwhile, this topic has been worried about humanity from time immemorial. Speaking about life in the universe, always, first of all, had in mind a reasonable life. Are we alone in the limitless spaces of space? Philosophers and scientists with ancient times have always been convinced that there are many worlds where there is a reasonable life. No scientifically based arguments in favor of this approval were caused. The reasoning essentially was conducted according to the following scheme: if on Earth - one of the planets of the solar system is life, then why shouldn't it be on other planets? This method of reasoning, if it is logically developed, is not so bad. And in general, it is terrible to imagine that out of 1020 - 1022 planetary systems in the universe, in the field of radius in a dozen billion light years, the mind exists only on our tiny planet ... But maybe reasonable life is an extremely rare phenomenon. Maybe, for example, that our planet as the abode of reasonable life is the only in the Galaxy, and there is no reasonable life in all galaxies. Is it possible, in general, consider the work about a reasonable life in the Universe scientific? Still, after all, at the modern level of development, it is possible, and it is necessary to deal with this problem now, especially as she can suddenly be extremely important for the development of civilization ...

Detection of any life, especially reasonable represents a great importance. Therefore, attempts have long been made to detect and establish contact with other civilizations. In 1974, an automatic interplanetary station "Pioneer-10" was launched in the United States. A few years later she left the limits of the solar system by performing various scientific tasks. There is a negligible probability that someday, through many billions of years, unknown us highly civilized alien creatures will discover "Pioneer-10" and will meet him as a messenger of someone else's unknown, peace. At this case, the steel plate with an engraved pattern and symbols engraved on it are laid, which give minimal information about our earthly civilization. This image is designed in such a way that reasonable creatures that found it could determine the position of the solar system in our galaxy, they would gues on our form and, perhaps, intentions. But of course, extraterrestrial civilization has much more chances to detect us on earth than finding "Pioneer-10".

The question of communication with other worlds was first analyzed by Kokkoni and Morris in 1959. They concluded that the most natural and practical communication channel between any civilizations separated by interstellar distances can be installed with the help of electromagnetic waves. The obvious advantage of this type of communication is the spread of the signal with the speed of electromagnetic waves as possible in nature, equal to the rate of propagation of electromagnetic waves, and the concentration of energy within the relatively small bodily corners without any significant scattering. The main disadvantages of this method are the small power of the received signal and strong interference arising due to huge distances and cosmic radiation. Nature itself suggests us that the transmissions should go on the wavelength of 21 centimeters (the wavelength of free hydrogen), while the loss of signal energy will be minimal, and the likelihood of a signal receipt by extraterrestrial civilization is much larger than on the random wavelength. Most likely, we should expect signals from space on the same wave.

But let us find some strange signal. Now we must go to the next, rather important issue. How to recognize artificial nature of the signal? Most likely, it must be modulated, that is, its power must regularly change over time. At first, he should seem to be simple enough. After the signal is accepted (if, of course, it happens), a double-sided radio communication will be installed between civilizations, and then you can start the exchange of more complex information. Of course, it should not forget that the answers can be obtained no earlier than in several dozen or even hundreds of years. However, the exceptional importance and value of such negotiations should certainly be compensated for their slowness.

Radio surveillance for several closest stars were already held several times within the framework of the major project "Omeza" in 1960 and with the help of the telescope of the US National Radio Laboratory in 1971. A large number of expensive projects for establishing contacts with other civilizations have been developed, but they are not funded, and real observations have been very few real observations.

Despite the obvious advantages of cosmic radio, we should not lose sight of other types of communication, since it cannot be said in advance with what signals we can deal. Firstly, this is an optical connection, the main disadvantage of which is a very weak level of the signal, because, despite the fact that the angle of the discrepancy of the light beam managed to bring up to 10 -8 rad., Its width at a distance of several light years will be huge. Also, communication can be carried out using automatic probes. For quite understandable reasons, this type of communication with earthlings is still not available, and will not be affordable even with the beginning of the use of controlled thermonuclear reactions. When you start such a probe, we would face a huge number of problems, even consider the time of its flight to the goal acceptable. In addition, at a distance of less than 100 light years from the solar system already exists more than 50,000 stars. What of which of them send the probe?

Thus, it is impossible to establish direct contact with extraterrestrial civilization from our side. But maybe we just have to wait? Here it is impossible not to mention the very topical problem of UFOs on Earth. There are already many different cases of "observation" of aliens and their activity, so much is noticed that in no case cannot be unambiguously refuted all this data. One can only say that many of them, as it turned out over time, were invention or consequence of an error. But this is the topic of other studies.

If somewhere in space will be detected some form of life or civilization, then we are completely, even approximately, we cannot imagine how her representatives will look and how they will respond to contact with us. And what if this reaction will be, from our point of view, negative. Then it is good if the level of development of extraterrestrial creatures is lower than ours. But it may be immeasurably above. Such contact, with normal to us with respect to other civilization, is the greatest interest. But the level of development of aliens can only be guessed, and nothing can be said about their structure.

Many scientists adhere to the opinions that civilization cannot develop further than a certain limit, and then it either dies or is no longer developing. For example, the German astronomer von Horner called six reasons, in his opinion, capable of limiting the duration of the existence of a technically developed civilization:

  • 1) the complete destruction of every life on the planet;
  • 2) the destruction of only high-organized creatures;
  • 3) physical or spiritual degeneration and extinction;
  • 4) loss of interest in science and technology;
  • 5) the lack of energy for the development of a very highly developed civilization;
  • 6) the lifetime is unlimitedly great;

The last possibility of the background Horner considers absolutely incredible. Further, he believes that in the second and third cases, another civilization based on the same planet may develop (or on wreckage) of the old, and the time of such a "renewal" is relatively small.

From September 5 to September 11, 1971, the first international conference on extraterrestrial civilizations and relations with them was held in the Burakan Astrophysical Observatory. The conference was attended by competent scientists working in various fields related to the comprehensive problem under consideration - astronomers, physics, radio physics, cybernetics, biologists, chemists, archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, historians, sociologists. The conference was organized jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the US National Sciences Academy with attracting scientists from other countries. The conference discussed in detail many aspects of the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations. Detailed discussion was subjected to issues of multiplicity of planetary systems in the universe, the origin of life on Earth and the possibility of living on other space facilities, the emergence and evolution of the reasonable life, the emergence and development of technological civilization, the problems of searching for signals of extraterrestrial civilizations and their tracks, the problems of establishing communication with They, as well as possible consequences of establishing contacts.